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標題: [時事討論] 劉細良: 冷血心理 [打印本頁]

作者: felicity2010    時間: 2014-12-3 08:36 AM     標題: 劉細良: 冷血心理

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-12-3 08:40 AM 編輯
/ @0 K; d: q8 U) {: g' D% c公仔箱論壇7 [" K) b: L0 x9 _
劉細良: 冷血心理
0 ]& I; x( J3 A  Q7 Etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; g% C( P/ X0 i6 g: r
公仔箱論壇- t& T6 A8 V- c
恐嚇女示威者「帶妳返差館強姦」、警司亂毆途人、六七人圍毆失去行動能力示威者,由起初喑角演變成公開群毆、攻擊示威者關節、頭部、向示威者舉中指、清場後在添馬公園拍紀念照⋯⋯% B7 L1 }" D: N" J3 R/ B& t7 U  [

; A3 \3 @: B# }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。我自小對警察暴力的認識,是1971年7月7日維園保釣運動威利警司打穿學生頭,事件成為殖民地鎮壓本土青年運動的象徵,在大學及社運界流傳三十多 年,亦曾拍成電影「玻璃之城」。而雨傘運動被扑爆頭的示威者及普通市民,超過了殖民地時代鎮壓的總和,甚至超過了六七年左派暴力(放炸彈)抗爭受傷總和。$ h, z8 k0 Z' C

4 Z! q" B( b: F* P) j8 i2 g九十年代開始警察為迎接回歸,避免市民憂慮「公安武警化」,在曾蔭培領導下進行了管理及形象改革,警署報案室變成酒店大堂、警察「民警化」,換掉了殖民地時代「準軍事形象」,如草錄色軍服改為藍色,曾幾何時,形象成功轉化,直至這兩個月前。公仔箱論壇0 [9 n9 a' x) k, Y9 U
公仔箱論壇& C, m# x1 }+ E! t, V' q8 L* L
對於警察由關心市民維持秩序的良好形象,變成恐嚇、濫用暴力的「有牌爛仔」,大家會感到錯愕。三十年前心理學家Philip Zimbardo根據「史丹福監獄實驗」產生的理論:路西法效應,解釋普通人變成邪惡成因,並非人的本性,而是由「情景系統」去促成。對於警察濫用暴力行為,不外乎兩種解説,一是爛蘋果,即屬壞警察個人行為個別事件,第二是現場環境,示威者衝擊或人數眾多混亂。這兩種解説都忽視了「系統」的力量,即掌權、 決策、指揮的權力精英,如何由上而下,有系統地傳達及界定「雨傘運動」佔領街頭性質,佔領者屬性及對示威者行使暴力的意義,為警察的過分行使暴力提供合理性。
, d. w  t7 M7 w/ N4 Q! w* e, i+ h公仔箱論壇
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- o6 D7 a$ [4 F! }

( [0 A2 l9 S% O& D( LTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1)廢青論述
公仔箱論壇* u7 V# ^3 h9 M
殖民地時代對反殖青年有明確政治定性,如國粹派、托派、70刊物激進派,而自天 星皇后保育運動以來,社運人士被他們稱為「廢青」,對社會没有貢獻兼搞事的一群,這是製造一種「敵意想像」,廢青標櫼令警察將示威者非人化,將他們變成一個「抽象概念」,警察用武力攻擊的是一群社會渣宰無用廢物。
! a, h2 c  R& X2 Y! m# [" \5 d' y3 S8 sTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
1 |4 ~: ~4 C% y+ Q公仔箱論壇2)林慧思事件
! F4 a( s5 H! ^1 v
本來是一宗小事卻不成比例地放大,粗口罵警事件背後是掌權者策動搞大件事,進一步製造對社運人士的「敵意想像」。廢青不單廢,更加反社會及動搖社會秩序權威,對廢青還擊,是維護執法者尊 嚴,而事件也煽動起警察內部敵慨同仇,有異議者基於集體壓力而噤聲。成為「自己人」的壓力,令當目睹同僚狅毆示威者時,也不會阻止。
4 p! L% x% M% c' g( v
- p% ?0 K+ B' q# p4 K/ P, k5 K5.39.217.763)民族主義

