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作者: sylk    時間: 2009-8-16 04:58 PM     標題: 解析休赛期十大阵容调整

10 Biggest Off-Season NBA Roster Makeovers

By gatorheels


Vince Carter

对于奥兰多休赛期的阵容调整,外界褒贬不一。许多球迷担心Hedo的离开会让魔术在冠军争夺赛中失去竞争力,其实大可不必这样。正统大前Brandon Bass的加盟,其他球队更加难以阻止魔术的争冠霸业。另外,魔术仍然延续上赛季的打球风格,如果球队需要,可以SG由Pietrus担任,Carter出任SF,Lewis则呆在PF的位置。显然Vince Carter的能力在Hedo之上。你不觉得么?去查查近几个赛季的数据吧。Ryan Anderson作为了一个攻击范围远至三分线的大个子,和Howard可谓相得益彰。Brandon Bass属于联盟中被低估的球员之一。奥兰多的阵容看起来完美无缺。他们的板凳水准甚至都在平均水平之上。一个健康的Jameer Nelson在季后赛中必定能为其他球队带去不少麻烦。我预期这支球队会强于上赛季,并且能够重回总决赛。

赛季之后需要留住的球员:Matt Barnes,Ryan Anderson

PG- Jameer Nelson/Anthony Johnson
SG- Vince Carter/Mickael Pietrus/J.J. Redick
SF- Rashard Lewis/Matt Barnes
PF- Brandon Bass/Ryan Anderson
C- Dwight Howard/Marcin Gortat

主要流失球员:Hedo Turkoglu, Courtney Lee, Rafer Alston


我们都清楚拥有健康的Duncan和Ginobili的马刺是多么可怕,下个赛季这一出还将继续上演。在去年主要轮换班底中完全保留的基础上,球队将Richard Jefferson带到了圣城。Jefferson的到来使得马刺有了一位正统的小前。McDyess的签约充实了马刺的前场,他用脑子打球,一定可以完成好和Duncan共同镇守禁区的使命。同时,马刺在选秀二轮中幸运地捡到了一个宝贝——Dejuan Blair。他们的板凳实力超群。和奥兰多一样,马刺的阵容看起来没有瑕疵。这支球队自从上赛季以来就有比较大的改观,他们足够拥有和湖人扳手腕的能力。

赛季之后需要留住的球员:Manu Ginobili, George Hill

PG- Tony Parker/George Hill
SG- Roger Mason/Manu Ginobili/Malik Hairston
SF- Richard Jefferson/Michael Finley/Marcus Williams
PF- Antonio McDyess/Matt Bonner/Dejuan Blair/Marcus Haislip
C- Tim Duncan/Theo Ratliff/Ian Mahinmi

主要流失球员:Fabricio Oberton, Drew Gooden, Ime Udoka, Kurt Thomas, Bruce Bowen


TWolves Draft Picks

这个夏天森林狼进行了大换血,球队增添了不少新面孔。狼队的阵容仅从账面上来看,估计是全联盟最烂的了。如果他们在2010抽得状元签,千万不要感到意外。目前球队的阵容可用两个成语来形容——千疮百孔,漏洞百出。他们将要由菜鸟来出任球队的先发PG,队中没有正统的SG,而在SF的位置上,Gomes稍稍次于中等水平。狼队的内线实力雄厚,不过他们的内线球员高度不足,防守欠佳。Ricky Rubio的肥皂剧续集筹划ing,看起来似乎森林狼的球迷需要等上个一两年才能看到西班牙帅哥为乃们效力了。选秀大会上连摘两个控位至今仍让人摸不到头脑,选择Rubio似乎用意深远。为了能够在2010还有钱花,暂时只能依靠Love和Jefferson两位爷啦。

