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標題: 特训搜救犬~ [打印本頁]

作者: di0208    時間: 2021-10-13 11:51 PM     標題: 特训搜救犬~

作者: di0208    時間: 2021-10-14 12:34 AM


作者: manyiu    時間: 2021-10-14 06:46 AM

本帖最後由 manyiu 於 2021-10-14 06:57 AM 編輯

di0208 發表於 2021-10-14 12:34 AM
搜救犬好偉大! 我記得好多年前美國 911事件, 一隻狗狗冒著生命危险, 帶住佢個盲眼主人由頂樓逃走!  盲眼主人唔想狗狗和他一起被燒死, 叫狗狗快快逃命! 誰知狗狗死拉住他不放, 帶領狗主人往下層逃走, 沿途狗狗好靜好靜的帶住他跑直至聽到有人聲 (消防員)狗狗立即大叫令到他們被發現!我好感動! 呢隻狗狗就係 Golden Retriever! 呢種狗狗好親人, 善良又聰明! 所以多數被用作 "導盲狗''!

911 survivor talks of how his guide dog saved him from World Trade Center collapse


作者: manyiu    時間: 2021-10-14 07:00 AM

本帖最後由 manyiu 於 2021-10-14 07:04 AM 編輯

一個盲人,他的導盲犬,以及他們於 9 11 9 11 日逃離北塔:

2001 9 11 日,邁克爾·辛森和他的導盲犬羅塞爾在世界貿易中心北塔的 78 層。邁克爾從出生就失明。拉布拉多獵犬羅塞爾是他值得信賴的伙伴,每天都在那裡指導他。

2001 9 11 日,邁克爾從新澤西州韋斯特菲爾德抵達WTC Path 火車站。他和他的同事大衛·弗蘭克 (David Frank) 正在他們位於 1World Trade 的辦公室舉辦研討會,並且很早就做好了準備。邁克爾說他記得為他的客人訂購了一個大早餐拼盤,包括紐約市必須提供的一些最好的羊角麵包。佈置好會議室後,他回到辦公桌前坐下,準備演講。然後,就在早上8 46 分,一聲巨響震動了大樓。一架波音 767,即美國航空公司的11 號航班,撞上了北塔,以每小時 500 英里的速度穿過
9399 層。這是一個瞬間的地獄。羅塞爾醒來,環顧四周。邁克爾很清楚,她沒有感覺到任何直接的危險。


Roselle坐著,搖著尾巴打哈欠,像是‘誰把我吵醒了?’這告訴我,我們可以嘗試有序撤離,恐慌無濟於事,”邁克爾說。邁克爾很清楚,他的導盲犬沒有感覺到任何直接的危險。確定電梯不再安全後,邁克爾和他的同事帶著他們的客人走到樓梯,回來後清掃辦公室尋找任何落伍者,並開始沿著1,463 級艱苦的台階走向安全。那天在樓梯間 B 上,邁克爾說他準備好的、堅定的心態幫助他保持冷靜。




(弗蘭齊斯卡·克魯格/蓋蒂圖片社攝)儘管疲倦、口渴,並且仍然不相信不到30 分鐘前發生的事情,邁克爾、羅塞爾、他的同事和他們的五位客人都活著離開了北塔。上午 9 15



2001 9 11 日,星期二,一名孤獨的消防員穿過紐約世貿中心遺址的成堆碎片。

週二早上,兩架飛機相隔幾分鐘撞到世貿中心大樓的高層,兩架 110-故事建築。

(美聯社照片/格雷厄姆·莫里森)他從不鬆開她的皮帶;她從不放棄她的工作。那天晚上,這對夫婦回到了他們在新澤西州的家,邁克爾處理了當天發生的不可思議的事情。現在,邁克爾是一名公眾演說家、暢銷書作家,並為accessiBe 工作,該產品使盲人更容易訪問網站。他是他們的首席視覺官。直到今天,邁克爾說羅塞爾是他所認識的最隨和的狗之一。她在可以的時候玩,在需要的時候工作。而且她總是認真對待自己的工作。回想起來,邁克爾說他很感激他的四足導盲犬,它讓他和其他人保持冷靜,同時引導她的人類走下78 級艱苦的樓梯。羅塞爾活到 14 歲。她於 2011 年夏天去世,

A blind man, his guide dog, and their escape from the North Tower on 9/11

9/11: 20 YEARS LATER
by: Elle Spektor

Posted: Sep 11, 2021 / 05:02 PM EDT / Updated: Sep 11, 2021 / 05:02 PM EDT
NEW YORK — On September 11, 2001, Michael Hingson and his guide dog, Roselle, were on the 78th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

Michael had been blind from birth. Roselle, a Labrador Retriever, was his trusted companion, there to guide him each day.


