3 W( d% n& R5 h8 D% {3 J公仔箱論壇郑板桥视兰为君子,爱兰忠贞不渝,他在《折枝兰》诗中写道:“多画春风不值钱,一枝青玉半枝妍。山中旭日林中鸟,衔出相思二月天”;又有诗云:“竹石幽兰合一家,乾坤正气此间赊。任渠霜雪连冰冻,苍翠何曾减一些”,从不同角度写出了兰花的高雅丽质。郑板桥兰画得好,书法也好,人称“板桥作字如写兰,波磔奇古形翩翩。板桥作兰如写字,秀叶疏花见姿致”。 Z: `; J/ m- e( [2 w8 b1 y
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老一代革命家董必武、朱德、陈毅都喜欢兰花。董必武有很高赏兰水平,他说:“兰有四清:气清、姿清、神清、韵清”,可以说是赏兰的名言。朱德平生爱兰,敬佩兰花清高飘逸,1961 年3月,他到广州越秀公园游览时,兴致勃勃地观赏了兰花,写下了“唯有兰花香正好,一时名贵五羊城”的名句,又在咏兰诗中咏道:“东方解冻发新芽,芳蕊迎春见物华。浅淡梳妆原国色,清芳谁得胜兰花?”而陈毅的《幽兰》诗:“幽兰在山谷,本自无人识。只为馨香重,求者遍山隅”,则更道出兰花的雅洁神韵。 % t X6 n2 [3 A7 J
公仔箱論壇7 m- ?* |0 U. D" _: z% v! z
[attach]957238[/attach][attach]957239[/attach][attach]957240[/attach][attach]957241[/attach][attach]957242[/attach][attach]957243[/attach][attach]957244[/attach][attach]957245[/attach][attach]957246[/attach][attach]957247[/attach][attach]957248[/attach][attach]957249[/attach][attach]957250[/attach][attach]957251[/attach][attach]957252[/attach][attach]957253[/attach][attach]957254[/attach][attach]957236[/attach]作者: norman.ho 時間: 2010-4-10 05:35 PM
I went to a botanical garden lately, took some of the orchid photos too, but nothing as nice as these. I try growing a few of them, when I first bought them, they were blooming as charming as in your photos. But they never flower again. Its not the right climate for it here, I suppose. - |) d& q. D* k) C1 h公仔箱論壇I have to start collecting these beautiful poems as well: - }. F/ T! W6 @7 m. D# g: H公仔箱論壇