; J7 m- g; } l* G. g/ g $ f* r" I4 F. p8 }" ]3 tTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。胡錦濤訪港三天,竟是香港新聞史上最黑暗的三天。一名《蘋果日報》記者因為向十多米外的胡錦濤高聲提問六四問題,竟被警員帶走問話十五分鐘,原因是他「太大聲」、「影響秩序」及「違規」。 9 Q9 O/ z" C" j% j6 YTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 M: P# T# J. [
記者問問題而被拘留,這種只會在伊朗、敍利亞、北韓及中國等極權國家發生的荒唐事,竟破天荒出現在香港,加上之前李克強訪港的黑影事件,可見我們的新聞自由已到了危急存亡之秋! " N8 E8 v# D: o7 Q$ RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 X7 |. |1 z# V, r
筆者從事新聞工作二十年,採訪過無數中國新聞,追訪過江澤民、朱鎔基等中共領導人到歐美等國訪問,也採訪過他們來港的活動。每次江、朱等人進出酒店,守候在大堂的香港記者便隔空高喊「江主席」、「朱總理」,當他們揮手示意時,記者就高聲提問,包括外交、內政、香港事務,也有人權、異見人士被囚等問題,有時他們避而不談,有時會走過來回答一兩條問題,這是他們最輕鬆的時刻。" I' F' o; w" u8 v! }
9 |& S' o0 Z0 j0 M5 \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。二○○○年十月,董建華赴京述職時獲江澤民接見,會面前安排記者拍攝兩人寒暄的場面,有線電視記者張寶華趁機高聲問江澤民是否欽點董建華連任特首,江澤民大發雷霆,留下「Too simple, sometimes naive」(「太簡單,有時還很幼稚」)的名句。還記得朱鎔基二○○二年十一月到香港出席世界會計師大會時、被幾十名記者包圍在會展大堂嗎?當時連玻璃門和花盆也逼爆了。這些記者有被拘禁嗎?公仔箱論壇 ^1 A. I0 _: p3 r `' [$ v5 v
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- l9 A. L5 Y: Q7 p
胡錦濤上場後,一切都變了。不知是他應對問題能力不足,還是身邊的人要把他神秘化,總之他外訪時,追訪他的香港記者全被隔得遠遠,且不能隨便發問。 ) K, R D8 V0 T* {8 h9 M j5.39.217.76/ d: M- u. ]" B; F
如果說問敏感問題的記者要拘留,那幾乎所有香港記者都不可能倖免!香港傳媒是公器,不是宣傳機器呀,記者提問是基本的要求,是他的本份,否則就是失職,無論那些問題是多麼的難堪、刺耳、令人不安,也是要問的,至於答不答、如何答,則是受訪者的事了。9 K. `& n3 f2 \; q# T& J
# v3 S9 B; ]; T5 e
胡錦濤今次訪港,只開放六場活動給記者採訪,但都沒停下腳步站着接受訪問的安排,記者除了高喊問題,還有選擇嗎?如果胡錦濤不想聽到刺耳難聽的問題,何不索性所有行程都秘而不宣呢?口口聲聲要在香港多走一走、看一看,但當港人想給他看看真實的香港、聽聽港人的真心話時,他又恐懼起來了! ! v% ^: l7 _& E' R8 k! }: j1 \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 U5 l _2 r: U% O. g0 o
這就是葉公好龍的中共:口口聲聲多走多看,但其實很怕看到真實的香港;口口聲聲要民主,但當人民追求真民主時,他們又怕得要命了!作者: felicity2010 時間: 2012-7-3 07:32 AM
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2012-7-3 07:35 AM 編輯 4 I% m5 A. A/ r* ^6 R0 c* D& G1 ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 D; }3 h/ c; g SCMP總編輯被質疑自我審查 / Y7 r" c8 r! i1 H' o公仔箱論壇 n8 H% f% g; D r, _7 {& n2 X: a0 A
3 ^: p7 ?* A( s) Z, K
《南早》編輯質疑自我審查公仔箱論壇1 O0 }: E k6 s( X+ ~
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 P/ Q& Q* N/ R6 U
李旺陽死訊變細 總編:我的決定 不喜歡應知怎做5.39.217.76# q. F- n8 l, K! w1 {3 w2 H G4 [) n% W/ R; e
2012年6月20日 - X$ l, X _ q! P公仔箱論壇 : l7 J8 z q1 C9 _+ M" S, kTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* F9 }0 ]% q! a- I
【明報專訊】六四民運人士李旺陽離奇吊頸自殺事件發生翌日,《南華早報》當天以簡訊報道事件,被報社一名外籍編輯質疑是否有自我審查,發電郵給總編輯王向偉要求解釋,換來「這是我下的決定……如果你不喜歡,你應該知道怎樣做」的回應。兩大傳媒組織、3間大學新聞系學者表示關注,認為南華早報須向公眾交代來龍去脈。 |6 ^; P+ k$ Y6 m9 `: U ]7 z& V9 P
' c, m6 ]" Y' [- ]) YTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。浸會大學新聞系助理教授杜耀明稱,報章作為社會公器,總編輯有必要向公眾清晰交代事件來龍去脈。身兼支聯會主席的立法會議員李卓人說,王向偉的言論對員工有恐嚇之嫌,該報作為國際有影響力的英文報章,難免令國際質疑本地傳媒是否已遭審查,有必要向外間明確交代(見另稿)。公仔箱論壇+ T, a+ R1 ^7 U5 v2 O- d" m
; H x y/ g& O6 N1 W3 R
本報記者昨午致電王向偉,他得悉記者身分後,回應「正在開會」,之後掛斷電話。其後記者再多次致電,至截稿前王未再接聽。據知,他日前由北京返港,親自出席黃昏編輯會解畫,稱作為總編輯,要處理很多事,亦有很多限制如死線,否認自我審查,強調此後亦有大篇幅處理,但始終未能具體說明當日為何要變成簡訊。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 l9 w5 ]0 b5 i* _. i( H
7 x/ o. H/ I! v. h聞記者致電 王向偉掛斷電話 - l2 w. }3 _9 i4 ^- z! J6 P公仔箱論壇 & H+ a0 t: g' ?' X- w發電郵的兼職編輯AlexPrice昨晚回覆本報時表示,一直沒有機會與王向偉見面,現階段不便回應事件,並指希望當面與王對話,了解後始決定如何處理。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 q( ^. T& }5 V, s1 P
9 {% p4 S" v; O* I3 \本月6日,李旺陽被揭發在醫院窗口離奇吊頸死亡,翌日本港主要媒體均以顯著篇幅報道,同日《南華早報》的印刷第一版,包括向學校、酒店等派發的訂戶版,以相當於中文報章600字的篇幅,在A8頁中國版約佔六分之一頁大小報道,並有兩名記者的署名。但其後印製的第二版即零售版,則將新聞濃縮成100字的簡訊,置於A6版左上方,網上版更失去此則新聞的蹤影,直至中午過後始重新上載原裝版本。 4 g8 V! y. B4 n) S" e7 _+ Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 v- [6 q, x" }: U4 c: f/ z! j# [4 n2 s/ m- e 原600字篇幅 變100字簡訊 1 v8 h) Q D6 N tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# T6 b! T2 {+ y8 I8 x$ @* z
