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標題: [旅遊資訊] 澳洲悉尼白人洋漢巴士辱罵亞洲人 [打印本頁]

作者: bwk0317    時間: 2013-4-3 03:34 AM     標題: 澳洲悉尼白人洋漢巴士辱罵亞洲人

本帖最後由 summei0529 於 2013-4-10 06:58 AM 編輯

今日悉尼訊 澳洲東部時間4月1日 周六晚,一輛駛經悉尼CBD的巴士上發生一起種族歧視性的辱罵事件。一名白人乘客在車上對兩名韓裔遊客大爆粗口,並大罵他們是二戰轟炸澳洲的日本人。而向媒體爆料的華裔女子挺身制止該男子時,竟然沒有一個乘客出來幫忙,更有人發出笑聲,還有人則讓她趕緊坐下。



        Heidi表示這名男子在視頻開錄前就已經對這兩名遊客喊出了諸如“你他媽會說英語嗎?”(Do you f*cking speak English?),“日本傻逼”(Japanese C*nts)和“你們幹嘛要來澳洲”之類含有種族歧視性質的話語,而這些辱罵主要針對的乃是那名女性遊客。Heidi表示自己並不知道該男子爲何會被那兩名遊客激怒。




作者: snk828    時間: 2013-4-3 11:12 AM

作者: sw21    時間: 2013-4-3 02:10 PM

racist is everywhere, i got it here in my shop too
作者: perl    時間: 2013-4-3 04:19 PM

作者: vodafoneataus    時間: 2013-4-4 01:05 PM

racist is everywhere in australia
作者: krystal_baby    時間: 2013-4-4 02:47 PM

But they are not Japanese... They are Korean....
作者: bhhoosf    時間: 2013-4-21 07:19 AM

Ha ha foolishly driver he don't we got Korean people ha ha
作者: mangoshake    時間: 2013-4-21 06:41 PM

I also have  the same bad experience 10+ years ago in Australia. I was on a long-haul overnight bus. The man behind my seat did not allow me to laid down my seat back. He use his legs to push my seat back and use foul language shouting to me.
作者: no_one_can    時間: 2013-5-8 01:57 AM

作者: subsub000    時間: 2013-5-8 03:50 PM

本帖最後由 subsub000 於 2013-5-8 03:53 PM 編輯

如果是種族歧視, 不應道歉, 在安全情況下, 應當面斥責, 因為澳洲已就反種族歧視立法, 這是一種非法行為, 不為社會接受.
作者: bwk0317    時間: 2013-5-20 02:39 AM

6# krystal_baby
But they are not Japanese... They are Korean....
krystal_baby 發表於 2013-4-4 02:47 PM
絕大部份洋鬼佬 係唔識 亦唔會分乜野中國人,韓國人,日本人,甚至泰國人等,因為喺佢哋眼中你哋都係一群pan face,矮小,目無輪廓嘅黃臉佬,亞洲佬。


作者: who1980    時間: 2013-5-20 05:38 AM

作者: timetogetout    時間: 2013-5-28 02:03 AM

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作者: Aidenc    時間: 2013-6-1 08:29 PM

作者: cloudwat    時間: 2013-6-3 03:26 PM

Mascots of Australia: kangaroo, koala and racist.
作者: solo1111    時間: 2013-6-10 09:59 PM

Aussies are racist pigs
作者: beyyyshu    時間: 2013-6-13 09:55 PM

作者: subsub000    時間: 2013-6-26 11:11 AM


A woman who allegedly racially abused a school student on a Sydney bus has been charged by police after a fellow passenger captured footage of the encounter on a mobile phone and posted it on YouTube.
The 55-year-old woman, from Balmain, will appear in court in August after she allegedly told the schoolboy to "go back on your f---ing boat" during a profanity-laden rant on a public bus in Burwood in April this year.
The teenage student, who is of Asian descent and was still dressed in his uniform, boarded the bus at the intersection of Burwood Road and Railway Parade at 3.30pm on April 17 when a female passenger began verbally abusing him.
In a video posted on YouTube by another passenger, a woman is shown yelling at the male student to sit down on the M41 bus from Burwood to Campsie.
"It's not f---ing right. Sit the f--- down," the woman says, adding that the student should "get a passport bro".
"No-one can see where they're going. Especially when I'm drunk.
"I'm born here, I know what I'm doing.
"Go back on your f---ing boat and f--- off.
"There's a lot of Aussie passengers on this bus and I'm telling ya, they're totally not going to agree with you, I tell you right now. And I'm one of them."
During the rant, the woman also says Prime Minister Julia Gillard "should make more boats".
The driver intervenes several times and asks the student to sit down, which he does, and for the woman to be quiet.
"Yeah no worries. Yeah I'll shut up, I'll shut the f--- up," the woman responds.
A passenger uploaded the video to YouTube, and police later appealed for public help to identify the woman.
Assistant Commissioner Max Mitchell, from the Police Transport Command, said about 5pm on Tuesday officers went to a unit on George Street in Balmain and spoke to a 55-year-old woman.
She was issued a field court attendance notice for offensive language, and is due to appear in Burwood Local Court on August 6.
“This type of racial abuse, especially where young children are involved, is completely deplorable and will not be tolerated," Mr Mitchell said.