赛季之后需要留住的球员:Kevin Love

PG- Johnny Flynn/Chucky Atkins
SG- Damien Wilkins/Wayne Ellington/Bobby Brown
SF- Ryan Gomes/Quentin Richardson/Corey Brewer
PF- Kevin Love/Darius Songaila/Oleksiy Pecherov/Brian Cardinal
C- Al Jefferson

主要流失球员:Randy Foye, Mike Miller, Craig Smith, Sebastian Telfair, Rodney Carney


我预测雄鹿可以拿到2010年选秀大会前五的签位。季后赛对于这支球队来说遥不可及。Michael Redd的回归提供了球队在上赛季一直缺少的得分能力。一个健康的Bogut可以让他们的前场水平上升一个档次。Joe Alexander,亦或Mbah a Moute需要提升自己,并且需要成为球队信得过的首发SF。在赛季开打之前,密尔沃基仍然可以做一些有趣的决定。比如,是让Hakim Warrick打PF呢,还是让他挪到SF的位置,让新签的Amir Johnson出任首发大前?雄鹿似乎对Sessions童鞋的离开无任何异议。新秀Jennings给了制服组足够的信心,因此,没有必要责怪他们。前一阵闹得沸沸扬扬的雄鹿和快船就Sessions进行先签后换交易的传闻近日逐渐平息。总的来说,雄鹿只不过是需要球队的化学反应,同时也需要队内的年轻球员将自己的才华释放出来,应对挑战。

赛季之后需要留住的球员:Amir Johnson, Joe Alexander

PG- Luke Ridnour/Brandon Jennings
SG- Michael Redd/Charlie Bell/Jodie Meeks/Sonny Weems
SF- Mbah a Moute/Joe Alexander
PF- Hakim Warrick/Amir Johnson/Joe Alexander/Walter Sharpe
C- Andrew Bogut/Dan Gadzuric/Fracisco Elson

主要流失球员:Richard Jefferson, Charlie Villanueva, Ramon Sessions


新泽西休赛期的运作显然犯下了一个严重的方向性错误,至少在短期内是这样的。明星球员Vince Carter的离开对于球队不仅仅是账面上的那点损失而已。如今新泽西只能把他们的命运寄托在那一堆到期合同身上了,球队在谋划着从2010年的自由球员市场引入一条大鱼。我预计这支球队将会是联盟最差的球队之一,在赛季结束时能够获得一个乐透区中等位置的签位。现在可谓是黎明前的黑暗的呐。球队现在围绕Devin Harris和Brook Lopez建队,填补其他位置的深度应该不是难事。如何找一个优秀的大前来奉承Lopez童鞋成为了制服组的一个难题。

赛季之后需要留住的球员:Brook Lopez, Courtney Lee

PG- Devin Harris/Keyon Dooling/Rafer Alston
SG- Courtney Lee/Jarvis Hayes/Chris Douglas-Roberts/Terrence Williams
SF- Bobby Simmons/Eduardo Najera/Trenton Hassell
PF- Yi Jianlian/Tony Battie/Sean Williams
C- Brook Lopez/Josh Boone

主要流失球员:Vince Carter, Ryan Anderson


Hedo Turkoglu

多伦多今年看起来不错哦。球队阵容由一打国际球员和一双基伴(Bosh&Jack)构成,我迫不及待地想看到球队的化学反应。除了SG之外的所有位置都在平均水平之上,球队成功与否关键在于Belinelli和DeRozan的表现,他们其中之一将会成为球队的先发SG。Bargnani必定能够再上一个台阶,好歹得对得起刚收入囊中的大合同嘛。休赛期最大交易便是交易来了Hedo Turkoglu,他会让球队忘记Shawn Marion曾经来过。不过,多伦多在禁区还是显得有些疲软,SG位置上过于稚嫩,这些都将成为他们在季后赛更进一步的绊脚石。不管怎样,看好多伦多打出一个漂亮的赛季并最终拿到东部第4或第5的成绩。