Alex Price於報道見報日、即本月7日晚發電郵給王向偉,表示不少人奇怪為何有關報道簡單處理,希望王解釋。王向偉3分鐘後回覆稱,「決定是我下的」( I made that decision) 。Alex再發電郵,關注事件是否有「自我審查之嫌」,王反駁「沒必要向你解釋」,更表明「若你不喜歡,你應該知道怎樣做」( If youdon't like it, you know what to do)。公仔箱論壇/ c! L: {0 x9 W5 V
2 B7 C& X$ @2 W w ]/ ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAlex認為回覆具恐嚇性,「擔心任何人對編輯決定提出質疑,均會被要求閉嘴或離開」,重申當其他媒體以大篇幅報道事件,向總編輯提出如此質疑亦屬合理,惟王向偉否認出言恐嚇,拒再說明(見圖)。 4 n6 @2 k$ v1 m: S5 {% W & w3 f. I* |2 atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb編輯:南早公信力危在旦夕 , w, N8 V0 v' v5 y2 @& KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 t. h' ~2 K- D+ Z$ q
即使Alex前日再發電郵,提出南華早報其後曾以專題、社論等顯著篇幅報道李旺陽事件,反映有其重要,然而首日確是做細了這則新聞,又稱新聞道德和該報的公信力危在旦夕,促王向偉向員工及公眾交代,惟一直未獲回覆。 3 [& u7 z- e4 _7 b! j" G1 g( qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 n! Z$ k4 m# F9 _3 Z7 b
據了解,相關人士不滿王向偉未有交代,遂向全體員工發出有關電郵,有員工再廣發傳媒,令事件曝光。 % }; b! Z( |9 D, z1 C" m1 B 3 A0 y1 V/ t+ \# R3 f4 k) j' y& mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAlex Price: Hi Xiangwei ... A lot of people are wondering why we nibbed the Li Wangyang story last night. It does seem rather odd. Any chance you can shed some light on the matter?* P# Z% U9 ]9 g5 d* a
' z( {1 ]: ^( P1 @/ p9 ?7 {8 C公仔箱論壇王向偉: I made that decision. * R; K7 d8 @# A公仔箱論壇 , F8 I. f: q6 ^$ b; \ p公仔箱論壇Alex Price: Any chance you say why? It's just that to the outside world it looks an awful lot like self-censorship ... . N& z! t: R/ c. `: G; itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5.39.217.76+ o k" S% L E3 V& z
王向偉: I don't have to explain to you anything. I made the decision and I stand by it. If you don't like it, you know what to do. 5 u# f2 d8 m# S4 G; B z2 |Alex Price: I am concerned by the intimidatory nature of your reply. A very strange editorial decision was made and everyone is wondering why. Many other news organisations splashed with the Li Wangyang story yet we reduced it to a brief. In such circumstances it is quite reasonable to ask the editor why the decision was made. Of course he may decline to say why; there could be any number of reasons, and he may well want to keep them to himself. But if the question was polite and reasonable than [then] I see no reason why the response should not be equally polite and reasonable. As it stands, I am concerned. I am now worried that anyone who wishes to raise issue with an editorial decision - no matter how much that decision appears to go against good journalism - will be told to shut up or leave. I am further concerned that my justifiable concern on this matter as a journalist may lead to the termination of my employment.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 @* }$ G! P: k8 _6 p( q" x
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* I `0 J& Y! z* }* c. N* [
I look forward to a chat where you can put my mind at rest.% i$ v$ a% u: [, E \! {- G
& U2 d; M- H$ \* d8 e
