21、钓鱼岛战争已经打响,而且惊心动魄。网络上一片骂政府软弱无能之声,但兵者,诡道也,尤其面对美国、日本两个战争狂人,得更诡异,更聪明,做好更周全准备,美元指数跌破80,中国已经在抛售美债美元,货币战争已经打响,抛售美债是为和日本打仗的必须准备。作者: skyalan 時間: 2013-9-1 02:35 AM
竟然没人响应。。。。作者: yeuse2002 時間: 2013-9-3 10:14 PM
讲得太深 没人睇得懂啊作者: xp11511 時間: 2013-9-6 12:56 PM
确实太深奥了 不好懂 啊作者: zhangjunhong 時間: 2013-9-8 12:34 AM
说到底还是中国不会进他们的圈套咯~~作者: TDIJ 時間: 2013-9-9 04:45 PM
中国行不行?作者: isuac 時間: 2013-9-11 04:49 PM
美國真是太賤了!!作者: huit 時間: 2013-9-18 10:11 PM
skyalan 發表於 2013-9-1 02:35 AM
probably because nobody is interested in conspiracy theories, especially ones from china, written by ignorant chinamen whose only source of world news is from the government and have no clue how world politics and diplomacy actually works. Like the proverbial frog sitting at the bottom of the well.作者: hayesleung 時間: 2013-9-18 11:38 PM
這些其實並不是什麽秘密,所有搞經濟及政治的人都知道是什麽回事,當然李老闆等大富貴更是深諳此道,但可以講,呢份東西裡面講述的最多也只是其中的1/3,還有更深層次的沒有提及到呢!作者: mrbios2011 時間: 2013-9-20 01:58 AM
Thank you for share作者: lovenet 時間: 2013-9-20 10:52 AM
太軟了作者: billchantk 時間: 2013-10-15 03:34 AM
Thanks for sharing.作者: billchantk 時間: 2013-10-15 03:34 AM
Thanks for sharing.作者: catalase 時間: 2013-12-12 02:14 AM
Chinese must be united to deal with this problem with a strong military presence. There are too many external forces trying to split China into small powerless states. The splitting of Russia was a good example. Economical, China shall limit trade with Japan. The only way the Japanese can rebuild its military is a strong export economy (i.e. money).
Thanks for sharing anyway.作者: patywwat 時間: 2013-12-15 09:18 PM
thanks for your sharing作者: b3_kissgod 時間: 2014-1-14 04:21 PM