我看了之後覺得很cool 所以看完又看...看了幾片.........之後就好雀躍咁同老公講......it is really cool, have a look at this..... he just saw little and said to me "this is nothing special, I have seen better then this!"
我覺得好失望.....但係亦明白到一樣野就係.....有時起我們亞洲人覺得好 cool既野起佢地眼中is nothing special, but something we think nothing special they would think that is cool....this is the cultural difference.... :)作者: chowold2 時間: 2010-1-12 02:01 PM
他絕對是個失敗乃成功之母的例子作者: ada11624 時間: 2010-1-13 11:46 AM