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標題: [問題] 請問大家如有機會, 會否想到日本留學? [打印本頁]

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-6-26 07:18 PM     標題: 請問大家如有機會, 會否想到日本留學?

本帖最後由 blacker14tt 於 2013-2-25 08:24 AM 編輯

在下目前在東京的日語學校上班, 想要做相關調查, 請各位踴躍參與
參與投票後, 請各位朋友回帖, 說明你的國籍, 能夠列明原因的話就最好不過了, 先謝謝大家
如果大家想要知道留學日本的相關訊息, 歡迎找我, 我樂意提供任何我知道的訊息

為了鼓勵大家踴躍投票以及發表意見, 在下決定提供每位回覆並提供國籍以及意見的話
注意: 感謝各位踴躍投票以及提供意見, 但因私人理由
        此投票 / 意見獎金將只發出給在論壇時間2013.02.28 23:59之前回復的朋友, 並將於03.02 (六) 統一發出
        在論壇時間2013.03.01 00:00以後回復的朋友, 實在抱歉, 恕本人不會再送上獎金
如果在下覺得回覆內容好 / 有用的話, 會酌情增加獎勵

PS: summei, i don't know this thread is ok for this area or not, if not, please del it, thanks
作者: babayung    時間: 2012-6-26 09:37 PM

作者: kmarstar    時間: 2012-6-27 08:57 AM


作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-6-27 03:24 PM

廢話少說, 馬上付諸於行動

kmarstar2012-6-27 03:23 PMTVB 100000 元積分轉出
babayung2012-6-27 03:22 PMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: happy721022    時間: 2012-6-27 08:51 PM


作者: chabeila    時間: 2012-6-28 09:00 PM

作者: sneeky234    時間: 2012-6-29 05:53 AM


作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-6-30 09:26 AM

sneeky2342012-6-30 09:24 AMTVB 130000 元積分轉出
chabeila2012-6-30 09:23 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出
happy7210222012-6-30 09:23 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-6-30 09:29 AM

chabeila 發表於 2012-6-28 09:00 PM
這個觀點有需要改變, 日本雖然發生了核能災難, 但並不是全國性的, 安全的地方佔全國90%以上
至於消費高與否, 則見人見智, 在這裡打工後就能cover自己的生活費甚至學費
而前些日子我去了sydney一段時間, 那裡的消費也和日本東京有得比
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-6-30 09:33 AM

怎 ...
sneeky234 發表於 2012-6-29 05:53 AM
謝謝你提供的意見, 當然, 要看自己以後想要做什麼再決定到哪裡留學是最重要的
除了動漫, 日本的電影/電視事業也不錯的, 旅遊, 酒店管理等等也是有名的
作者: ch0800    時間: 2012-6-30 09:47 AM

第一:普通人大多数拿不到身份。第二:什么魚台,在日本分分钟排华,不安全! 第三:日本人唔是好喜欢华人,二等都唔得要三等公民。 所以日本去得屎都食得。
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-6-30 09:57 AM

第一:普通人大多数拿不到身份。第二:什么魚台,在日本分分钟排华,不安全! 第三:日本人唔是好喜欢华人,二等都唔得要三等公民。 所以日本去得屎都食得。 ...
ch0800 發表於 2012-6-30 09:47 AM
這位朋友, 你言詞過於激烈了, 在下希望你不要參雜民族情緒, 政治因素於內
第一, 只要任何人以合法途徑入國, 則都會得到合法身分, 如果逾期逗留了, 那就是個人的問題
第二, 日本並無排華, 在日本的華人是外國人裡面最多的, 我也是, 大家相處愉快
第三, 二等三等公民這更是無稽之談, 我在這裡根本就不覺得有此待遇

雖然閣下意見不太主觀, 但在下亦要履行承諾

ch08002012-6-30 09:57 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: shiroikoala    時間: 2012-6-30 10:39 AM

本帖最後由 shiroikoala 於 2012-6-30 11:21 AM 編輯

如果有機會的話, 我一定會去~~~  其實自己一直有學習日語, 但大部份時候也只是自修模式, 只是在大學時正正式式的念了幾個semesters。  以前在英國的時候也聽說過可以去日本一邊教英文一邊學日文, 但又聽說在日本生活指數高得嚇人, 所以最後也是不了了之~~~