王向偉: I don't think my answer is anyway intimidatory and I don't know why you have formed your opinion. ! q" k+ [! \) O( [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 0 D4 [0 R1 b! q+ i8 eAlex Price: Xiang Wei; A good man died for his cause and we turned it from a story into a brief. The rest of Hong Kong splashed on it. Your staff are understandably concerned by this. News is printing what someone else does not want printed.Everything else is public relations. Please explain the decision to reduce the suspicious death of Li Wangyang to a brief. I need to be able to explain it to my friends who are asking why we did it. I'm sorry but your reply of"it is my decision, if you don't like it you know what to do" is not enough in such a situation. Frankly it seems to be saying "shut up or go". The SCMP has subsequently splashed on Li Wangyang, had a focus page devoted to the matter, plus editorials, two columns by yourself and other stories. Yet on the day it counted we reduced the story to a nib. ( F! j; J ~" n4 N& d& ?" i公仔箱論壇 * Q) G& U' g0 j8 G5 h5 aTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Journalistic ethics are at stake. The credibility of the South China Morning Post is at stake. Your staff- and readers - deserve an answer. ; i1 J, a6 j( ~+ e$ G5 ?# B公仔箱論壇I look forward to hearing it. ' W5 E8 @: t; `, `" zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 1 b, m% U2 b! z, ?+ R9 V/ q5 p公仔箱論壇「已成社會事件」記協議員促交代 , f6 r6 v a T3 s" bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 , J0 s4 D9 t: C' x公仔箱論壇【明報專訊】兩個傳媒組織及3間大學新聞系學者,表示關注事件,要求澄清是否判斷失誤或自我審查。多名立法會議員敦促管理層交代,建議有關記者可向資訊科技及廣播事務委員會正式投訴,以交立法會討論。! w( E& E5 D# e
9 F6 U# R" ~ z: v5.39.217.76記 者協會主席麥燕庭表示,《南華早報》的處理手法有別一般傳媒,令人關注有關安排是否屬自我審查還是評估失誤。另外,她無法理解為何王向偉對下屬的合理要求一直未有清晰回應,她又指事件已引起公眾關注,成社會事件,有必要清楚交代,記協已正式向王向偉提出質疑,至今未獲回覆。 0 o. H% W( l) q Y, k$ p( _5.39.217.76 J& h: {5 t. P8 N% B
新聞行政人員協會主席趙應春稱,雖然近日傳媒鋪天蓋地報道李旺陽事件,但主編確有權決定報道如何處理,但他認為,作為開明的傳媒管理層,面對員工以至公眾質疑,應作具體說明。$ A& p: W5 Z2 j4 P
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% B4 G" S0 F2 h s; N$ f
浸 大新聞系助理教授杜耀明認為,《南早》有關做法反映有高層自我審查,或是對新聞無知,兩者皆有必要清晰交代,「若認為有充分理據,更應交代」。他說,王向偉身為地方政協,有「淡紅」色彩,「很難不令人聯想(決定)與此有關」。杜耀明稱,若傳媒機構視報章為公器,應向社會交代,又指單是今次已影響其公信力, 更莫論該報早前連串懷疑自我審查事件。公仔箱論壇4 ?, q! G: M3 |" r% Z7 Z. r
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ `, w# w, G4 g( G! A# o0 T3 `/ F* Z
中大新聞與傳播學院教授蘇鑰機說,李旺陽之死毫無疑問是大事件,令人懷疑管理層自我審查,《南華早報》近來對連串重大事件的處理手法,已影響公信力,管理層應向公眾和內部員工詳細說明事件,以釋疑慮。! h! z! M% M8 q% z3 [$ D
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% x% [3 k" A. H2 f" B$ o( `8 \4 g) z
樹仁大學新傳系系主任梁天偉表示,王向偉出任《南早》總編輯後,該報對牽涉內地新聞的取態明顯有變,李旺陽事件遭簡單處理,意味有關人士太接近中央,相信其說法而採取同樣口徑,某程度屬自我審查。 : H* S T) Z2 j, \tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇: i7 T! C8 @9 w% t* l 李永達建議正式投訴$ h- H( }% A0 t3 H1 O TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- G& ?9 b+ x8 j# u9 T' y
立法會資訊科技及廣播事務委員會兩名委員劉慧卿和李永達均指事件屬政治審查,促《南早》管理層解畫,但目前立法會有大量工作須處理,今屆難在會內跟進。李永達建議有關記者向委員會正式投訴,以便跟進。+ f" z4 g; B0 l& f/ G4 V8 Q2 {
( R5 V1 Q( J* R/ q& j 總編為吉林省政協4 B! g% U# K8 r% X1 n3 s; u
9 o' ^: P+ w4 ? j C/ K4 f可悲的是,《南華早報》這份歷史超過百年的老牌報紙, 可能等不到轉捩點了。失去了公信力和士氣,它一步步走向衰落,而報社內的保守主義卻日益興盛。有競爭力的記者不會願意加入這樣的報社。而《南華早報》也將因此在平庸的泥沼中越陷越深。香港英文報刊的整體前景堪憂,這真是可悲。 6 s0 m! Y" G# P' m: |$ K5 DTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 # T+ [' g3 x2 J3 Z& x: B- u2 z ) S3 [8 F& ?3 F- x# O: ?9 S) k i- @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# L& \% n8 E3 \. [- A2 W/ k' N 作者提交的原文:/ e2 }! ~9 W! d! f- ]4 P
公仔箱論壇$ O' {/ h+ T# F& M4 L2 y
- A& _& t+ S1 P' KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Self-censorship in SCMP 9 u3 D$ F/ R: b% @- \9 H. b* o ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPaul Mooneytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb B3 S% {9 \* H$ D D1 H
