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標題: ~*Midnight Masquerade *~ [打印本頁]

作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-2-26 09:48 AM     標題: ~*Midnight Masquerade *~

星期六過晚同 D Fds 去咗 Kerr High School 個Dance 度玩。。 我從來都好少齣門玩,更加唔洗講Dance 啦~~ 我D Fds 個個都繫收埋自己繫屋K度嘅。。。所以最近同D ABC & abv 玩得多~~ 到處去玩。。。錢洗多左。人都食多左。。豬腩肉都多左~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! i% k, v! p/ l3 a7 A" q! p4 m, g5 b, H

# Z: n- N- f! y6 w/ e. \ myspace   ADD ME IF U HAVE ONE
8 v' ~% j* ~$ ~8 T8 j% F) hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! Q' I9 S" W0 E1 c8 v  l
[ 本帖最後由 lil_yuky 於 2007-2-27 10:18 AM 編輯 ]
作者: kelvinlaw11    時間: 2007-2-26 10:16 AM

haha , i'm the 1st ... why u take a pic in bathroom ?  yr fd Nicole is so pretty:-"TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. k( I. u2 H  {/ l" X- f9 @! p
i don't like to dance too but every weekend my roommate always bring their fds come over party and party: @% I  C$ r" V# ^! o% k3 z( n \0 z" A. n& S" a
[ 本帖最後由 kelvinlaw11 於 2007-2-26 10:21 AM 編輯 ]
作者: hunter_d    時間: 2007-2-26 10:22 AM

dam! u have some nice collection of photos there. really wanna 2 meet u
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-2-26 10:34 AM

thank you yall~~~ but i really like to hang out wif Nicole.. u know..lots of ABCs ..they have attitude and 擺架子。。but Nicole is not like that. she is really nice and funny.. and pretti
作者: kelvinlaw11    時間: 2007-2-26 11:15 AM

so u will not go back to hk anymore ? 公仔箱論壇, R5 G. u9 V& J
i will go back to hk on april
作者: amsicetea    時間: 2007-2-26 01:55 PM

yeah, pretty cool stuff. Ur first pic look pretty sexy there.
作者: rm9527    時間: 2007-2-26 02:50 PM     標題: oh

作者: cckorr    時間: 2007-2-26 04:44 PM

where are you ar, in the states or canada?
作者: 忽得華    時間: 2007-2-26 06:29 PM

幾錢 Q?
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-2-26 08:54 PM

原帖由 kelvinlaw11 於 2007-2-26 11:15 AM 發表。 
5 @4 \# N  V5 B* B7 D6 q' _1 F5.39.217.76so u will not go back to hk anymore ? 0 n: r) `' y! k6 G
i will go back to hk on april
: F; y: K. |8 K: W3 i2 u; m5 V$ U3 B5.39.217.76:-O  im not from HK gar~~~~ im cantonese gar. i planned to go. but.. something wrong wif passport. i dun think im going back~~ but Nicole is.. lol
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-2-26 08:55 PM

原帖由 cckorr 於 2007-2-26 04:44 PM 發表。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ _, a' U! c! x
where are you ar, in the states or canada?
8 q) N8 @$ j: v1 [' Q8 Fthe States
作者: littleman173    時間: 2007-2-26 10:34 PM

作者: ABC1225    時間: 2007-2-27 03:44 AM

You look very pretty on the last and third last photo la!!!!!
# i7 x( |2 v- u, SOf coz all the others are still very very nice!!!公仔箱論壇1 H% Q, h. v5 {# o* p( j  t4 f/ r# i

: J* P% d( ~; K* B. G8 b: u0 ~Thanks
作者: kelvinlaw11    時間: 2007-2-27 08:27 AM

原帖由 lil_yuky 於 2007-2-26 20:54 發表。 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( r1 `4 R# A* | ?9 [$ t1 W5 [& C1 E  @* u0 @
:-O  im not from HK gar~~~~ im cantonese gar. i planned to go. but.. something wrong wif passport. i dun think im going back~~ but Nicole is.. lol
1 d+ C2 L( B' G* r8 Q
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" j+ l: [8 o# ]$ X8 [
- m% y& p1 s" z5 H6 b3 S
oh..too bad
作者: tyho    時間: 2007-2-27 10:01 AM

2012 best
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-2-27 10:16 AM

thank you guys for supporting~~
作者: ed_teck    時間: 2007-2-28 12:18 AM

$-) 好多靓女wow...
0 v! p2 }/ i: ]3 q9 A. H1 N年轻真好.. 好多活动.. ^^
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-2-28 12:30 AM

we are going to cheesecake factory for eVOnne's bday..and going to a gay bar for Nicole's bday/.. ^^  3 r; l, j7 r& u' d8 L, U' C% c
作者: kelvinlaw11    時間: 2007-2-28 03:57 AM