樓上有人說“日本分分鐘排華”, 我相信不會吧, 我以前住在英國的時候也有很多日本人朋友, 他們也對中國文化很有興趣, 而且也很有善!  我不相信人家會動不動就排華吧!  不過, 說真的, 我認爲在某程度上日本人會覺得中國人是個不可信賴的文族...  雖然這個令人感覺不太良好, 不過其實中國人也要反思一下, 如果中國人不是搞這麼多黑心食品 & 用品, 豆腐渣工程 等,如果中國人不是那麼財大氣粗, 沒禮貌和沒有公德心, 其他民族 (並不只限日本), 又怎麼會對中國人有這樣的負面思想~~~
作者: deesiu    時間: 2012-6-30 10:44 AM

本帖最後由 deesiu 於 2012-6-30 11:26 AM 編輯

1.每年一定去京都和女友過生日既我有這個看法、日本人對華人既友善開始減 .年少時我在新大久保上學、住在大塚、近年來去日本旅行既大陸客增加、那種本大爺到此消費財大氣粗之行為、
作者: ch0800    時間: 2012-6-30 11:12 PM

第一:你合法進日本,可以拿到永居嗎?(在英国合法打工五年就有机会拿到永居!)第二:我在英国看到的新闻,什么魚台事件,日本人䢟行,烧中国国期他们的那种行为很可怕! 第三:我身边有很多朋友在日本打工都説,他们都進不到日本人的主流社会(你明白什么是主流嗎?)不是二等,是什么? 我沒有去过日本,有可能没你清楚。但是我有注意世界新闻,我所知道的還可以啊。我有可能激烈了一点,但是這是事实。
作者: omonline    時間: 2012-7-1 10:58 PM

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-2 09:57 AM

本帖最後由 blacker14tt 於 2012-7-2 10:03 AM 編輯
如果有機會的話, 我一定會去~~~  其實自己一直有學習日語, 但大部份時候也只是自修模式, 只是在大學時正正式式的念了幾個semesters。  以前在英國的時候也聽說過可以去日本一邊教英文一邊學日文, 但又聽說 ...
shiroikoala 發表於 2012-6-30 10:39 AM
你好, 謝謝你的意見, 學習語言最好要就是到當地去, 即使只是短期, 都獲益良多
另外, 說到消費, 我個人是覺得還好, 因為除了家境良好的學生, 一般的留學生都會半工讀
只要收入出支有做好計劃, 基本上靠自己打工來cover生活費完全不是問題, 有些學生更可以自己存錢交學費
而你提到日本人對華人的態度, 我個人決定贊同的, 凡事有因必有果, 去追究別人如何對待自己之前, 應該先檢討自己為什麼別人需要如此對待自己

shiroikoala2012-7-2 09:57 AMTVB 150000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-2 10:06 AM

1.每年一定去京都和女友過生日既我有這個看法、日本人對華人既友善開始減 .年少時我在新大久保上學、住在大塚、近年來去日本旅行既大陸客增加、那種本大爺到此消費財大氣粗之行為、
對日本人既秩序做成很大衝擊、其 ...
deesiu 發表於 2012-6-30 10:44 AM
我鍾意你呢句: 幅射比渠油安全
唔否認, 因為近年旅遊簽證放鬆左, 有太多中國遊客湧入, 人多左就自然會出現D害群之馬, 破壞左日本人對中國人嘅原本友善態度
不過我上邊都有講到, 凡事有因必有果, 去追究別人如何對待自己之前, 應該先檢討自己為什麼別人需要如此對待自己

deesiu2012-7-2 10:05 AMTVB 150000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-2 10:16 AM

第一:你合法進日本,可以拿到永居嗎?(在英国合法打工五年就有机会拿到永居!)第二:我在英国看到的新闻,什么魚台事件,日本人䢟行,烧中国国期他们的那种行为很可怕! 第三:我身边有很多朋友在日本打工都説, ...
ch0800 發表於 2012-6-30 11:12 PM
第一: 外國人要在日本申請永久居留, 絕對沒有問題!! 事實上, 每年都有很多外國人成功申請永久居留, 甚至入籍日本國籍
        但, 日本原本就不是一個移民大國, 它不像過去的英國, 美加, 澳洲, 新西蘭般, 那麼容易就接受外國移民
        所以, 它接受永久居留申請的條件, 自然就比較嚴格, 但是, 一般, 只要在日本連續居留十年, 其中五年有工作有繳稅, 沒有犯罪紀錄, 便能申請
        如果申請者對日本有特殊貢獻, 則不需住滿十年也可以申請
        不過, 我這個主題是"到日本留學", 並非"到日本長期逗留", 所以這第一點已經嚴重離題了
第二: 釣魚台事件什麼的, 那只是一小部分人民的行為, 基本上, 在日華人並沒有因此而受到不好的待遇
第三: 你的朋友沒有辦法進入主流社會不代表全部在日華人都遇到這個問題, 而且就算英國, 美加, 澳洲, 新西蘭這些移民大國, 沒有辦法融入主流社會的華人也大有人在
        不過, 我這個主題是"到日本留學", 並非"到日本長期逗留", 所以這第三點也是已經嚴重離題了
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-2 10:17 AM

