十. 清理犯罪現場的警員
清理犯罪現場現在我們談談關於清理殘局的工作。每當發生一場血案或發現一個非法化學實驗室後,警方調查人員迅速調查案情,抓捕犯罪人,將其送上法庭。但是對於清理城市中的犯罪現場,警方可就沒有時間處理了。面對作案現場的血跡,爆出的內臟和危險的化學品,只有極少數人能成為犯罪現場清理者。從事這個工作,你就能輕鬆掙得7.5萬美金的年薪。作者: freerose 時間: 2009-12-8 07:27 AM
if the moneys is pay good I don't mind work for any of those job! thanks for shariing作者: jjwah 時間: 2009-12-8 04:19 PM
點都好高收入咪得囉作者: GMP_0410 時間: 2009-12-9 07:57 AM
My previous teachertold me that the rubbish cleaner is the most generest jobs in this world. WHY ? Because inthis world don't care who you are, even you are the president of the country you still making rubbish everyday. If without those rubbish clearner do you think this country will look so clear or tiny. So they should make us to respect them.