原帖由 lil_yuky 於 2007-2-28 00:30 發表。 
/ h& k! R  n, `0 q  p. J! h0 N5.39.217.76we are going to cheesecake factory for eVOnne's bday..and going to a gay bar for Nicole's bday/.. ^^  
4 g# a5 m2 Q0 {8 V) J5.39.217.76;))
9 L# Y4 ?& y3 G% u2 U7 N6 e1 a0 Y w2 k+ f$ Q' ^6 A9 F4 y8 C
公仔箱論壇  d7 x) H0 U; Q; Q
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ h5 l7 O0 M  g" P; V/ A+ l
i love cheesecake too
% M" b. j. X; O+ m" N* v/ W6 mTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。gay bar or les bar is different ? one of my fd , she was opened a les bar in hk and very terrible inside
( c1 W  C9 E, A$ o0 {last last summer when i get in to drink , i saw a lot pretty girls play in that kind of bar ,even i don't know are they les or what but such as waste, when they saw me and they ask my fd why i can drink over here because in front of the door is say " lady only" , but my fd just tell them this is my brother and sometime he helping me over here .. haha.. i almost got kill from there- X6 {6 F  P2 _; K+ W7 J; m
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ W4 [' i) E" D* c3 |
[ 本帖最後由 kelvinlaw11 於 2007-2-28 08:47 AM 編輯 ]
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-2-28 07:41 AM

作者: kelvinlaw11    時間: 2007-2-28 08:26 AM

yes ...  don't tell me i'm look like a girltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 f* j& j6 ^# j1 w/ T
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ ]6 H# Z. k9 i- N$ x
haha, i delete those pic's .. if my other fds see it , they will kill me when i back to hk
7 ~/ S; l- |" d! W; J6 ?5 ^5 P0 Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 w; t: K" _3 @& u; x5 G/ E
[ 本帖最後由 kelvinlaw11 於 2007-2-28 08:48 AM 編輯 ]
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-2-28 09:58 AM

oh.. u took those pic when u were in HK?
作者: kelvinlaw11    時間: 2007-2-28 11:09 AM

yes , that was last last summer
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-3-1 12:25 AM

kelvinlaw ...u goign back to HK in april ?? what country r u in now ??UK US ? canada ?
作者: bhcc909394    時間: 2007-3-1 01:24 AM

Omg . Are you blind???? Como on give me a break. Well, Nicole is not ugly but she is not" so pretty". lil_yuky is the hottest and prettiest and cutiest^___^. moew moew
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-3-1 03:27 AM

HO HO HO .. dun make me happi lor.. ~~ i look fat in those pics~~ thx anyways!
作者: kelvinlaw11    時間: 2007-3-1 06:11 AM

女仔肥少少先可愛 ... i living in Calgary (Canada)
作者: cchinfatt    時間: 2007-3-1 11:59 AM     標題: 回復第 1 帖由 lil_yuky 所發的帖子

yuky ... 你身材好好噢 !!公仔箱論壇; i" @* |; ?0 ~2 _  }" f
yuky .. the state is ??tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! ^9 T/ o  y' p, x
where is that ??' _  }6 y  T5 S9 r( ~
and where you from ?
作者: rm9527    時間: 2007-3-1 04:03 PM     標題: 一般

作者: SAIBEE    時間: 2007-3-3 02:40 PM

You look fine.
作者: ABC1225    時間: 2007-3-5 04:05 AM

How come the cute cute Yuky has gone down the list??
作者: creamy    時間: 2007-3-5 04:27 AM

o we hav those kinda dances @ our skus 2... xcept we hav more formal dances lol... i just went 2 Sweetheart like in Jan. it was soo much funn...
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-3-6 10:09 AM

this one is not at my school~~~ we went there late..and the music sucks!1 but we had fun
作者: 白领男人    時間: 2007-3-14 03:04 PM

作者: mc_cold    時間: 2007-3-15 12:33 AM

Good, support u
作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-3-15 10:50 AM

作者: KenKen112684    時間: 2007-3-15 02:31 PM

not bad
作者: kheong    時間: 2007-12-18 12:31 PM

作者: lil_yuky    時間: 2007-12-19 03:37 AM

作者: fox09my    時間: 2008-2-15 08:15 AM

作者: andychuah    時間: 2008-3-11 05:23 PM

good....thanks for sharing

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