No, there are better countries than Japan for higher studies !
omonline 發表於 2012-7-1 10:58 PM
thanks for your opinion

omonline2012-7-2 10:17 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: harata2012    時間: 2012-7-2 10:18 AM

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: shiroikoala    時間: 2012-7-2 11:39 AM

第一:你合法進日本,可以拿到永居嗎?(在英国合法打工五年就有机会拿到永居!)第二:我在英国看到的新闻,什么魚台事件,日本人䢟行,烧中国国期他们的那种行为很可怕! 第三:我身边有很多朋友在日本打工都説, ...
ch0800 發表於 2012-6-30 11:12 PM
不好意思也要多口說一句, 你覺得 “日本人䢟行,烧中国国期 (旗) 他们的那种行为很可怕” 嗎?  哪你覺得在中國的反日示威, 暴動, 襲擊街上的日本品牌汽車 (注意, 車上的駕駛者是中國人, 女的, 單身一人)可怕嗎? ~~~    到底誰比誰可怕?
作者: 53280481    時間: 2012-7-2 11:42 AM

作者: mk008008008    時間: 2012-7-2 08:24 PM

而且日本不喜歡中國人....老一輩有戰爭背景....就如國內的教肓一樣, 某些事實被瞞騙了....

作者: tenkun    時間: 2012-7-2 09:11 PM

作者: essence    時間: 2012-7-2 09:23 PM


在日本留學還可以, 工作便不好了.  日本的生活水平很高, 工作壓力又大.  放工後還要應酬.
不過一句到尾, 出學留學見識吓係好好嘅
作者: nkc502    時間: 2012-7-3 12:19 AM

當然會, 有機會不出外見識老了可沒機會, 不要說日本, 到任何地方留學/工作都一定會有所得到著!
到日本留學除了學日語外, 最重要是要了解,學習他們的思考方式和文化!
作者: 藍冰    時間: 2012-7-3 06:56 AM

我人在加拿大, 很多人對日本有興趣, 不過都是藉由 JET 去日本一年當英文老師

我是很想去把日文學得精通, 也體驗日本生活...
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-3 08:48 AM

日本  之前也滿有意願的  但也要考量到經濟能力 不過前陣子到澳洲去工作
說實在話 也給了自己一個體驗  有些不是自己想的那麼好 去了才知道
但還有機會話 我還是會選擇到國外去發展~
日本較有興趣是 餐飲類 如烘培  ...
harata2012 發表於 2012-7-2 10:18 AM
我曾經有機會到澳洲留學, 但最終選擇了日本, 除了我不喜歡英文之外, 還有就是我之前學了日文很多年
而前段日子我去澳洲探親, 住了三個星期, 發現澳洲就如我親戚說, 落後, 一般生活當然沒有問題, 但不是我想像中的澳洲
去過了澳洲後, 我反而慶幸當初選擇了日本, 而不是澳洲
而日本的蛋糕甜品製作確實非常不錯, 他們都很仔細, 創意也夠, 所以往往能製作出精美的甜點
只要能把日本人的那套學了, 並融會貫通的話, 要回到自己的國家開店營生, 也是不錯的選擇

harata20122012-7-3 08:48 AMTVB 130000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-3 08:52 AM

53280481 發表於 2012-7-2 11:42 AM
歡迎, 日本的企業管理雖然並不是頂尖, 但也不錯的 ^^

532804812012-7-3 08:51 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-3 08:58 AM

而且日本不喜歡中國人....老一輩有戰爭背景....就如國內的教肓一樣, 某些事實被瞞騙了....
mk008008008 發表於 2012-7-2 08:24 PM
我不否認仍有部分老一輩的日本人不太喜歡外國人, 但這種情況在大都市, 比如東京非常少見
至於你說日本不喜歡中國人, 這個我在上面也說過了, 我也不想贅言了

mk0080080082012-7-3 08:58 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-3 09:01 AM

tenkun 發表於 2012-7-2 09:11 PM
現今社會懂多國語言確實很重要, 甚至有時候本身學歷不怎麼樣, 但因懂得多國語言而優先獲公司錄取

tenkun2012-7-3 09:01 AMTVB 130000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-3 09:05 AM