赛季之后需要留住的球员:Chris Bosh, Marco Belinelli

PG- Jose Calderon/Jarrett Jack/Roko Ukic/Marcus Banks
SG- Marco Belinelli/DeMar Derozan/Quincy Douby
SF- Hedo Turkoglu/Antoine Wright
PF- Chris Bosh/Reggie Evans
C- Andrea Bargnani/Patrick O'Bryant

主要流失球员:Shawn Marion, Jason Kapono, Anthony Parker, Joey Graham


经历了一个令人印象深刻的休赛期之后波士顿无疑又成了争冠热门。凯尔特人拥有了上赛季不曾拥有的内线深度。续约了在上赛季季后赛中有着持续稳定表现的大宝贝Davis对于球队至关重要。Rasheed Wallace的加盟让球队又新增了一名懂得如何行之有效地获取胜利的老兵。而Marquis Daniels的到来则是给了队中明星球员Paul Pierce更多的休息时间。众所周知,Paul Pierce经常在比赛的最后阶段由于上场时间过长而被CDTH。我肯定真理童鞋对Daniels的加盟必定十分欢迎。波士顿放弃球队替补控位Gabe Pruitt的举动一定使众多球迷感到困惑。Doc Rivers应该是觉得Lester Hudson和Eddie House能够在Rondo下场休息的时候为球队做出贡献。由经验丰富的老兵和球星构成的先发阵容,平均水平之上的替补球员,凯尔特人在走在复刻07-08赛季辉煌成就的路上。

赛季之后需要留住的球员:Rajon Rondo, Ray Allen

PG- Rajon Rondo/Lester Hudson
SG- Ray Allen/Eddie House/Tony Allen/J.R. Giddens
SF- Paul Pierce/Marquis Daniels/Bill Walker
PF- Kevin Garnett/Glen Davis/Shelden Williams/Brian Scalabrine
C- Kendrick Perkins/Rasheed Wallace

主要流失球员:Gabe Pruitt, Stephon Marbury, Mikki Moore, Leon Powe


又一次,克利夫兰制服组在休赛期的运作平淡无奇。扪心自问,Jamario Moon的确可以胜任LeBron的正牌替补,这也是上个赛季球队所缺少的,但是,他是个与众不同的制造者吗?这点我很怀疑。同样的,Anthony Parker除了比Delonte West高个几英尺之外其他方面不会强到哪去。Shaq会对球队有所帮助,不过他已经没有以前那么灵活了,所带来的优势也有限。和Varejao的无厘头续约让事情变得糟糕透了。你看看他都拿到了什么合同?克利夫兰完全可以在自由球员市场上选择David Lee或者Glen Davis这样的人物。LeBron周围的人依旧平庸,他会厌倦这一切转而在赛季之后拍拍屁股走人么?看看人家魔术和凯尔特人在休赛期补强的动作,骑士正在逐渐失去竞争力。不出彩的小打小闹只可能换来季后赛中的微小进步,不过似乎克利夫兰已经习惯这些了。

赛季之后需要留住的球员:LeBron James

PG- Mo Williams
SG- Anthony Parker/Delonte West/Daniel Gibson
SF- LeBron James/Jamario Moon/Danny Green
PF- Anderson Varejao/J.J. Hickson/Darnell Jackson/Jawad Williams
C- Shaquille O'neal/Zydrunas Ilgauskas

主要流失球员:Ben Wallace, Joe Smith, Wally Szczerbiak, Aleksander Pavlovic


达拉斯在这个休赛期做了高质量的球员运作,但是这还不足以让他们能够和西部的顶尖球队叫板。尽管小牛拥有大量的火力和深度,但这不足以掩盖球队在前场的致命缺陷。只要Dampier一日还是首发中锋,小牛就不可能有出头天。Dampier已经被摆上货架一段时间了,但是没有球队愿意去接手他的烂合同。随着Jason Kidd和Shawn Marion开始走小坡路,这支球队前景堪忧。毫无疑问,达拉斯能够进入季后赛,希望他们能够重回第二轮。

