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標題: 【求救】一開機就話找不到conime.exe [打印本頁]

作者: wwinglin    時間: 2009-9-24 04:57 PM     標題: 【求救】一開機就話找不到conime.exe

我部腦最近一開機, 就出現這句

部機用一陣就hang機, 重要一hang機好多次,
有時會把畫面放到好大, 顏色變成一坦垣咁
作者: cck_my    時間: 2009-9-25 12:44 AM

如果有windows光碟,放入Boot做一个windows repair应该可以解决!

作者: wwinglin    時間: 2009-9-26 02:31 AM

如果有windows光碟,放入Boot做一个windows repair应该可以解决!

cck_my 發表於 2009-9-25 12:44 AM
已經由5百幾個錯誤, 減少至90個, 就沒有進展, 開機仍然有這訊息, 但是, hang機情況亦減少了,
請問, 還有什麼方法嗎, 我只購買使用licence,
作者: cck_my    時間: 2009-9-28 06:28 PM

已經由5百幾個錯誤, 減少至90個, 就沒有進展, 開機仍然有這訊息, 但是, hang機情況亦減少了,
請問, 還有什麼方法嗎, 我只購買使用licence,
謝謝 ...
wwinglin 發表於 2009-9-26 02:31 AM

最好都係借一个windows光碟,放入Boot做一个windows repair!
作者: wwinglin    時間: 2009-10-1 01:58 AM


最好都係借一个windows光碟,放入Boot做一个windows repair!
cck_my 發表於 2009-9-28 06:28 PM
多謝你提供既軟體, 只可惜問題依然存在,
開機時, 仍然找不到CONIME.EXE,
問題一, 我沒法使用symantec antivirus corporate edition scan computer
問題二, 開機日期仍然停留某一日, 要用手動才會轉,
問題三, 用以上軟體時, 無論我裝英文或繁體都係怪獸字, 所以, 我都係唔知部腦發生什麼事, 只是再見唔到紅色字出現, 我都係靠估,
問題四, 用run找regedit 亦出現找不到等情況
問題五, 部腦還可以用, 不過, 我要用來結帳及有好多需要用password 既網上服務, 不知道會被盜用嗎, 我都不敢用了, 如何是好?
作者: cck_my    時間: 2009-10-1 11:00 AM

多謝你提供既軟體, 只可惜問題依然存在,
開機時, 仍然找不到CONIME.EXE,
問題一, 我沒法使用symantec antivirus corporate edition scan computer
問題二, 開機日期仍然停留某一日, 要用手動才會轉,
問題三, 用以 ...
wwinglin 發表於 2009-10-1 01:58 AM
開機時, 仍然找不到CONIME.EXE,

問題一, 我沒法使用symantec antivirus corporate edition scan computer

問題二, 開機日期仍然停留某一日, 要用手動才會轉,

問題三, 用以上軟體時, 無論我裝英文或繁體都係怪獸字, 所以, 我都係唔知部腦發生什麼事, 只是再見唔到紅色字出現, 我都係靠估,

問題四, 用run找regedit 亦出現找不到等情況

問題五, 部腦還可以用, 不過, 我要用來結帳及有好多需要用password 既網上服務, 不知道會被盜用嗎, 我都不敢用了, 如何是好?
作者: wwinglin    時間: 2009-10-2 12:41 AM

開機時, 仍然找不到CONIME.EXE,

問題一, 我沒法使用symantec antivirus corporate edition scan computer

問題二, 開機日期 ...
cck_my 發表於 2009-10-1 11:00 AM
用木馬大師清了很多病毒, 而再掃描時, 已沒有毒, 不過,
問題仍然存在, 看來要重裝個腦先得了,
作者: cck_my    時間: 2009-10-2 01:05 AM

用木馬大師清了很多病毒, 而再掃描時, 已沒有毒, 不過,
問題仍然存在, 看來要重裝個腦先得了,
wwinglin 發表於 2009-10-2 12:41 AM
作者: 離開{愛}    時間: 2009-10-25 07:17 PM

