瓦勒他是馬爾他共和國的首都,是一座歐洲文化名城,以聖約翰騎士團第六任首領拉•瓦萊特(1557-1568在位,瓦勒他城始建者)的名字命名,是全國政治、文化和商業中心,人口1萬多。該城建築佈局整齊,城街狹直,兩旁建築均為馬特有的石灰岩建成,呈灰白色,具有濃厚的中東阿拉伯的建築風貌,並對馬其它城市建築風格有很大影響。公仔箱論壇1 d4 o0 l' ^2 H- ]. f
wow, look so amazing, thanks for sharing~作者: k23bb 時間: 2010-2-17 12:32 AM
原來馬爾他係咁嘅多謝分享﹗作者: bchew 時間: 2010-2-17 07:53 AM
真是个极其干净,美丽的好地方!!向往中作者: orchids 時間: 2010-2-17 11:48 AM
A very nice resort spot and also an ancient military point guarding the mouth of the Mediterranean sea. For its beautiful sun and deep blue sea water a lot of Europeans come to here for their vacation since the place is quite near to Europe.