到期合同:大约5000万(包括Dirk Nowitzki的合同)
赛季之后需要留住的球员:Dirk Nowitzki

PG- Jason Kidd/Rodrigue Beaubois/JJ Barea
SG- Josh Howard/Jason Terry/Quinton Ross/Matt Carroll/Greg Buckner
SF- Shawn Marion/Shawne Williams
PF- Dirk Nowitzki/Drew Gooden/Tim Thomas/Kris Humphries
C- Eric Dampier/Nathan Jawai

主要流失球员:Brandon Bass, Antoine Wright, Jerry Stackhouse, Devean George


Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva

为了得到Ben Gordon和Charlie Villanueva,活塞可谓是下了血本。我们所需要做的就是等待并且观望,看看这两位球员是否物有所值,但是我觉得这个赛季不会有立竿见影的效果。在同时为康乃迪克效力的时候,Gordon和Villanueva配合默契。活塞应该会让双能卫Stukey出任球队的先发控位。由于很多球员都需要转换自己的角色,这个赛季必定会起波澜。Rip Hamilton的上场时间很有可能被大幅压缩。这会重演他在去年因此闷闷不乐的一幕么?没有必要让问题变得这么复杂啦。很明显,应该用Hamilton去换个内线球员过来。活塞内线隐忧重重。,他们需要尽快地弄到一个中锋。现如今,球队在小前位置上一连选了三名新人,Tayshaun Prince已不再是不动产了。将Rip和Prince打包去换个内线或者一个到期合同未尝不可。值得庆幸的是Austin Daye和Dajuan Summers在夏季联赛的表现不错,他们其中之一应该可能再进一步,逐渐替代Prince的作用。令人头疼的是如果底特律短期内还没有交易发生,那么他们的内线将会在漫长的赛季中不断遭受蹂躏,这将是提早无缘季后赛的讯号。

赛季之后需要留住的球员: Rodney Stuckey

PG- Rodney Stuckey/Will Bynum
SG- Richard Hamilton/Ben Gordon
SF- Tayshaun Prince/Dajuan Summers/Austin Daye
PF- Charlie Villanueva/Chris Wilcox/Jason Maxiell
C- Kwame Brown/Ben Wallace

主要流失球员:Rasheed Wallace, Allen Iverson, Antonio McDyess, Amir Johnson, Arron Afflalo

作者: sylk    時間: 2009-8-16 04:58 PM

10 Biggest Off-Season NBA Roster MakeoversBy gatorheels
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 1:10am

By Drue Sensing aka "GatorHeels"
*Winner of the forum writing contest


Vince CarterThere have been mixed feelings in the public on whether the Magic actually got any better this offseason. Many people fear the loss of Hedo will no longer allow the Magic to cause matchup problems. No need to worry Magic fans. With a legit power forward in Brandon Bass, opposing teams will no longer be able to cause Orlando matchup problems. Plus Orlando can still play a style similar to last season by starting Pietrus at SG, Carter at SF, and Lewis at PF if they need too. Vince Carter is certainly an upgrade over Hedo. Don't believe me? Look at the stats closely. Ryan Anderson gives this team another big player who can stretch the floor, and a great fit with Howard. Brandon Bass is one of the more underrated players in the league. Orlando appears to have no weaknesses. Even their bench is above average. Also a healthy Jameer Nelson in the playoffs could mean trouble for the rest of the league come playoff time. I expect this team to be better than last season and a return to the finals is likely.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $8 million Key Players needing to be resigned after the season- Matt Barnes, Ryan Anderson

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Jameer Nelson/Anthony Johnson
SG- Vince Carter/Mickael Pietrus/J.J. Redick
SF- Rashard Lewis/Matt Barnes
PF- Brandon Bass/Ryan Anderson
C- Dwight Howard/Marcin Gortat