作者: wwinglin    時間: 2009-11-10 07:11 PM

cck_my 發表於 2009-10-2 01:05 AM
我用這個重裝電腦, 不過, 唔識format 部腦 , 裝完, 已經唔見到果句說話.
不過, 仍然hang機,
作者: cck_my    時間: 2009-11-11 12:16 AM

我用這個重裝電腦, 不過, 唔識format 部腦 , 裝完, 已經唔見到果句說話.
不過, 仍然hang機,
wwinglin 發表於 2009-11-10 07:11 PM

要format 最重要是先Backup你重要的档案到一个安全的partition,然后就放安装光碟Boot-up安装windows,安装过程中会有一个选择让你format机,选择format然后跟步骤安装windows

作者: wwinglin    時間: 2009-12-29 06:59 PM


要format 最重要是先Backup你重要的档案到一个安全的partition,然后就放安装光碟Boot-up安装windows,安装过程中会有一个选择让你format机,选择format然后跟步骤安装windows

以下 ...
cck_my 發表於 2009-11-11 12:16 AM
証實中了conime.exe毒, 又中了autorun還有好多不知名既毒,
現在沒事了, 多謝大家幫忙, 特別要多謝cck_my
作者: chungwaishing    時間: 2010-1-12 02:39 AM

Winternals Administrators Pak 5.0 (內含 ERD Commander)
.分類:系統軟體2006/10/10 00:40
.【軟體名稱】:Winternals Administrators Pak 5.0
三、從程式集第一次執行「Insight for Active Directory」,並且選擇「Browser」再選擇上一項的「licssg」,完成登錄註冊。


一、Administrator's Pak是一個超強的多功能組合Win 2000/NT/XP修復工具 。

二、Winternals software 公司是於 1996 年由 Bryce Cogswell Ph.D. 和 Mark Russinovich Ph.D. 共同成立於美國德州,該公司主要產品為Windows 2000/NT 的系統修復和管理工具。這些修復與管理工具可應用於修復與救回損毀的 Windows-based 系統,讓您不需從新裝置系統。目前該公司產品已有超過 25,000 家企業與機構使用,其中不乏知名企業,如: AT&T、Bank of America、Compaq、IBM 等。dministrator's Pak 包含 ERD Commander 2000,,Disk Commander、Remote Recover、NTRecover、Locksmith、和 Monitoring Tools.功能:修復錯誤、損毀的系統,重新設定文檔許可權、已遺失的密碼、搶救系統而無須擔心遺失重要資料。網路重組管理工具,使您的系統保持最佳狀態。由網路及時監控文檔系統、TCP/IP狀態。易於由任何Windows 2000/ Me/ NT/ 9x 或 DOS System取得FAT、FAT32。

三、安裝後運行其中的「ERD Commander 2005 Boot CD Wizard」,在桌面得到一個可以啟動機器的光碟映像檔(ISO),約150MB,燒錄後就得到了一張超酷的啟動光碟了。用此光碟啟動後(CD-ROM開機),可以進入一個類似windows桌面的介面,有開始功能表等,最重要的是內置了一些有用的工具。


五、還有一個工具可以修改Windows 2000/XP的用戶密碼,不怕忘記密碼了,看來Windows2000/XP的密碼也不怎麼安全。還有一個和Windows自帶的註冊表編輯器一樣的註冊表編輯器,在Windows無法啟動時,可以用它來修改註冊表。還有和Windows下一樣的記事本和命令提示符。設置好網路後還可以聯網。在Windows崩潰後,還可以用它來添加刪除驅動和禁用一些服務,對於全部用NTFS的人。這張光碟應該是非常有用的。 基本就是一個Win32的平臺,就像是一個簡化了可以寫入到光碟的Win2000,xp,一些XP下命令提示符中的程式,例如subst.exe等,都可以在其平臺下運行!