" `! E+ p6 {) U2 W0 \北京官媒一早咬死自發群眾運動背後有外國勢力,葉劉的「樽裝水何來」、「FirechatTelegram高科技通訊應用黑手乃外國勢力」,年輕人當笑話,但實際上當然是為警察洗腦,證明示威背後有外面勢力,警察暴力行為之正當性,在於對抗外國搞亂香港大陰謀。這個「敵意想像」更進一步成為國家安全威脅,令暴打示威者更具合理性。
5 s, c% w1 C$ i) q& v; T. h$ d公仔箱論壇

5 ]; ]; r6 B. M& w* U# h7 P4)形象差異

7 H. f4 G. l: H4 A# P. M8 s5 @在心理學實驗中,「負面標」是可以增加對目標的攻擊性,廢青、美國走狗,會令 警察疏遠本來對大學生、女性、中學生的友善形象,轉換成為仇恨。這種仇恨也會被權力用心挑起來,曾經轟動全世界的盧旺達種族屠殺慘劇,前一天還是朋友一起放牛的胡圖族人,拿起砍刀及狼牙棒擊殺圖西族人,二十萬女性被強暴,其中一個挑動仇恨的原因是「權力地位差異」,圖西族被視為有學識、愛和平,女性則高佻 白哳更受歡迎。當金鐘佔領區因其文明及多元化抗爭方式、文化藝術創意而備受國際傳媒讚賞時,警察則是形象低落的「黒警」,這種地位形象落差,會令他們產生報復心理,大家可以想像,在夏道干諾道清場那一天,好大可能出現暴力攻擊和平撒走佔領者場面。咋天早上進入海富橋的警察,肆無忌憚地侮辱示威者,如對女生喝駡「帶返差館強姦」、一邊用警棍毆打一邊叫「垃圾」、將橋上海報撕成紙碎再撒落橋、豎中指、做come on手勢、駡教徒「耶撚」等等,已顯示他們對奪回金鐘,摧毀這個「示威文明區」的慾望,甚於旺角。
4 @2 y1 D# b% ^  v1 s8 {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 m) |: E7 \5 l/ d& M
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& P1 u# x9 \1 E) c8 E0 x: Y
大家要有心理準備,更大的暴力還在前面。Philip ZimbardoThe Lucifer Effect: understanding how good people turn bad一書最後,認為要制止暴虐,需要在「重要時刻做出英雄之舉」的平民,喝止暴行,紀錄暴行,令穿上制服掩飾個人身份者知道他們的暴行及身分會被公開。而泛民政客在批評雙學時,也應在金鐘清場更大規模暴力發生前夕,向政府作集體警告。
作者: felicity2010    時間: 2014-12-3 08:41 AM

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-12-3 08:45 AM 編輯
% n, i8 I, G& O- }5 s9 p/ o5.39.217.76tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' E' O4 v4 r4 t' n
CHASING BIRDS OFF THE LAWN (麻鷹捉雞仔)Richard Scotford
0 m) ?  u6 k! U' s4 G5 }' |公仔箱論壇
1 t' `6 H. y2 V/ Q[attach]2992594[/attach]
$ U  d8 J* R$ a4 u公仔箱論壇

0 @# f; c" b6 c: v公仔箱論壇The police routes of protesters last night were nothing more than akin to chasing birds of the lawn and thinking you’re tough for doing it. One person can easily route 100s of birds, because they DON’T FIGHT BACK. likewise, 20 PTU violently thrashing at everyone will route100s.
9 e6 t) Y  n5 _% _, d: E
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ @' @2 F  ^8 d1 C( q  s
The confidence of the hardcore police units to beat protesters is shown in the fact that they don’t even bother to carry shields. Just batons so they can move fast, hit hard and feel like they are somehow powerful.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 v+ }; V) w7 K" e4 I. j+ p( R

5 _1 O- e; l2 y4 B) D公仔箱論壇Unfortunately, HK’s Black Police Force, they are now unashamed of this now and happily cheer and jeer at the protesters when they think they’ve scored victory, misunderstands this fight. They think it’s about power. When the Police completed their last charge this morning and stomped right into the main protester site, they were high on what they thought was a victory for them after a terrible night of collapse after collapse.
$ \6 T+ j# b  {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 Y6 b! z9 x$ n2 _" f
And then this morning we hear CY pipe in that the protesters should not mistake the HK Police forces restraint with weakness.Which we could say exactly the same thing about the protesters.
2 m5 m; T  c+ g' l5 z: `公仔箱論壇1 n* X! \$ y4 H- s
Last night, I spent a fair amount of time discussing with protesters who had found a huge stash of bricks right next to Lung Wo Rd, the heart of the battle. After being routed once by the police, people were angry and wanted to use the bricks against the PTU.Everyone knew they would come again, no one was surprised and some protestors wanted to hit back at the PTU when they came cockily charging. Fortunately,good sense prevailed and we managed to convince them that bricks would not help the cause. So the bricks remained untouched!