在日本留學還可以, 工作便不好了.  日本的生活水平很高, 工作壓力又大.  放工後還要應酬.
不過一句到尾, 出學留學見識吓係好好嘅
essence 發表於 2012-7-2 09:23 PM
我想你一定是日劇看太多了, 放工後要應酬並不是每間公司的規定, 主要是看行業, 我的公司就沒有此煩惱

essence2012-7-3 09:04 AMTVB 120000 元積分轉出

作者: ch0800    時間: 2012-7-3 09:08 AM

本帖最後由 ch0800 於 2012-7-3 09:09 AM 編輯

31# blacker14tt 我都有同感,支持你因为是事實。mk008008008
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-3 09:13 AM

當然會, 有機會不出外見識老了可沒機會, 不要說日本, 到任何地方留學/工作都一定會有所得到著!
到日本留學除了學日語外, 最重要是要了解,學習他們的思考方式和文化! ...
nkc502 發表於 2012-7-3 12:19 AM
正面學習態度, 好!!
本來到外國留學最主要的目的就是這樣, 然後就是學習該國著名的技術

nkc5022012-7-3 09:12 AMTVB 130000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-3 09:15 AM

我人在加拿大, 很多人對日本有興趣, 不過都是藉由 JET 去日本一年當英文老師

我是很想去把日文學得精通, 也體驗日本生活...
藍冰 發表於 2012-7-3 06:56 AM
那你可以考慮來日本學日文, 然後兼職教英文, 英文老師的薪水不錯, 哈哈

藍冰2012-7-3 09:15 AMTVB 120000 元積分轉出

作者: alien305    時間: 2012-7-4 05:19 AM

作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-5 08:10 AM

Yes, I would love to study in Japan.  In fact, I've actually planned to study Japanese in Tokyo a few years ago, but my company won't let me take a no pay leave to go.  Hence I ended up hiring a private tutor to teach me.

As much as I'd love to study in Japan, I don't plan to become a Japanese citizen.  I want improve my Japanese so that I can get a job which allows me to fly over to Japan from time to time to work.  That would be perfect!  

I actually have a friend who has gone to study her master degree in Nagoya and have successfully landed herself a full time job in Tokyo.  Having said that, she's not interested in  becoming a Japanese citizen at all, but she plan to stay there as long as possible.
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-6 08:52 AM

alien305 發表於 2012-7-4 05:19 AM
短期簽證不能打工, 留學簽證則可以, 所以其實即使來留學, 基本上生活費都可以賺回來的

alien3052012-7-6 08:52 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-6 08:57 AM

Yes, I would love to study in Japan.  In fact, I've actually planned to study Japanese in Tokyo a few years ago, but my company won't let me take a no pay leave to go.  Hence I ended up hiring a priva ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-5 08:10 AM
Is your private tutor a Japanese or? Did she/he does a good job??
Haha, study abroad in Japan =/= be Japanese citizen
If you really love Japan, you MUST come and feel Japan by yourself
I think this is a good experience and hope your wish come true

bokeh2012-7-6 08:56 AMTVB 150000 元積分轉出

作者: i熊仔    時間: 2012-7-6 10:19 AM

本帖最後由 i熊仔 於 2012-7-7 10:42 AM 編輯



作者: batian    時間: 2012-7-7 09:23 AM

作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-7 01:27 PM

Is your private tutor a Japanese or? Did she/he does a good job??
Haha, study abroad in Japan =/= be Japanese citizen
If you really love Japan, you MUST come and feel Japan by yourself
I think this  ...
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-6 08:57 AM
Yes, my private tutor is a Japanese male.  He used to taught Japanese in university.  When I met him, he was already semi-retired.  He did a good job in teaching me Japanese.