8 ^) w. f0 ]) Y* o& I7 f公仔箱論壇On April 22, Wang Xiangwei, the new editor-in-chief of the South China Morning Post, informed me that my contract with the newspaper would not be renewed when it expired on May 21. I can't say I was surprised. - b1 e3 F* ~: I( {% UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: E# T$ ?* Q' X; E( b+ p
Sitting in a hotel restaurant in Hong Kong on a hot April day, Wang stared down at the table as the conversation began,seemingly unwilling to make eye contact. After a few minutes of chit chat, I asked him directly about my contract. He fidgeted and said he would not be able to renew it due to budget problems. , q1 R1 v/ G1 I0 FTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 - ?. f3 e8 g' k& S j( nTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。To me it was clear that this was a political decision. For seven months, he had basically blocked me from writing any China stories for the newspaper. During that period, I only had two stories in the China pages of the newspaper–one on panda bears and one on compensation for AIDS victims. Some two dozen other story suggestions went unanswered by the China Desk–in one case a story was approved, but the editor told me Wang had overruled him. A half-dozen emails to Wang pleading to write more for the newspaper went unanswered.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ S" S* r5 }! ~. v( S& V
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 q2 b( P2 {* t9 a2 S
It certainly was not about money. Following my departure,Wang hired a spate of new young reporters, many apparently from the mainland.And if there were budget problems, why was I chosen to be let go? Obviously,there were newer people at the newspaper than myself. I had been on contract for two years, and wrote my first article for the newspaper in 1990, some 22years ago. And I'd won 10 awards for my reporting for the newspaper, more than any other staff reporter.* x: G; [3 U' a! G7 X6 ]1 x
- _& C$ S" ~9 y& B3 i& z* _ n5 qWhen I offered to freelance and said I didn't care about the word rate, he hemmed and hawed. When I asked if the newspaper could at least allow me to keep my journalist accreditation with the South China Morning Post,so I could continue to contribute articles to the newspaper, he muttered something about having to think about it. Despite several emails asking about this, he never agreed to do this. And there was no cost in sponsoring me. ( i( l4 R! z6 l3 l. Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb 公仔箱論壇8 k6 B+ [& \& t7 C5 H7 F4 l' Z+ v
When the news came last year that Wang had been appointed the editor-in-chief, I was quite surprised. For one, despite talk of him being a veteran journalist, he had little actual practical experience doing real journalism–far less than a lot of his staff. Wang had worked for the China Daily, done a masters degree in journalism and had gone off to London on a training program, where he worked briefly for the BBC. As far as I know,he never “pounded the sidewalks,” as we American journalists say of a reporter who has spent years roaming around doing interviews.* r' f. p0 B: f' S7 P6 s1 J3 I
