部腦無端端彈出藍屏話什麼 bad_pool_header 0x00000019,0×00000020....etc.跟住自動reboot or hang機.小弟最近又沒有裝過或加嘢落部腦到;由1月1日到現在共出現了5次呀,是否harddisk出問題呢?請高人指點迷津。謝謝 ( p.s.已上網 check過 bad pool header,但都係唔明点解決)作者: brian123 時間: 2008-1-9 08:27 AM
do you have win-xp sp2 with norton goback version higher as 3.0. when so is, try to uninstall norton. maybe is yours problem gone.
:onion14: :onion14:作者: goghost38 時間: 2008-1-9 03:00 PM
What is the meaning of Norton goback ver.?
Actually I'm using Win XP sp2 w/Norton anti-virus 2006.any problem?作者: evin1945 時間: 2008-1-11 10:21 AM
to save mode and uninstall all the norton products. all the norton product are needed too much memory, try to uninstall all of them, let see....