8 R$ F( ~0 l& @4 I5.39.217.76  k+ x9 n1 A* S$ w/ B
[attach]2992595[/attach]公仔箱論壇$ W0 p3 L5 y4 D; O: ~

% _7 m0 H+ m# C! A% J: ~% `( UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。The point is, which I’ve said all along is it is beyond preposterous to say that the reason there have been no major injuries so far is because of the restraint of the police. This is both ignorant and naive to believe or say. The reason why there has been no extreme violence is because of the restraint and good sense of an ad-hoc group of protestors who constantly squabble and bicker over method but all share the same high goal.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 c$ \. b1 s6 c; G$ L  S  a' g2 Y" t

, r+ A# t6 e2 r  [5 J  V3 u$ ^2 G) }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。There is no rational or logical connection between no negotiation and therefore straight to violence. People try to sell us this idea, and often we accept it blindly as though this is a normal state for citizens to be in with their government and police. But it’s not rational.Just like in our homes, if a person is being defiant, we’re not justified ingoing Route One to physical violence. The same is true for politics, or I can’t negotiate with these people therefore I will just brutalise them.
. j7 F% ^) S: v9 u2 v3 nTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 `% @% S1 N9 J2 ]
So in this light, how can we see last night's event? Certainly the police got routed twice to start and then the police routed the protesters twice. So was it a draw? Maybe the police won? Their route took minutes whereas the protesters push took hours.公仔箱論壇% e8 l0 |$ D! M, T8 A
9 [1 [; U' c' f/ o# i4 ]' z. t: P
The fact is, this is a true Civil Disobedience Movement and in such a fight, the protestors need to show the inhumanity and unreasonableness of the Government. And the best way to do this is to prove that the Gov will choose violence over discussion and negotiation and will brook no dissent and instead violently clamp down on it.
1 V2 |' `6 h+ q* G/ {7 f5.39.217.76
8 s* X' N' j5 E8 k) ?7 u
After 64 days, the HKFS call to action proved that the government will not and cannot compromise. Maybe you already knew that and think people didn’t need to push it so far to show this. But again this is naive. There’s a significant difference between personally believing and proving. Whatever your thoughts on the Occupy Movement, your opinions on the HK Gov and Police are changed forever and will never return back to what they once were. As for the young people of Hong Kong, The police and Gov have lost an entire generation. they will not forget what they saw. This is the success of the Occupy Movement. This was the victory from last night.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ |) K8 b  r0 v1 y

) h3 L8 d  t4 a. N7 P9 hEveryone's future in HK is at stake here. The Government has proved itself to be unashamedly malign to a significant proportion of the population and the HK Police have proven beyond doubt that they will happily run any of the government’s detractors off the street time and time again. The Police Force and Gov are stripped of any shame.They may well win by shear brute force , but they will never be able to get people’s trust. That has gone forever.
# k: W. U# v# _0 ]* ZTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ o. Y: K! d% T: E# r0 a# V

, f: N$ Y, _* d9 C【文、圖來自作者 Facebook,題為編者所加】
作者: felicity2010    時間: 2014-12-3 08:46 AM

$ E& K& C7 ?8 d& q- W
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 U! o2 m: y3 b9 H1 E/ J

