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標題: MACBOOK AIR一問 [打印本頁]

作者: tytmmm    時間: 2012-10-31 01:09 AM     標題: MACBOOK AIR一問

我想買部mba 13"既 平時用來上下網 玩下ps 打下lol咁樣
請問mba 既規格做唔做到呢 請咁多位巴打教教小的
CPU: Intel Core i5 1.7GHz,128GB SSD,4GB DDR3 Ram,Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
家用pc既都算識小小 但一到筆電 真係唔識睇 有人可教我應該點樣分佢run唔run到隻game / 夠唔夠vram呢d嗎 thx all
作者: Cheval_Blanc    時間: 2012-10-31 03:15 AM
做到, 但係PS同打機  會比較吃力, 佢無display, 薄機一般都唔會有display
Mac Book Pro 好好多, 但貴更多
Display 有650M

同埋以MBA既價錢你可以買到其他牌子既notebook而又滿足到你所有要求, 差在冇SSD
i7-3610QM, 15.6吋, 8GB, 1000GB, GT650-2G
佢有另一款係用WIN 8 既, 不過暫時都係觀望好D
作者: cloudwat    時間: 2012-10-31 08:21 AM

本帖最後由 cloudwat 於 2012-10-31 08:26 AM 編輯

上網, Photoshop 同打 online games 唔會有問題, 但d好graphic intensive 既 games 如 Battlefield 3就唔係好得 la.  要 Macbook Pro 15" 先得. By the way, MBA 13" 係 Intel HD Graphic 4000.
作者: sanskingdom    時間: 2012-11-28 10:29 AM

Battery and temperature are two things you needed to concern.

Mine is 11" 2011 mid model. Actually cpu speed and rams are quite enough for light to mid weight gaming, but whenever it's running the flash or pushing the CPU, the fan is spinning harder and harder by time. Meanwhile you can see its battery is draining as well. In addition, Hong Kong/ Asia is quite Hot and moist, temperature will affect more.

Anyway, I love my 11" MBA, it's silent, speedy, great speakers, and decent battery life. For light usage is more than enough. Go for it!
作者: xiaobenben    時間: 2012-12-17 08:24 AM

i have the mba 13" 2012 model, it is very fast and can play diablo 3 and metal of honor no problem.
It comes with SSD drive and it boots up in less than 8 seconds.
You won't regret buying it.
作者: luklukluk    時間: 2012-12-20 04:29 PM

notebook, 想有效能, 就唔應該選擇MBA,
要Performance, 就一定係MBP
MBA 俾到你既係行動方便, 容易攜帶, 同埋型
作者: bail_w    時間: 2012-12-20 04:32 PM

Actually, you should consider about the lifespan of the SSD drive. Usually it lasts about ~5 - 7 years.

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