+ { r8 e. R3 u% ^! eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。He'd shown weakness in news judgement on many occasions, but more important, he'd long had a reputation as being a censor of the news, which may be what endeared him to Mr. Robert Kuok, the Malaysian tycoon who owns the newspaper, and his son and daughter, who took turns running the newspaper. 3 N' W x4 a4 e3 ?/ w" s5.39.217.76 1 |4 W5 X: U( n t" [* b: I( [4 M8 Y公仔箱論壇Talk to anyone on the China reporting team at the South China Morning Post and they'll tell you a story about how Wang has cut their stories, or asked them to do an uninteresting story that was favorable to China. ( U0 y0 ?- ]5 H$ ?! C" { 8 G( a6 }9 Q. }' q, q: i xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbLast November, I traveled to the US on holiday and decided to take a train to meet Geng He, the wife of rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who had snuck past Chinese security guarding their Beijing home with a young son and daughter, making it all the way to Thailand and eventually political asylum in the US. ' @; t# \1 w B0 }. Q+ D: ^ 6 r# E* Y m+ ]' ~+ K# y1 VDuring a three-hour interview in a highway Burger King, Ms.Geng gave me unreported details about the harrowing escape through Southeast Asian jungles, much of it in the middle of the night. She cried as she talked about her husband's treatment by brutal security people, and she smiled when she recalled her husband's dedication as a lawyer. Tears fell as she described the difficulties the family was facing in the US.Both children had been seriously affected by the treatment of their father herein China, which included serious torture and forced disappearances for lengthy periods. " s4 }7 R6 _% }TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 公仔箱論壇5 L: {0 Q1 p" t7 S9 x
An editor expressed interest in the story, but got back tome later in the day to tell me that Wang had spiked it. No reason was given. - k+ V" B+ _& E$ ~1 YTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 * j1 j/ g5 H, y" ~$ s6 N
When I was the second foreign reporter to see Gao during his brief respite from being disappeared, Editor-in-chief Reg Chua and Deputy Editor David Lague had a bitter argument with Wang, who was not keen to run the story. They wanted it on the front page, but Wang wanted it buried inside. They compromised by putting the story inside and cutting it slightly. Gao Zhisheng was obviously on Wang's list of people not to be reported about.2 S' I+ w9 Z# K5 C6 e& o- C* {
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; U' _* S- f+ R
When the government began its nasty crackdown against rights lawyers and other dissidents last year, that saw people have black hoods thrown over their heads before being stuffed into a car, and then being taken to hidden location, where most endured horrible torture. I saw an unprecedented pattern of intimidation and pain that clearly marked a new and frightening trend and so I suggested a story to the China Desk (David Lague, the deputy editor, was on holiday at the time). The story was immediately rejected by a China Desk editor, who said the newspaper had reported on tortured lawyers already. I wrote a short note saying this was a new and different trend, but I knew it would go unanswered.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! N- v2 V. I' \- K: d! r
4 H$ U' K" U$ Z* q; n3 t