六、ERD Commander:這可以算是Winternals Administrators' Pak工具中最強大的元件了,其中一個引人注目的功能就是修改密碼,Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 系統中任何一個用戶的密碼都可以在不知道原先密碼的情況下被ERD修改掉。

七、運行了開始功能表中的ERD Commander安裝嚮導後嚮導會需要你根據自己的詳細情況做一些設置,然後生成一個ISO格式的光碟映像檔,把這個光碟映像檔燒錄成光碟後就可以用這張光碟引導系統並進行操作。這裏有兩點需要注意:由於ERD Commander功能的特殊以及濫用後可能造成的危險,在創建引導檔的時候你可以選擇用密碼保護,這樣只有知道密碼的人才可以用ERD Commander的光碟引導系統並進一步操作。其次,如果你有無法被作業系統識別的硬體(尤其是SCSI設備),那就需要在創建光碟之前首先加入它們的驅動程式,否則用光碟啟動後這些設備將無法正常使用。

八、用ERD Commander的光碟啟動系統跟安裝作業系統時的介面很類似,雖然我們試驗用的電腦運行的是Windows 2000,不過在啟動時卻出現了Windows XP Professional的啟動畫面,不過這並不影響我們的正常使用。啟動完成後會看到圖一的介面。如果你裝有兩個或者更多的Windows作業系統,就可以在這裏選擇用ERD Commander進入哪個系統,選擇好後再指定你的鍵盤佈局和時區,然後點擊OK,如果你製作這個映像檔的時候設置了密碼保護,這時候程式就會提醒你輸入密碼。等待片刻,你將會看到圖二的介面,是不是很熟悉啊,就跟我們常用的Windows一樣,只不過"開始功能表"裏的內容有所不同。

九、ERD Commander啟動電腦後會根據DHCP伺服器分配IP位址,如果你的網路中沒有DHCP伺服器,則需要在Administrative Tools功能表下的TCP/IP Configuration裏給你的系統臨時指派一個。其次,預設情況下ERD Commander啟動後會把你的電腦添加到WORKGROUP工作組中,如果你需要訪問其他工作組或者域中的電腦,首先就要加入這個工作組或域:雙擊Network Neighborhood圖示進入網路鄰居,然後在Tools功能表下點擊Add Domain,輸入想要加入的域或者工作組的名稱,然後確定。

十、除了這些功能,ERD Commander還可以做很多事,例如重新配置系統服務、修改系統註冊表等,而這些功能操作上跟Windows中的沒有太大區別,大家可以自己試試。不過在運行ERD Commander的時候一定要確保光碟一直在光碟機中,否則系統會自動被鎖死。

