民警將男子帶回派出所。經查,男子姓李,今年二十多歲,是棗莊人。據李某稱,他當天晚上到學校買手機卡,隨後在校園里閑逛。見小風身材苗條,且獨自一人在小路上走,他便過去騷擾。遭到小風反抗,他跑進教學樓,因不認路,轉來轉去又回到教學樓門口,被小風發現。 作者: franca 時間: 2008-12-13 11:47 AM
现在的禽兽越来越大胆了!!!!!作者: fly814 時間: 2008-12-13 03:03 PM 標題: How a real man should act...~~!!
this guy is more than a "色狼"..., his silly act which is absolutely like an uncivilized and immatured BEAST..~~!! He is unforgivable..! Basically.., he was truely insulting himself, and family and all of our men~~!! A man was not allowed to take a foolish action to an innocent ladies..!!! As a responsible man should take good care of a ladies, and confront the enemies, protect family ane love one.., is not abuseing their power overcome to any weekers..! That'is how the real man is.......!!!