Oh, I've been to Japan several times, so I know how it's like to be there.  Like I said before, I'd love to get a job so that I can fly to Japan from time to time.  That way I can utilize my Japanese language skills.
作者: stonewell    時間: 2012-7-7 04:34 PM

本帖最後由 stonewell 於 2012-7-7 04:42 PM 編輯

最不 "麻煩", 應該就是短期留學了吧!?

from Taiwan
作者: 结衣    時間: 2012-7-8 11:33 AM

well, it's a good thing.... such an opportunity to experience diff. culture
作者: 唐老先生    時間: 2012-7-9 10:44 AM

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 11:04 AM



但 ...
i熊仔 發表於 2012-7-6 10:19 AM
想要了解更多日本文化或者想要在短時間內學好日文, 來日本留學確實是最好的
你提到的事業發展, 我也贊同, 純粹是看自己想要在哪裡發展, 在香港的話, 當然日語就只能是輔助技能

i熊仔2012-7-9 11:04 AMTVB 120000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 11:09 AM

至于为什 ...
batian 發表於 2012-7-7 09:23 AM
我已經在日本7年多了, 從來沒有遇到被日本人排擠的情況, 更不用說"反"了
相反, 他們對外國人很感興趣, 即使以前我在兼職的時候, 也常常會有很多日本客人詢問我外國的事情
至於你說的其他國家也一樣這一點我很贊同, 本來就不是自己的出生的地方, 怎麼也會遇到一點麻煩, 純粹需要靠自己去調適

batian2012-7-9 11:09 AMTVB 120000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 11:12 AM

Yes, my private tutor is a Japanese male.  He used to taught Japanese in university.  When I met him, he was already semi-retired.  He did a good job in teaching me Japanese.

Oh, I've been to Japan  ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-7 01:27 PM
You're so lucky. You must speak good Japanese.
Will you planning to study a short term course like a month in Japan? To improve your Japanese knowledge.
Btw, what kind of job are you doing now?
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 11:16 AM

最不 "麻煩", 應該就是短期留學了吧!?

from Taiwan ...
stonewell 發表於 2012-7-7 04:34 PM
如果是短期的話, 由於你是台灣人, 所以是免簽證, 的確是最不麻煩的方法 ^^
只要你願意, 有時間, 有財力, 隨時隨地都可以進入日本上課
一般短期留學的學費會比較便宜, 而且即使你對日語完全不認識也沒有關係
如果你上課認真, 三個月絕對能讓你掌握日常生活會話技巧
不妨考慮一下 ^^

stonewell2012-7-9 11:15 AMTVB 120000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 11:18 AM

well, it's a good thing.... such an opportunity to experience diff. culture
结衣 發表於 2012-7-8 11:33 AM
yes, you're right ^^
your ID is a Japanese name, i guess you like Japanese culture?

结衣2012-7-9 11:17 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 11:22 AM

唐老先生 發表於 2012-7-9 10:44 AM
要拿到日本公民不是一件容易的事情, 因為需要連續地在日本住上十年, 其中五年需要有收入以及繳稅紀錄
但是住在日本確實能快速地掌握日文以及體驗日本文化 ^^

唐老先生2012-7-9 11:22 AMTVB 120000 元積分轉出

作者: bourget    時間: 2012-7-9 11:42 AM


不用轉錢給我啦, 我己經有很多錢
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 12:00 PM


不用轉錢給我啦, 我己經有很多錢
bourget 發表於 2012-7-9 11:42 AM
btw, 我自己都唔搭公車返學, 係搭電車
以為妳想打劫我添, 多謝捧場
作者: bourget    時間: 2012-7-9 12:10 PM

btw, 我自己都唔搭公車返學, 係搭電車
以為妳想打劫我添, 多謝捧場
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-9 12:00 PM
電車吾係公車咩 ????
公車= 公共交通 = public transit
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 12:16 PM

電車吾係公車咩 ????
公車= 公共交通 = public transit
bourget 發表於 2012-7-9 12:10 PM
公車 = bus wor
公共交通工具 先係 = pubic transit
電車 = train
作者: bourget    時間: 2012-7-9 12:24 PM

公車 = bus wor
公共交通工具 先係 = pubic transit
電車 = train
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-9 12:16 PM
they're all public transit la !
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-9 12:27 PM

they're all public transit la !
bourget 發表於 2012-7-9 12:24 PM
but won't say 公車 for public transit ar
作者: teafume    時間: 2012-7-9 02:05 PM

本帖最後由 teafume 於 2012-7-9 03:06 PM 編輯

edit: Gosh, I didn't notice there were more pages here.  That Chinese post took me ages to type and I had to try so hard not to write in out right Cantonese - but apparently, you can understand both anyway.  I couldn't see your profile so I had no way to tell.

