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標題: 【Derek系列雙語版原創前瞻】湖人眾將士上下一心斗志高, 坐鎮洛城欲主場再奏凱歌 [打印本頁]

作者: kingjames    時間: 2008-4-23 08:14 AM     標題: 【Derek系列雙語版原創前瞻】湖人眾將士上下一心斗志高, 坐鎮洛城欲主場再奏凱歌

[Derek's Preview] Lakers Show No Mercy on court,  Aiming Another Victory at Home
[Derek系列雙語版原創前瞻]湖人眾將士上下一心斗志高, 坐鎮洛城欲主場再奏凱歌

The Lakers got thefirst victory in playoffs while facing the crazy scoring team Denver Nuggets.Lakers show them what is call “Massive Fire Power”. And by the outstanding
play of the Lakers players and a ultimateboost up in the third quarter, the Lakers beat the defenseless Denver Nuggets128 – 114 by their dazzling and high-efficient offense. Comparing to the Lakers“Big 3”, the Denver “DUO” Guns are in the shade.


Lakers take the firstvictory in playoffs; the most exciting guy is our “Spaniard” Pau Gasol. In 04,05, and 06 playoffs, Pau and his Grizzles got swept home continuously 3 timesby Spurs, Suns and Mavericks. And that left Pau an embarrassing record in hiscareer playoffs, 0 win 12 lost. After joining the Lakers and take the firstplayoffs victory, Pau finally break zero in his career playoffs record. The firstplayoffs win in this season; the Lakers show no mercy and have strong wills totake every victory. Kobe Bryant stone cold from the yard during the game, butPau Gasol using his fantastic perfect performance, 36points, 16rebounds, 8assists, and 3 blocks, and bring his team the victory. Using the words “omnipotentand invincible” to describe his play is not too overrated. Lamar comes up with17points and 14rebounds, and another guy we have to mention him is Luke Waltonwho made 16 point, 4 rebounds and 5 assists, well done guys. Kobe didn’t playwell on the first half with only scored 4 point but the second half he bounceback and take 32 point in the game. A.I. and Melo scored 30 points each but stilllost the game.


The second gamewill start soon, the combative and exciting Lakers will remain in Staplescenter, and what they want to do is same as game 1 – Beat the opponent forsure.



The detailsof the position match-up were talked about in the previous preview, this timewe look at the match-up of the combination of the key players and the bench.


DUO Guns VS LA Big3.
A first round first pick, a firstround third pick; a season score ranking No.3 and a No.4, they pair up and comeout a deadly weapon to the opponents, called the Denver “DUO” Guns. They havereally high scoring capability, but talk about their defense, their defense isreally not so okay. Under a high intension defense, their field goal will bevery gloomy. LA Big 3, a FIBA MVP players, a guy who called the Left handed“Magic” when he come to NBA, and a guy who going to get his MVP this season,they are the LA Big 3. The Lakers got a dramatic change since the Spaniardcome. Pau, Lamar and Kobe they feel like “why we didn’t play together when wein the league the very beginning”. The fantastic team-work the LA Big 3 show onthe court like they already old partners play together for many seasons, theydon’t look like they just play together for only 2 months. Lamar’s excellentrebounding, Pau’s fabulous passing, and Kobe’s leadership capability, Lakerswill take more advantages while G.O.B versus DUO Guns.

Advantage: Lakers

黃金雙槍 VS 湖人三巨頭一個狀元王、一個探花郎;一個賽季得分第三、一個賽季得分第四;在得分方面組合成令人膽寒的黃金雙槍。雖然火力強橫,不過防守還真的不怎麼樣,而且在被人看死的情況下命中率是慘不忍睹。湖人三巨頭,一個世錦賽MVP、一個出道時候被譽為左手“魔術師”、一個本賽季準備迎來MVP的人,組成了湖人三巨頭,自從西班牙人的加入,湖人上下起了翻天覆地的變化,西班牙人、喇嘛、老大,三人都有一種相逢恨晚的感覺。湖人三巨頭在場上的配合默契程度有如多年的老搭檔,根本不像才合作了2個多月的。喇嘛籃板功夫出色,加索爾的一手絕妙的傳球功夫,老大的領導能力,所以G.O.B對陣黃金雙槍,G.O.B的湖人三巨頭組合優勝。

Lakers Bench VSNuggets Bench. The Nuggets bench JR Smith, the Mexican Najara, and Kleiza areall deadly killers. Especially JR Smith and Kleiza, and because of hisexcellent shooting, George Karl loves to put Kleiza on the court for long. JRSmith, the X factor of Denver, because he is young and unstable, when his handsare hot, he looks unstoppable, when he didn’t, his field goal is as bad as youcannot imagine. Anyway, JR Smith is an exciting player, you can see him cut inand score by lay-up many times. Najara, a rarely see guy who know how to do thedefense job in a team never defense. He is an aggressive defense player willingto do the hard work and dirty jobs. We need to watch out this guy, he can makea 3point-shot from the field. Lakers bench, Farmar, Turiaf, Vujacic and Walton.Here we talk about Farmar and Walton more. Farmar, you need to be more stable,and play with calmness. Unstable and hotheaded are his big problems. Withoutthose problems, he is really a good point guard and a good bench of DerekFisher. Luke please play like the first game you show to people, play like whatyou be last season, we all willing to see a outstanding, stable, and smart LukeWalton, we don’t want to see an “imprudent” Walton on the court.
Advantage : Lakers

湖人板凳 VS 金塊板凳丹佛金塊的JR史密斯、墨西哥人納胡拉

The first game is ahigh scoring game, and the higher scoring and better defense Lakers took thegame. But we still can see a thing obviously is our defense is not good enough.Although like a famous saying: Offense is the best defense. We still let ouropponent scored 114 points, and we didn’t do a good job on defense. On thesecond game, facing the defenseless Nuggets, we expect to see the Lakers keep ahigh score but increase the defense intension and limit the opponent’s scoremore points. The 7 foot big guy Pau, keep a high-efficient performance, keep usingyour excellent vision and good pass to make chances for teammates, use yourlong arms with an expand of 2.30 meters to grab the rebounds and block theopponents, keep using your post-up capability to dominate the inside and attackthe defenseless Denver. Kobe, we all hope your hands will be heat up and nolonger stone cold from the field next game, and we all want to your wonderfulassists in the game. Our king of the left handed lay-up, Lamar Odom, keepcutting in and grab the rebounds, nobody in the Nuggets can stop you. Finally,don’t ignore those two dangerous Denver
bench, JR Smith and Kleiza, they will bring us troubles and we need towatch out.


期待湖人再戰取勝。再喊一次我們簡單而響亮的口號: Lakers GOGOGO !!! Point to the NBAChampion !!!

PS: 湖人首戰主場星光熠熠, RP很好的貝克漢大爺再度來場, 還有Logo Man, Jerry west, 蜘蛛俠 Tobey Marguire, 每場必到的Jack Nicolson, 湖人三朝元老Rick Fox ....希望第二戰還能看到他們.

PS II : 看到genf的回覆和聽了S的建議, 我添加了我原創前瞻的英文版本, 現在是雙語版系列原創前瞻, 希望大家喜歡.


大家還記得他嗎? 湖人三連冠的功臣, 加拿大帥哥 Rick Fox


湖人歷史上最牛X的球員之一, NBALogo Man, Jerry West

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