作者: chungwaishing    時間: 2010-1-12 02:41 AM

MSoft ERD Commander 2005 (Diagnostics & Recovery)  1. ERD Commander 2005 (Bootable ISO worth $1,199.00 US) When your server or workstation won't boot, you need ERD Commander 2005. ERD Commander 2005 boots dead systems directly from CD into a Windows-like repair environment. You'll have full access to the dead system's volumes, so you can diagnose and repair problems using tools located on the ERD Commander 2005 Start menu. And you'll have built-in network access to safely move data off of, or on to, the dead system. With ERD Commander 2005 you can repair a system quickly and easily, saving you time and rescuing your critical data. Key features: ï؟½ Boots dead systems directly from CD ï؟½ Easy, familiar Windows-like interface ï؟½ Intuitive Solution Wizard helps you select the right tool to correct your system issue ï؟½ Includes Crash Analyzer Wizard to pinpoint the cause of recent system crashes for repair ï؟½ Allows complete disk sanitizing/data removal with Disk Wipe utility ï؟½ Includes the Locksmith utility to reset lost Administrator passwords ï؟½ Includes FileRestore so that you can quickly find and recover deleted files ï؟½ Provides access to XP Restore Points on unbootable Windows XP systems ï؟½ Detect malware and other applications that may be consuming system resources ï؟½ Includes an Internet browser to facilitate downloading needed files and patches ï؟½ Compares key info on unbootable systems with that of a working system for diagnosis and troubleshooting ï؟½ Automatically identifies and replaces critical system files that have become corrupt ï؟½ Allows for formatting and partitioning of disks ï؟½ Provides emergency removal capability for faulty hotfixes ï؟½ Built-in network access to safely copy data to/from dead systems ï؟½ Repair and diagnostic tools located on Start menu ï؟½ Repair tools include System Restore tool, System File Repair, Service and Driver Manager, Hotfix Uninstall Wizard, Locksmith, Registry Editor, Explorer, Disk Management, and Command Prompt ï؟½ Data recovery tools include Disk Commander and FileRestore ï؟½ Diagnostic tools include Crash Analyzer Wizard, System Compare, Autoruns, Event Log Viewer, System Information, TCP/IP Configuration, and Logical volumes utilities ï؟½ Compatible with Windows NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003 2. Remote Recover To repair an unbootable system via the network, choose Remote Recover. Remote Recover lets you use your network to access the disk drives on a remote machine exactly as if they were installed on your own system. You can boot a damaged system via CD, diskette or PXE-downloaded image, then access its drives remotely from your host Windows 2000, XP, or Server 2003 system. Once the remote systems volumes have been mounted, you can perform any operations on them as if they were local, including safely removing viruses using the antivirus software on your host machine while the infected machine is offline. Remote Recover does not require that an operating system be installed on the client machine in order to operate, so it can be used for performing installations on new machines in addition to repairing or restoring dead systems. 3. NTFSDOS Professional If you need to access NTFS drives from MS-DOS, NTFSDOS Professional is the solution. NTFSDOS Professional allows you to create a boot diskette with which to boot NT systems. The diskette contains an MS-DOS environment where you can easily mount NTFS drives with drive letters and run DOS programs to read, write, repair, or otherwise modify the drives just as you would on FAT drives. You can run DOS-based antivirus software in the NTFSDOS environment to disinfect a system while the OS is safely offline. NTFSDOS Professional is a powerful tool to repair corrupt files or configuration problems that prevent Windows NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003 systems from booting. Awards 4. Crash Analyzer Wizard You can quickly determine the most likely cause of a system crash using Crash Analyzer. This easy-to-use Wizard guides you through the steps of selecting the most recent system crash dump file, then reports on the driver that is most likely to have caused the crash, so that you can apply the appropriate changes to correct the issue or to prevent it from re-occurring. 5. FileRestore FileRestore allows you to quickly and easily recover files that have been lost or deleted from your computer. FileRestore can bring back files that would otherwise be gone for good, including files emptied from the Recycle Bin, deleted by application programs and remote processes, lost with removed directories, or deleted via a command prompt. 6. Filemon Enterprise Edition Troubleshoot issues associated with file system activity on any system on your network remotely with Filemon Enterprise Edition. Filemon provides a continuous, real-time display of all file system accesses occurring on a particular system. For remote troubleshooting of file system issues, there's not a more useful tool than Filemon. 7. Regmon Enterprise Edition Diagnose problems associated with Registry activity on any system on your network remotely with Regmon Enterprise Edition. Regmon provides continuous, real-time data on the Registry activity occurring on a particular system. For remote diagnosis of Registry problem, there's not a more useful tool than Regmon. 8. AD Explorer Find, modify, add, and delete Active Directory objects and attributes with AD Explorer. AD Explorer displays information in two panes. The Object Pane is the left-hand pane that displays Active Directory objects. The Attribute Pane is the right-hand pane that displays attributes of the object selected in the Object Pane. 9. Insight for Active Directory Use Insight for Active Directory to troubleshoot conflicts that are occurring with mission-critical applications such as e-mail and messaging, databases, and CRM, and prevent access to corporate directories, system log-in, and File and Print sharing. Insight for Active Directory provides a real-time view of the internals of Active Directory transactions on the local machine so that you can pinpoint the precise cause of conflicts and resolve them. 10. TCP Tools TCP Tools, which include TCPView Professional Edition and TCPVStat, are essential tools for network and application diagnosis and troubleshooting. TCP Tools displays all active TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, indicating which process is associated with each local and remote IP address and relaying continuous, detailed real-time data

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