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Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 11:56 AM
I think 日本豚肉 ramen ,......
So where do you go to eat tonight ar?
Japanese food wor,.............
My favor too,......................
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 12:03 PM
But health is more important,........
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 12:04 PM
wa,..... ee 去咗浦?....... where did she go ar?
Good afternoon King King
小劍聖 發表於 2009-7-22 12:20 PM
good afternoon,....小劍聖
今晚 7:30pm 尖沙咀
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 12:11 PM
where is at TST?
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 12:34 PM
I see..... pretty good that place not bad at all.
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 12:35 PM
talk to you later,.....
How's life going?
小劍聖 發表於 2009-7-22 12:40 PM
same shit la,..... usa was so boring...
nothing to do here at al,.......
just work and go home,...... pretty much same as everyday.
so how about you, what do you do for living, 小劍聖?
You don't go out in the evening for a drink?
小劍聖 發表於 2009-7-22 01:02 PM
I lived in San Jose and work in San Jose,..... they dont have that many bar here,....
i usually drink at home with my co-worker.
I am a salesman and working for an European company.  I have to travel as well, usually those are short trips.
小劍聖 發表於 2009-7-22 01:04 PM
good for you,...... i like short trips as well,....
i hate long trips at all,....... i prefer a 2 weeks trip is the best.
this time i might have to stay for 6 months,........
so tired,.............
goodnight Fian and everyone,.......
time for me to go to bed la,.........
talk to you guys tomorrow,........
我試過佢嘅 sashimi 同鐵板燒
因為我試過佢嘅烏冬都幾好食  ...
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 04:10 PM
Yes,.... that was in Jan 2009, my friend took me there
it is ok la,.... not bad at all,...
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 04:17 PM
i will.... you should know by now,...
i always reply the message from you.....