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標題: A quick walk through my rossy patch [打印本頁]

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-3-31 10:09 AM     標題: A quick walk through my rossy patch

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-3-31 10:18 AM 編輯

Here are some of the roses that are growing in my front garden.
They have been planted there for about 8 months in a sunny disposition. (about 5 hours of direct sunlight)
They are irrigated with timed drip irrigation, 10 minutes at 6 am. on every other day.
The drip filter delivers right to the trunk at a rate of 4 liters per hour,
so there is not much watering at all.

The roses are mostly from a famous nursery which specialize on breeding roses.

There are quite a few other different plants and citrus trees in my front garden too,
the ground is very well mulched to avoid weeds infestation.

Here is a quick walk through of the roses in alphabetic order:

Celine Debarb - She is a real beauty, so proud, so bright, strong stem,
The bloom is bigger than my open hand, not so fragrant though.


Charles Darwin - An alright breed, big flower bud,
very dense petals packed like a cabbage, blooms look spectacular.
The problem is the stem is not strong enough to hold the bloom.
Bought from a retail shop instead of the nursery.


Fragrant Plum -  A Very prolific blooming rose, big blooms, very fragrant;
I have a few of this and they have continuously giving me lovely flower.


Grand Nord - Big white blooms, strong stem.
Very attractive.
First release.


Guy Savoy - An exotic breed, big blooms, strong stem kind of pale orange colour,
Very attractive.
I think this is the first release.


Jumping Jack -  What a name, the blooms just keeps poping up all the time, bright red roses,
very prolific, a very happy plant.


Love Potion -  Remember the song "Love Potion"?  If you do, then we are of the similar vintage.
Medium size bloom, but the perfume; OMG!.


Moon Stone - This one is exceptional, very exquisite, so pretty,
strong stem, big bloom too.


My Hero -  The breeder must be very proud with this one to call her my hero,
big beautiful bloom, very fragrant.


Neptune -  This one is grafted onto the same root stock as My Hero,
incredible fragrant, big bloom, strong stem.


One Love - Very prolific bloom, usually 3 to five on one stem, big blooms too. Here are 2 loves.



Simplicity Red -  Bight red with well form bloom, big petals, another happy rose.


That's all folks.  Thanks for sharing.  

作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-3-31 12:44 PM

norman 你D玫瑰好靚,我最喜歡黃色嗰棵。
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2014-3-31 04:37 PM

Your roses are beautiful with funny names! I may post some pictures within these weeks because they are still blooming.
作者: 亞良    時間: 2014-3-31 07:39 PM

D葉好靚, 點解我種D玫瑰果D葉好鬼難睇
作者: dororo    時間: 2014-3-31 08:36 PM

D葉好靚, 點解我種D玫瑰果D葉好鬼難睇
亞良 發表於 2014-3-31 07:39 PM
因為Aust. 天氣熱 ?
作者: dororo    時間: 2014-3-31 08:37 PM

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-4-1 09:02 AM

3# hkgorchid
To hear that your roses are still blooming, we may live in the same part of the world.
Love to see your post.  My roses are mostly new breeds, I do have some traditional ones like the Mr. Lincoln;
a beautiful red rose, strong fragrant, strong long stem.  But she doesn't flower so abundantly as the new breed;
and I find the older breeds are not so pest and disease resistant either.

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-4-1 09:08 AM

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-4-1 09:14 AM 編輯

4# 亞良
When you water the plant, try to water only the trunk, and don't spray them too much.
That's how it works for me.
If you see ladybirds and beetles on the plants, leave them there;
both the ladybirds and their larvae munch up the mites and aphids;
if you do get them, they are good news.
I got lots of them in my garden.
I think luck got a lot to do with it too.

She is the one that was introduced to Australia about 10 years ago
as a biological control for aphids.

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-4-1 09:12 AM

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-4-1 09:15 AM 編輯

6# dororo
I plant the roses about 1 meter apart, 2 rows in a zigzag manner; at the very front of the garden.
There are about 30 roses.
The roses are part of the garden, there are quite a few other flowering plants and citrus trees too.

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-4-1 09:27 AM

2# chowold2
I don't understand the words "剪裁", pardon my Chinese;
if you are talking about pruning,
I have absolutely no experience,
this is the first season they are planted;
I suppose I won't be pruning them for a few months yet.
I am very much an armature myself.

作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-4-2 12:25 PM

D葉好靚, 點解我種D玫瑰果D葉好鬼難睇
亞良 發表於 2014-3-31 07:39 PM
作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-4-2 12:28 PM

2# chowold2
I don't understand the words "剪裁", pardon my Chinese;
if you are talking about pruning,
I have absolutely no experience,
this is the first season they are planted;
I suppose I won't b ...
norman.ho 發表於 2014-4-1 09:27 AM
Yes, If you do the pruning right, the roses will bloom and come back year after year.
作者: 亞良    時間: 2014-4-4 12:46 PM

4# 亞良
When you water the plant, try to water only the trunk, and don't spray them too much.
That's how it works for me.
If you see ladybirds and beetles on the plants, leave them there;
both the l ...
norman.ho 發表於 2014-4-1 09:08 AM
多謝師兄提點, 我有8棵玫瑰```其實很少打理, 連澆水都沒有, 只是開完花就CUT枝~~~小弟有個小問題請教師兄, 我有棵玫瑰死了,但是佢由死去根部再生長, 但不知幾時再出花, 謝謝你.

norman 兄請看圖)D葉真是好難睇

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-4-5 08:14 AM

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-4-5 08:22 AM 編輯

Hello 亞良,
I am no expert in growing roses, just a newcomer myself.  There are two suggestions that I hope might help;  I notice there are some black spots on the leaves, its a kind of fungal disease, its better to pinch those leaves off and put them in the garbage bin, and when watering, just water the trunk and try to keep the leaves dry;  the other point is roses don't like competition, there are quite a bit of onion weeds popping up near the rose plant, best to spray the weed with something like Zero 360 to get rid of them for good, (you may have to spray and wait for a week for them to die off, than spray the new weeds again to get rid off all the residuals completely) then add some slow release fertilizer pellets or cow manure and mulch the plant to a depth of around 3 cm.