Key Losses- Hedo Turkoglu, Courtney Lee, Rafer Alston


We all know how dangerous a Spurs team with a healthy Duncan and Ginobili can be. This appears to be the case this season. The Spurs really didn't lose anybody of significance from last years' squad. The trade landing them Richard Jefferson was big. Jefferson finally gives the Spurs a legit scorer at the small forward position. The signing of McDyess gives San Antonio another smart player in the post. McDyess should work very well playing beside Tim Duncan in the paint. The Spurs also appear to have gotten one of the steals of the draft in snatching up Dejuan Blair in the second round. Their bench is well above average. Similar to Orlando, the Spurs appear to have no weak links. This team has clearly improved a lot from last season. They are now in a position where they can dethrone the Lakers.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $25 million
Key Players needing to be resigned after the season- Manu Ginobili, George Hill

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Tony Parker/George Hill
SG- Roger Mason/Manu Ginobili/Malik Hairston
SF- Richard Jefferson/Michael Finley/Marcus Williams
PF- Antonio McDyess/Matt Bonner/Dejuan Blair/Marcus Haislip
C- Tim Duncan/Theo Ratliff/Ian Mahinmi

Key Losses- Fabricio Oberton, Drew Gooden, Ime Udoka, Kurt Thomas, Bruce Bowen


TWolves Draft Picks Minnesota has a totally revamped roster. Many new faces appear in this seasons' lineup. The TWolves on paper clearly look like one of the worst teams in the league. It would be no surprise if they landed the #1 pick in the 2010 draft. This team has a ton of weak links and many holes to fill. They are stuck with having to start a rookie at point guard. They have no legit starter at SG and their small forward Gomes is slightly below average. Minnesota is solid in the post but they lack length and defense. The situation with Ricky Rubio is still yet to be resolved, and it appears that Minnesota fans will have to wait a year or two for his services. Drafting two point guards in the draft remains a major head scratcher, granted Rubio likely had the most long term value where they selected him. With money to spend in 2010, help is on the way for Love and Jefferson.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $35 million
Key Player needing to be resigned after the season- Kevin Love

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Johnny Flynn/Chucky Atkins
SG- Damien Wilkins/Wayne Ellington/Bobby Brown
SF- Ryan Gomes/Quentin Richardson/Corey Brewer
PF- Kevin Love/Darius Songaila/Oleksiy Pecherov/Brian Cardinal
C- Al Jefferson

Key Losses- Randy Foye, Mike Miller, Craig Smith, Sebastian Telfair, Rodney Carney


I imagine the Bucks will land a top 5 pick in the 2010 draft. This team is a longshot to make the playoffs. The return of Michael Redd provides them with the scoring punch they lacked last year. A healthy Bogut will boost their frontcourt significantly. Either Joe Alexander or Mbah a Moute will need to step up and become a solid starter at the small forward position. Milwaukee has some interesting decisions to make still before the season starts. Will Hakim Warrick start at PF or will they move him to SF to allow newly signed Amir Johnson to start at power forward? The Bucks also appear content to let Sessions sign elsewhere. You can't blame them because Jennings appears to be the real deal. Rumblings of a sign and trade with the Clippers involving Sessions have surfaced in the past couple days. Overall the Bucks just need to develop team chemistry and hope their young talent rises to the challenge.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $21 million
Key Players needing to be resigned after the season- Amir Johnson, Joe Alexander

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Luke Ridnour/Brandon Jennings
SG- Michael Redd/Charlie Bell/Jodie Meeks/Sonny Weems
SF- Mbah a Moute/Joe Alexander
PF- Hakim Warrick/Amir Johnson/Joe Alexander/Walter Sharpe
C- Andrew Bogut/Dan Gadzuric/Fracisco Elson

