根據Net Applications的調查,Windows 7在8月的市佔率為45.63%,9月為46.44%,增加了0.81個百分點,而Windows 8今年8月的市佔率7.41%,9月為8.02%,僅增加0.61個百分點。此外,目前仍有31.37%的桌上型電腦用戶使用Windows XP,有3.98%使用Windows Vista平台,另有3.69%使用蘋果的Mac OS X 10.8。
Windows 8是微軟在視窗作業系統有史以來最重要的變革,它改以觸控螢幕為設計重心,同時支援個人電腦與平板電腦,但一方面市場上支援觸控的個人電腦產品尚未成主流,另一方面因其介面改變太大而造成既有的視窗用戶裹足不前,也有不少研究指出Windows 8未能帶動市場上的PC銷售。
其實XP就很不錯了 要不是MS要取消XP的支援 XP還能再擋好幾年...作者: mrfusion 時間: 2013-10-10 12:53 AM
xp users doesn't need microsoft support, plenty of people use pirate version of xp and never use any microsoft update or support and they can do it without drama. Just that xp has no support, if it is a legal version, then people should be free to use it for as long as they like. Just keep the antivirus/security software update, that should be good many more years.