9 i5 x1 F5 b" }) X[attach]2992597[/attach]
# v. d7 I; h- Z; Z  L  g! XTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 k' U$ }: S: n( g8 G  l1 W- X
我們憤怒了。公仔箱論壇- c/ T4 J3 r7 L( n" \" h1 @+ c
公仔箱論壇/ Z; |' E2 |/ j1 h- }  a
3 k* {; }9 d. I. f6 O7 U2 w  J# x
  k3 H% I, c" h9 x" k3 S+ v
由一開始主要為市民處理肢體損傷及催淚彈或胡椒噴霧造成的傷害,以至後來轉而主要照顧佔領區的老弱、病患者,兩個月以來,我們的取態非常清晰。我們要求參與義工保持其行動政治中立,禁止以義工身份叫喊口號,甚至直接參與示威。其主要目的,就是避免製造對立,以求繼續在場執行救傷扶危的天職,照顧不同 政治立場市民的健康。
& B- c# ~9 ~* g1 z1 d6 e3 n- `
  w7 S  q+ R* `* _% s5 g8 C
因此,當我們的急救工作受到警察無理阻撓時,我們感到極度震驚及憤慨。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; _% g# D+ ]' i1 P+ G2 m0 N8 n
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! w. B# D/ W- \) i9 h0 Q7 b
急救竟遭阻撓 醫護同感憤慨. B+ W) D5 e  m$ e, c( e, L# ~% x

# g: b9 r& h1 g  ?公仔箱論壇十二月一日凌晨,在警方使用暴力清場之下,傷者眾多,兼且傷勢是自928以來最嚴重的一晚。骨折,或頭破血流者不計其數。鑑於傷勢嚴重,當場診斷、止血及穩定病情當然至關重要。, d: h' x  L* C3 c
" d: e( ?1 f! n
其間,竟然不斷有警員公然向當值的義工醫生或護士揮舞警棍,在急救包紮進行時,凶暴驅趕。甚至有警員明言「你救人又點呀,照拉!」,企圖作出無理拘捕。* H/ s) [$ P& {& A; V: I9 F
公仔箱論壇9 U5 H/ X( R% Q4 F: A
# Y) k3 ]* B. P) w

& E5 q8 S! a9 U) N& ?7 {5 x2 d4 KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。無視人道立場 警員失控毆打5.39.217.76  q' m4 ~3 \( K0 }2 l; N# S) J! W
: n! c6 x0 P5 R7 }/ ?
! `8 V( X  M8 {9 c/ v公仔箱論壇
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) }: h6 v) \; Q, C+ X
即使是在真正荷槍實彈的戰爭裡頭,軍人都知道何謂人道主義,知道無論任何情況下,嚴禁攻擊醫療人員乃係國際慣例。我們的義工團隊之中,有不少曾經參與國際人道救援工作,卻從未受到如此對待。萬沒想到,竟然在太平盛世的香港,會有警察殺紅了眼,對長久以來救傷扶危,守護港人的醫護人員施以暴力,行徑幾 近瘋狂。何況事發期間,傷者實為警務人員,急救團隊本著中立的人道精神伸出援手,反遭其同袍襲擊,可見警隊已經情緒失控,喪失理智。如此執法者,怎不令人心寒。; x4 Q; }6 t, A

/ B6 W3 W1 M) `* zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。醫護無懼暴力 意志更為堅定
- ?$ |! L9 h( a3 Y$ {  wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

9 g' O  N4 m* X3 [3 U5.39.217.76可恨的是,梁振英政府非但並未對此作出譴責,居然於翌日對警方濫用暴力加以肯定,以為血腥暴力可以嚇退我們。但事實上自從醫護人員遭暴力對待的消息傳出以來,報名參加義務急救工作者以數倍增長,我們守護香港的意志亦更為堅定。
4 q& H8 D3 t; Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

. ^2 [0 ?1 i5 i5 Q. G. X公仔箱論壇石可破也,而不可奪堅;丹可磨也,而不可奪赤。 i/ e) D  q& a7 l! z* f

, o& n( H; |( |5 @1 f我們對警方向市民及醫護人員施以暴力,作出最嚴厲的譴責。
, h1 ]/ e. G7 b  |$ m. T2 a) ^我們憤怒了。: Q  |$ u' M) q: x) p5 U
! h3 s  q. l2 j, R
8 q" j* D7 ~" W1 x$ H1 t. F7 K( p4 v
與港人共勉之tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 q8 ], A* @, _9 f, C. ]5 O

  w; ]' y. A% r1 w5 I0 v6 g/ {9 p$ h  d歐耀佳醫生 暨
+ v8 H2 i8 \4 e" d: y# V: [公仔箱論壇和平佔中醫護組 及TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' `/ `% J/ t; O0 K* f# u  Y4 f+ p& |

+ z5 n: u. Z+ {/ R9 V, ~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( `1 c, _8 e5 s5 Q( i; ]7 {

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