Key Losses- Richard Jefferson, Charlie Villanueva, Ramon Sessions


New Jersey obviously took a big step in the wrong direction this offseason, at least in the short term. Losing their star player in Vince Carter will result in more losses this season. New Jersey is focused on the future with nearly their whole team having expiring contracts. This team is banking on landing a big star in the 2010 free agent market. I expect this team to be one of the worst in the league and end up with a mid lottery selection in the 2010 draft. This season looks bad but the future looks bright. The Nets have found their starting point guard and center in Devin Harris and Brook Lopez. Filling in the rest of the holes shouldn't be too difficult. A stud power forward to compliment Lopez would do wonders for this team.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $40 million
Key Players needing to be resigned after the season- Brook Lopez, Courtney Lee

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Devin Harris/Keyon Dooling/Rafer Alston
SG- Courtney Lee/Jarvis Hayes/Chris Douglas-Roberts/Terrence Williams
SF- Bobby Simmons/Eduardo Najera/Trenton Hassell
PF- Yi Jianlian/Tony Battie/Sean Williams
C- Brook Lopez/Josh Boone

Key Losses- Vince Carter, Ryan Anderson


Hedo Turkoglu Toronto looks good this year. With an abundance of foreign players and best friends (Bosh & Jack) forming the bulk of the roster, I look for this team to have great chemistry. They are average or better at every position except shooting guard. Their success this season depends greatly on the development of Belinelli and DeRozan. One of those players must become a legit starter. Bargnani must take the next step this year and earn that big contract he recently received. The biggest offseason signing for the Raptors was picking up Hedo Turkoglu who will make fans forget all about the loss of Shawn Marion. Still, Toronto is a little too soft in the post and too inexperienced at the SG spot to make a serious playoff run. However, look for the Raptors to have a solid regular season and reach the playoffs as a 4 or 5 seed.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $25 million (including Chris Bosh)
Key Players needing to be resigned after the season- Chris Bosh, Marco Belinelli

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Jose Calderon/Jarrett Jack/Roko Ukic/Marcus Banks
SG- Marco Belinelli/DeMar Derozan/Quincy Douby
SF- Hedo Turkoglu/Antoine Wright
PF- Chris Bosh/Reggie Evans
C- Andrea Bargnani/Patrick O'Bryant

Key Losses- Shawn Marion, Jason Kapono, Anthony Parker, Joey Graham

BOSTON CELTICS Boston is certainly a title contender with the impressive offseason they have had. The Celtics finally have quality depth in the post. That was something they didn't have last season. Resigning Big Baby Davis after his stellar playoff performances was critical. The addition of Rasheed Wallace gives them another veteran who knows what it takes to win it all. Marquis Daniels finally gives Boston a wing player that will allow Pierce to take more significant rest periods. Paul Pierce has been known to wear down some late in games due to the large number of minutes he has been forced to play. I'm sure the Truth welcomes the presence of Daniels. Boston surprised fans when they waived backup point guard Gabe Pruitt. I guess Doc Rivers feels that Lester Hudson and Eddie House can relieve Rondo when he needs a breather. With a starting lineup loaded with veterans and stars as well as an above average bench the Celtics are poised to possibly match their success they had in the 2007-2008 season.
Expiring Contracts- Roughly $32 million Key Players needing to be resigned after the season- Rajon Rondo, Ray Allen
2009-2010 Roster
PG- Rajon Rondo/Lester Hudson
SG- Ray Allen/Eddie House/Tony Allen/J.R. Giddens
SF- Paul Pierce/Marquis Daniels/Bill Walker
PF- Kevin Garnett/Glen Davis/Shelden Williams/Brian Scalabrine
C- Kendrick Perkins/Rasheed Wallace
Key Losses- Gabe Pruitt, Stephon Marbury, Mikki Moore, Leon Powe