Read more: ... .html#ixzz2XHvbEJKG
作者: alanngli    時間: 2013-7-12 09:09 PM

本帖最後由 alanngli 於 2013-7-12 09:13 PM 編輯

A similar incident happened again not long after this one, except this time the bus driver stopped the bus and asked the person to leave.

Aussies are not all racist, some of them were offended because of immigrants clinging to their culture at the expense of local culture, but most of them embrace immigrants, especially those who made an effort to assimilate into the general society.
作者: movieAAA    時間: 2013-7-14 02:10 PM

有次我去澳洲旅行, 航空男服務員都對華人沒有禮貌, 他送飲品給我們時, 用手指敲我們張枱, 他應該是用英語說:excuse me! 當時我覺得佢係歧視黃皮膚的人.
作者: 80'Sgirl    時間: 2013-7-23 10:31 AM

作者: riderkid    時間: 2013-7-23 04:30 PM

日本右翼份子係衰格ga la, 戰時炸人地國土, 佢地係好睇唔起中國人, 我果次係上海嘅酒店食早餐無端端俾個唔識嘅日本老坑恥笑, 不過我冇理佢. 呢個澳洲人都係憎日本人啫! 都了解佢心情嘅.
作者: micwong88    時間: 2013-7-31 06:25 PM

Call the cops. They finally get catch and put on court and charge.
作者: asleung298    時間: 2013-8-4 04:50 PM

Thanks for sharing
作者: yoyourfather    時間: 2013-8-7 12:22 AM

many white pig doesnt like asian people because we are rich and they are poor
作者: c-clock    時間: 2014-5-18 09:51 PM

作者: huit    時間: 2014-5-19 05:06 AM

many white pig doesnt like asian people because we are rich and they are poor
yoyourfather 發表於 2013-8-7 12:22 AM
Typical chinaman 阿Q attitude

"they dont like us because they are jealous of us"

I can tell you now very categorically they are NOT jealous of you, they treat you like shit cos you look and act like a total loser. Law of the jungle mate, sheeps get eaten.
作者: 545euro    時間: 2014-5-19 07:50 AM

korea people do not come from china people.
作者: ph8    時間: 2014-5-26 08:06 AM

Mascots of Australia: kangaroo, koala and racist.
作者: 林源三    時間: 2014-5-27 03:39 PM

Thanks for sharing
作者: uchihabosco    時間: 2014-5-30 01:47 AM

The point here is not because of misunderstanding of different cultures or that Caucasians can't tell the difference between Asians, the point here is that they are being racist to us. We need to stop making excuses for ourselves. I have faced racism in Canada as well. I was on the bus, and this young Caucasian guy got onto the bus and he stared screaming "chinks". Whenever an Asian got onto the bus, he kept repeating that word over and over again and I couldn't stand it. I stood up and defended myself like "Heidi" did and ya nobody did nothing but who cares at least I did something about it. I don't get why most Asians think it is ok to be racist at, this is year 2014 and we need to stand up for ourselves. We shouldn't let racism and ignorance to put us down and make ourselves feel inferior compared to Caucasians. We are generally smarter than them, we work harder than them and family oriented, and we aren't as ignorant as them so a lot of things we are better than them so we really have to show this world how great us Asians are.
作者: mxxbzl1    時間: 2014-5-31 02:31 AM

作者: momochacha2007    時間: 2014-6-10 02:29 PM

Australian is racist too, just some of you never encounter racist australian, hahaha.
作者: y89a5cl    時間: 2016-12-10 08:11 PM

my colleagues told me they had these incidents happened on them before, yet they told them: we are not from China! don't expect all asians are chinese! what about other places like vietnam, malaysia, thailand, come you only focus on somewhere in particular? or you can't differentiate between different countries? that just proves you australians are so dumb, lol
作者: baby789    時間: 2016-12-15 03:39 AM

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作者: passgfh    時間: 2017-1-11 04:37 PM

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作者: haoson1996    時間: 2017-10-10 11:51 AM

作者: 小胖胖    時間: 2017-10-31 10:40 AM

作者: asasdfghj    時間: 2017-12-4 02:54 PM

的确,上年还有阿德莱德hungry Jack一个鬼老不愿吃亚洲人做的食物,要求退货,原因因为是华人做的

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