# K. Q" T& m4 T8 M/ v' G C# c' E- ~[attach]920958[/attach]作者: beckyken 時間: 2010-3-5 10:04 AM
I really like the traditional style buildings. The stylish buildings was decorated with the cherry trees, look great. Think about the trees were planted next the tall building, what do you think.作者: busyfun 時間: 2010-3-5 12:46 PM
讚美京都的風景和獨特的醍醐寺!! # w& u& m+ Z0 ?3 c9 V* Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb綠意盎然的春日,風光依旎的日本櫻花、 . n2 P- `% G. i艶花映樹,金桂飄香,婀娜的風姿在金色的夕陽下, ! j% u' G/ r z. ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb以最絢麗的姿態綻放,綻放它燦爛的微笑, k6 J: u. R, A' F# S3 v7 h$ }$ T' G將醍醐寺的悅目和寧靜,濃縮成美妙而斑斕的圖畫! ! c3 O0 X$ p6 g' D5.39.217.76讚!讚!多謝樓主無私的分享