When David Lague returned weeks later, I submitted the story to him and he immediately said to go ahead. I finished the story, but it sat on China Desk for about three months, a practice I later learned was not uncommon when Wang wanted to let a story shrink in importance. When I wrote to David Lague, he pleaded he no longer had the authority he used to have. Silence of the Dissidents ran three months later, and I went on to win two awards for the story the China Desk tried to kill.公仔箱論壇8 c0 {2 s( ], {( [6 d& J
" l; l8 U9 S4 g2 b- M* j% v/ {公仔箱論壇During their time at the newspaper, the two veteran journalists frequently battled fiercely with Mr. Wang over stories, with the daughter of Mr. Robert Kuok, the Malaysian owner of the newspaper, frequently siding with Wang. Insiders say the Kuoks long coddled Wang, believing he had influence in China. 9 ?" D+ i& F) a8 c 公仔箱論壇& t8 d# `; f5 c, T' H* ~6 W. s
Nor was I the only foreign reporter to be pushed out of the newspaper–I follow a long line of foreigners–each with long experience–who saw their contracts allowed to run out by Wang–this way he could plead innocence:You've not been fired, your contract ran out. There are now no foreign reporters working for the South China Morning Post in China–a first in a long while. " B6 i" }3 n8 t2 Q9 u5.39.217.76 5 i( y! U t& @# e5.39.217.76One good example is the case of former Guangzhou correspondent Leu Siew Ying, a native of Malaysia,who won the European Commission's Lorenzo Natali Grand Prize in 2006 for her reporting on protests in the village of Taishi the previous year. Sheleft the paper in 2007 after disputes with Mr. Wang about following up on Taishi and pressure from the Guangdong authorities. $ O/ ~6 H4 \7 h5 o% S$ i) z公仔箱論壇 : C( J7 U2 n* b9 |1 V) ]3 O) qDuring Wang's time with the newspaper, several foreign editors were offered the job of editor-in-chief, but most left after fighting a losing battle with the former China Daily reporter and member of the Jinlin Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The Kuoks always made it clear where their loyalties lay.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. g) L; O: E/ \$ T( f9 q
公仔箱論壇6 y7 O+ K3 j7 X6 }
But this is not just a case of foreign reporters being harassed. Talk to just about any one of the excellent Chinese or Hong Kong reporters writing about China for the newspaper, and, if they're willing to talk, they'll quietly tell about Wang spiking perfectly good stories or of being told to write more “positive” articles. ; f8 X5 l0 m3 P: M0 q! r- L5.39.217.76 - S3 H* O* {1 Z1 Y, O
It's interesting that the story that finally exposed Wang was one about the mysterious death of June 4 activist Li Wangyang, which barely got coverage in the newspaper. 5 m) E: G6 }4 |0 H, I" W5.39.217.76 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( E( k- p5 c- r0 |; S; y5 K8 n% F5 `
After a sub on the desk questioned this gap in the newspaper's reporting, about a story that other Hong Kong media had jumped on eagerly, Wang curtly told the sub off. “I don't have to explain to you anything. I made the decision and I stand by it. If you don't like it, you know what to do.”tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! _( o. m1 U* Y5 R$ C) W
" k/ K4 H& a! S. s zWhen the news gained international attention, and his own reporters signed a letter asking for an explanation, a worried Wang responded with a statement to staff that he decided to run the story as a brief on the first day because he felt the newspaper didn't have enough hard facts for a full story., I' Z! M: V# g3 F/ y- r
