本帖最後由 99chan 於 2013-5-10 10:01 PM 編輯 * b( N1 h# g. k" G 0 B- K1 K( C. N. v _% c她演技OK,可惜劇情太差,角色脫離現實。作者: tvb128 時間: 2013-5-10 11:24 PM
This drama series is dragged down by the first half. Most of the plots related to the romance segment is uninteresting and it should have been cut and tightened some. The later half has better plot. This series should have been shorten to 20 episodes and change the name to something else.作者: rogerbb2012 時間: 2013-5-11 02:54 PM
系啊 樣就幾好但系演得好爛作者: kachitlin 時間: 2013-5-12 06:13 AM
I think she has done well and performed well consider the script wasn't that good anyway. She and joe junior were very good combo作者: abcabcabc00 時間: 2013-5-12 12:10 PM
I think so, but it 's not her fault... and i'm sure that she will be better for next time.作者: dandee 時間: 2013-5-12 07:09 PM
that's always the case, TVB make each character very impressive in the first place but acting like a stupid at the end.作者: tachikei 時間: 2013-5-12 09:39 PM
我覺得唔係佢FE問題,係劇本問題囉~作者: minijo38 時間: 2013-5-13 03:15 AM
i think is too much for he. her voice should be lower in this drama. anyway not a good try.作者: tachikei 時間: 2013-5-16 09:45 PM
DONT AGREE!!! 我覺得佢OK~作者: beargamer 時間: 2013-5-17 10:00 AM