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標題: 美漏油井口成功裝罩 暫堵原油 [打印本頁]

作者: nt1972    時間: 2010-6-5 06:30 AM     標題: 美漏油井口成功裝罩 暫堵原油

美國墨西哥灣油井漏油事故,英國石油公司( BP)經過 45日屢敗屢試的堵塞漏油行動,前日(周四)終成功在噴油井口安裝罩式裝置。 BP營運總監薩特爾斯指已「截住了 90%以上原油」。鑽油台在 4月 20日爆炸倒塌後,海底油管每天漏出 19,000桶原油, BP用盡所有方法都無法關油管,最後想到用罩式裝置放噴油井口上方,用管道將原油抽上船隻。美國海岸防衞隊海軍上將艾倫對成功截油有保留,因為油管切割不規則,管口跟罩式裝置頂邊不完全接合,仍有油漏出。美國政府要求 BP支付 6,900萬美元( 5.38億港元)清理油污費,並中止墨西哥灣所有離岸鑽井活動。
作者: felicity2010    時間: 2010-6-5 08:00 AM

It is too early to say whether this operation is successful or not, oil still spews out from Macondo well. As BP is desperate for delivering good news about the spill (none since this tragedy on April 20), the company is more than eager to offer hope. The company starts doing salvage operations of itself in the long term. By paying billions of dollars of dividends demonstrates its fiscal integrity . By putting up advertisement and setting up an individual branch to handle the spill headed by an American, its aim is to defuse the anti-British feeling especially towards its chief executive Tony Hayward. Anyway, we will know whether the containment cap is working or not in 48 hours.

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