: O- ?8 G8 Z; d, y3 L& U7 R+ eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。But what Wang failed to say was that the newspaper had in fact run a much longer story on Li's death in its first edition and that Wang had chosen to yank it, shave it down to a brief for the next edition, and replace it with an article about former Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui and a conversation he had with a group of students–a story that had already run two days earlier. What few have noticed, is that self-censorship is not the only problem. Possibly more worrying is the newspaper's new-found proclivity under Wang to publish dubious stories that reflect Beijing's views.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% c2 s* K# ~# v$ a4 ~( ?
6 ^" o$ i" v0 V* UTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Earlier this year, deputy editor Tammy Tam gushed like a high school girl in a story about the Chinese Panchen Lama, asking only one serious question of a person who has never appeared in the Western media before. Eric X. Li, a well-known apologist for China,has been writing regular columns for the South China Morning Post. In one recent article he slapped Hong Kong citizens on the wrist for not welcoming mainland women to have their babies in the territory,and then wondering aloud if a people like this deserved the right to vote. Last week came a story by Professor Jiang Shigong, deputy director of Peking University's Centre for Hong Kong and Macau Studies, that claimed “Hongkongers accept Beijing's rule.”/ n4 s* q' i" ~7 X
公仔箱論壇8 k/ v$ B* X/ a6 Y2 C8 W9 G! G
In his own weekly commentary, Wang had egg on his face after predicting that disgraced Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai had escaped any serious trouble. “Firstly, Bo's political career looks safe for now and he has apparently managed to push back the pressure from his opponents within the party,” Wang wrote just before Bo fell hard.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; ~2 |; v$ u3 E! J7 m$ k
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 C7 d5 e$ a( o2 q# c
Another article described Tibetans in Lhasa happily celebrating the Tibetan New Year, with quotes coming from one unidentified “middle-aged Tibetan man.” Meanwhile, more objective reports were reporting a dire situation in the Tibetan area. The article read like a China Daily story. ' `. N h, F; _( N) LTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 U: v, I' C Y# a
While the South China Morning Post continues to publish good critical reportage on China, the newspaper no longer has the status it had in the late 1990s, or more recently under three years direction under Mr. Chua and Lague, when the newspaper made great advances. & X; E# x7 u% N# |. C 5 n* u7 s! o& {0 a N$ M3 E4 x9 G1 y: ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Under Wang's stewardship, the newspaper has lost credibility with Hong Kong and international readers and is now often the butt of jokes in the local Chinese media there. Sadly, the South China Morning Post, which has a history of more than 100 years, may be beyond the point of return. With credibility and morale at the newspaper sagging, and controversies on the rise, competent journalists will now be reluctant to join the newspaper, and it can only sink deeper into mediocrity. The prospects for English-language journalism in Hong Kong is not good and this is sad.