As for the new shoot, that is definitely a rose, perhaps from the old graft; I think it will flower soon.

Your roses look nice too.  Hope I helped.
作者: 亞良    時間: 2014-4-5 11:52 AM

收到```明白了, 謝謝norman 兄
作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-4-5 01:08 PM

4茶匙baking soda + 1加侖水 再+幾滴肥皂液......用嚟噴D玫瑰
作者: 亞良    時間: 2014-4-5 02:13 PM

4茶匙baking soda + 1加侖水 再+幾滴肥皂液......用嚟噴D玫瑰 ...
chowold2 發表於 2014-4-5 01:08 PM
完全明白, 謝謝你, 其實norman 師兄所講D野, 我明7成, 其他估估下, 因為我英文是有限公司, 多謝你同norman兄.
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-4-6 07:29 AM

4茶匙baking soda + 1加侖水 再+幾滴肥皂液......用嚟噴D玫瑰 ...
chowold2 發表於 2014-4-5 01:08 PM
baking soda + 水 + 肥皂液 這配方是玫瑰花農教我用來對付蚜蟲 Aphid 的,
baking soda + 肥皂液 目的是要令蚜蟲窒息而死,
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-4-6 07:31 AM

良哥, 雖然您說沒有澆水, 但當天氣持續炎熱; 加上高濕度便會產生這種黑斑病.
是有殺菌藥可治, 但絕非 baking soda + 水 + 肥皂液
作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-4-6 09:03 AM

本帖最後由 chowold2 於 2014-4-6 09:14 AM 編輯

睇嚟vandas姐要做下功課,search下玫瑰黑斑病,有很多網子都係講用baking soda + 水 + 肥皂液 這配方來控制玫瑰黑斑病
作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-4-6 10:48 AM

再次上網搜查過,中文網站很多只提供化學殺菌劑方法。而英文網站很多都提供Organic way to treat black spot。。。這是如何baking soda可以控制玫瑰黑斑病
Baking soda and vinegar: When vinegar and baking soda are sprayed on a fungus, changes the pH of the fungus thus killing it.
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-4-6 03:25 PM

網上文章一大抄, 隨便google下當秘笈, 係人都可以做教授咯.
作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-4-6 11:19 PM

關於(changes the pH of the fungus thus killing it改變pH值從而殺死真菌)這種說法,我是需要多點時間去證實。
vandas姐你肯定baking soda對殺菌並無作用,相信你對這一定很有研究,可以供應多少資料好等我們學習嗎。
作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-4-7 07:25 AM

找到一些資料,這是由華盛頓州大學的研究報告,報告中指出baking soda是不能殺死真菌,但是可以防止真菌的生長。
預防勝於治療,baking soda也不失為一個可用的方法。

作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2014-4-7 05:30 PM

3# hkgorchid
To hear that your roses are still blooming, we may live in the same part of the world.
Love to see your post.  My roses are mostly new breeds, I do have some traditional ones like the M ...
norman.ho 發表於 2014-4-1 09:02 AM
My roses are not young at all they are morethan 15 years old now! I was feeling sad because my wife had almost killed allof the roses with wrong pruning & tools 2 years ago. They are gettingbetter but still recovering & not as strong as previously. The weather haschanged this year as some of the roses are already flowered especially theyellow & white one which already had dead heads while the others are stillblooming. I have taken some pictures & will post them altogether as soon asthe others are flowered.
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2014-4-7 05:52 PM

2# chowold2
I don't understand the words "剪裁", pardon my Chinese;
if you are talking about pruning,
I have absolutely no experience,
this is the first season they are planted;
I suppose I won't b ...
norman.ho 發表於 2014-4-1 09:27 AM
The best pruning period is late winter with bypass pruner & bypass lopper (the lopper is for thick stems or branches) cut the branches in 90 degrees so that the rain water will not stay on the cut areas thus to avoid bacteria. Take away all the leaves in order to let the roses have nice winter sleep. Fertilize the roses in early spring. My 2 cents!
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2014-4-7 06:07 PM

4茶匙baking soda + 1加侖水 再+幾滴肥皂液......用嚟噴D玫瑰 ...
chowold2 發表於 2014-4-5 01:08 PM
The dead branches, stems & leaves must be cut otherwise the whole rose will die. Remember clean all the fallen leaves as they have disease. I generally use "Bayer" all in one rose & flower care. It can fertilize, insect control as well as disease control.
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2014-4-7 06:18 PM

4茶匙baking soda + 1加侖水 再+幾滴肥皂液......用嚟噴D玫瑰 ...
chowold2 發表於 2014-4-5 01:08 PM [/quoteI
I don't command this kind of method & I never heard it before!
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-4-9 07:42 AM

26# hkgorchid

Thanks for your advice.  15 years roses must have a real big trunk, and big blooms too.
Looking forward to your photo posting.

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-4-9 01:36 PM

vandas姐你肯定baking soda對殺菌並無作用...
chowold2 發表於 2014-4-6 11:19 PM
我冇講過baking soda冇用,
請周先生再三看清楚, 我說的是:
baking soda + 水 + 肥皂液 這配方是玫瑰花農教我用來對付蚜蟲 Aphid 的,
baking soda + 肥皂液 目的是要令蚜蟲窒息而死,

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