On Sept. 11, 2001, Michael arrived at the WTC Path Train Station from Westfield, NJ. He and his colleague, David Frank, were hosting a seminar in their offices at 1 World Trade and were in early to prepare.

Michael says he remembers ordering a big breakfast platter for his guests, including some of the best croissants New York City had to offer. After setting up the conference room, he sat back down at his desk, getting ready for his presentation.

Then, right at 8:46 a.m., a loud boom shook the building.

A Boeing 767, American Airlines Flight 11, had struck the North Tower, cutting through floors 93 through 99 at a speed of 500 miles per hour.

It was an instant inferno.

Roselle woke up and looked around. It was clear to Michael that she did not sense any immediate danger.

Michael Hingson and his trusted guide dog, Roselle.

“Roselle was sitting, wagging her tail and yawning like, ‘Who woke me up?’ That told me that we could try to evacuate in an orderly way and panicking wasn’t going to help,” Michael said.

It was clear to Michael that his guide dog did not sense any immediate danger.

Determining that elevators were no longer safe, Michael and his colleague walked their guests to the staircase, came back and swept the office for any stragglers, and began making their way down the grueling 1,463 steps to safety.

Up in Stairwell B that day, Michael said his prepared, steadfast mindset helped him stay calm.

“When you go in somewhere, you do it from a standpoint of eyesight…you look at the signs,” he said. “Well I know that doesn’t really work for me — signs and I don’t get along very well. And so I spent time once I started going in to the WTC, learning the complex.”

In the staircase that morning, he recalls the distinct smell of jetfuel, and says that he remembers the air tasting like “a shot of kerosene.”

As people filed into the stairway, it was a mostly quiet scene. They all kept to the right. There was no pushing, no shoving. And, though they still had no idea what exactly was happening, they knew their best chance at survival was to move forward, one step at a time.

“All the way down the stairs, the fact that I kept telling Roselle what a good job you’re doing helped a lot of other people, because they saw me focusing and being in charge of my situation,” he said.

(Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images)

Though tired, thirsty, and still in disbelief of what had happened less than 30 minutes prior, Michael, Roselle, his colleague, and their five guests all made it out of the North Tower alive close to 9:15 a.m.

When they got down to the lobby, both were met by a nearby NYPD officer — who warned the pair of the buildings’ imminent collapse — instructing them to run for cover.

As they ran, Roselle guided Michael through the dust-filled streets of Lower Manhattan, eventually ushering him to safety inside a subway station.

“She did exactly what she was supposed to do,” Michael said, reflecting that Roselle stopped by the stairs of the Fulton Street station to help them escape from the cloud of dust and debris after the towers fell.

A lone firefighter moves through piles of debris at the site of the World Trade Center in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. Two Planes crashed into the upper floors of the World Trade Center towers minutes apart Tuesday morning, collapsing both 110-story buildings. (AP Photo/Graham Morrison)

He never let go of her leash; she never wavered from her job.

That night, the pair returned to their home in New Jersey and Michael to process the inconceivable events of the day.

Now, Michael is a public speaker, a best-selling author, and works for accessiBe, a product that makes websites more accessible for blind people. He is their Chief Vision Officer.

To this day, Michael says that Roselle was one of the most easy going dogs that he had ever known.

She played when she could, and worked when she had to.

And she always took her job seriously.
Looking back, Michael says he is grateful for his four-legged guide dog, the one who kept him and others calm, while guiding her human down 78 grueling flights of stairs.

Roselle lived until age 14. She died in the summer of 2011, ten years ago.

作者: di0208    時間: 2021-10-15 10:00 PM

一個盲人,他的導盲犬,以及他們於 9 月 11 日9 月 11 日逃離北塔:

— 2001 年9 月 11 日,邁克爾·辛森和他的導盲犬羅塞爾在世界貿易中心北塔的 78 層。邁克爾從出生就失明。拉布拉多獵犬羅塞爾是他值得信賴的伙 ...
manyiu 發表於 2021-10-14 07:00 AM
啲聰明狗狗 真係人類嘅忠實朋友 令人肅然起敬
作者: manyiu    時間: 2021-10-16 04:52 AM

啲聰明狗狗 真係人類嘅忠實朋友 令人肅然起敬
di0208 發表於 2021-10-15 10:00 PM
最重要係狗狗忠心, 令人好感動!

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