Once again Cleveland has disappointed through their mediocre offseason acquisitions. Lets be honest here Jamario Moon is a quality backup for LeBron which the team lacked last year but is he really a difference maker? I highly doubt it. Also Anthony Parker is not an upgrade over Delonte West besides being a few inches taller. Shaq will help the Cavs but he isn't as agile as he used to be and the benefits he brings will be limited. Overpaying for Varejao just makes things sting worse. He got how much? Cleveland had better options on the free agent market including David Lee and Glen Davis. LeBron is still surrounded by average talent. Will he grow tired of this and leave Cleveland after the season? With the Magic and Celtics becoming much stronger over the offseason, Cleveland appears to be losing ground. Mediocre moves equal coming up just a little short in the playoffs which Cleveland is growing accustomed to.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $54 million
Key Player needing to be resigned after the season- LeBron James

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Mo Williams
SG- Anthony Parker/Delonte West/Daniel Gibson
SF- LeBron James/Jamario Moon/Danny Green
PF- Anderson Varejao/J.J. Hickson/Darnell Jackson/Jawad Williams
C- Shaquille O'neal/Zydrunas Ilgauskas

Key Losses- Ben Wallace, Joe Smith, Wally Szczerbiak, Aleksander Pavlovic


Dallas has made quality moves this offseason but it won't be enough to allow them to compete with the elite teams of the West. Even though the Mavs have lots of firepower and depth, they still have a glaring weakness in the frontcourt. As long as Dampier is starting at Center, this team isn't going to take the next step. He has been on the trading block for some time now but there aren't many teams that would even consider taking on his contract. The window is closing for this team at a fast pace with Jason Kidd and Shawn Marion starting to decline. Dallas will no doubt make the playoffs, but expect them to get bounced in the second round again.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $50 million (including Dirk Nowitzki)
Key Player needing to be resigned after the season- Dirk Nowitzki

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Jason Kidd/Rodrigue Beaubois/JJ Barea
SG- Josh Howard/Jason Terry/Quinton Ross/Matt Carroll/Greg Buckner
SF- Shawn Marion/Shawne Williams
PF- Dirk Nowitzki/Drew Gooden/Tim Thomas/Kris Humphries
C- Eric Dampier/Nathan Jawai

Key Losses- Brandon Bass, Antoine Wright, Jerry Stackhouse, Devean George


Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva Detroit spent a lot of money to acquire Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva. We will have to wait and see if these two signings pay off but my guess is that they won't this season. Gordon and Villanueva showed they can play well together in college when they both suited up for UConn. The Pistons appear to be stuck with a combo guard starting at point guard in Stuckey. This could be a rocky season as many players adjust to their new roles. Rip Hamilton will likely lose quite a bit of playing time. Will this make him unhappy like it did last year? No need to let problems boil. Hamilton clearly needs to be traded for a big man. The Pistons have major problems in the post. They need a Center asap. Even Tayshaun Prince is expendable now with the addition of three small forwards the Pistons drafted. Packaging Rip and Prince for a big man and an expiring contract would payoff big time. The good news is Austin Daye and Dajuan Summers both looked impressive in summer league. One of them will eventually step in and replace Prince. The bad news is if a trade doesn't occur soon then Detroit will get abused all season long in the frontcourt which likely means an early exit in the playoffs.

Expiring Contracts- Roughly $10 million Key Player needing to be resigned after the season- Rodney Stuckey

2009-2010 Roster
PG- Rodney Stuckey/Will Bynum
SG- Richard Hamilton/Ben Gordon
SF- Tayshaun Prince/Dajuan Summers/Austin Daye
PF- Charlie Villanueva/Chris Wilcox/Jason Maxiell
C- Kwame Brown/Ben Wallace

Key Losses- Rasheed Wallace, Allen Iverson, Antonio McDyess, Amir Johnson, Arron Afflalo
作者: longpei888    時間: 2009-9-4 04:33 PM     標題: 莫测高深的水宜生岁月

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作者: Stealth    時間: 2009-9-22 08:44 PM


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