Anyway from the above posts, it sounded like you have stayed there for 7 years already.  furthermore, it seems like you already have a job there as well.  as such, i doubt you're seeking for advice, i guess - nor have i any that's valuable to give.  on the other hand, I do want to know what you think of your 7 year stay - like which part of japan you're in,  what you liked and disliked about your experience there, and i guess, are you planning to stay there (i can't quite tell by your posts so far), given that you seemed to have quite established yourself there already.
作者: bourget    時間: 2012-7-10 07:57 AM

英文在曰本並不流行掛 ?
吾識日文點生活 ?
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-10 08:35 AM

英文在曰本並不流行掛 ?
吾識日文點生活 ?
bourget 發表於 2012-7-10 07:57 AM
就係唔識先要學呀, 妳唔好係度搞搞陣
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-10 08:55 AM

本帖最後由 blacker14tt 於 2012-7-10 08:59 AM 編輯
樓上有人提過加入主 ...
teafume 發表於 2012-7-9 02:05 PM
I did mention I'm working in a Japanese language school in Tokyo at first floor. This thread is opened for survey.
Nagoya actually isn't a really big city, so still have some old type people who dosen't like foreigners, but in big city like Hakata you said, and Tokyo, Osaka, this is not a big problem.
I'm living in Tokyo now, and I'm going to get permanent residence here when I reached the application condition. I'm not thinking to get Japanese Citizen right now.
Japanese actually is a follow rules ethnic group, and I like this very much. Everything is 井井有條.
The city is very convenience, you can go everywhere without car. Basically, I like everything here.
If you really want me to point out what I dislike, I will say Japanese 太死板. They do everything base on manual. They do not know how to 轉彎.
But 凡事都要睇雙面, because they 死板, D野先會井井有條, 所有野都有規有矩, just sometimes I feel mad on that because take too long time to do a thing.

Sorry for my English not really good, lazy to write in English correctly. But I think you may understand what I'm saying ^^"

oppps, forget to transfer money, you can use this money to buy some point to upgrade yourself from here: (兌換)

teafume2012-7-10 08:56 AMTVB 150000 元積分轉出

作者: bourget    時間: 2012-7-10 09:23 AM

61# blacker14tt
I give my comment g ma
not 搞搞陣 wor
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-10 10:25 AM

61# blacker14tt
I give my comment g ma
not 搞搞陣 wor
bourget 發表於 2012-7-10 09:23 AM
coz i'm talking study japanese language in japan ar, don't know japanese is ok gu wor
作者: bourget    時間: 2012-7-10 10:37 AM

don't know Japanese how to live there wor
作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-10 10:38 AM

You're so lucky. You must speak good Japanese.
Will you planning to study a short term course like a month in Japan? To improve your Japanese knowledge.
Btw, what kind of job are you doing now?
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-9 11:12 AM
I don't have any plans to study in Japan right now as I have my mom depending on me.  I can't really leave her behind right now.  And to answer your question, I'm in the IT field, so absolutely no need to use Japanese at work.  (T_T)
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-10 01:48 PM

don't know Japanese how to live there wor
bourget 發表於 2012-7-10 10:37 AM
why not?? i have many students didn't know japanese before they come but they speak fluently now
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-10 01:53 PM

I don't have any plans to study in Japan right now as I have my mom depending on me.  I can't really leave her behind right now.  And to answer your question, I'm in the IT field, so absolutely no ne ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-10 10:38 AM
oic, then study in Japan is not that necessary in your case. IT field, i think it's not easy to get a job to let you fly to Japan often........
作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-11 09:44 AM

oic, then study in Japan is not that necessary in your case. IT field, i think it's not easy to get a job to let you fly to Japan often........
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-10 01:53 PM
Yeah, it's not necessary for me to study in Japan anymore.  It's more like an achievement rather than a necessity.  Besides, you really can't find anything in IT field which requires flying over to Japan, so I now fly myself over instead.  Hehehe.............
作者: vodafone903    時間: 2012-7-11 02:22 PM

咩掟雞蛋啊 fuking east之類我聽得多了
anyway 我support長期留學
作者: teafume    時間: 2012-7-11 04:51 PM

wow, my situation is exactly that of bokeh's:  a job in IT and filial duty to fullfil, except that I haven't yet travel to Japan even once and I haven't had a private tutor to teach me Japanese.
Basically, in my situation, a vacation to Japan is the only reasonable option.  Studying in Japan certainly would help me learn Japanese, but that'd involve uprooting my life...  a move too risky for me to make at my stage of life.
作者: gugubaby    時間: 2012-7-11 11:57 PM

作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-12 01:14 PM

wow, my situation is exactly that of bokeh's:  a job in IT and filial duty to fullfil, except that I haven't yet travel to Japan even once and I haven't had a private tutor to teach me Japanese.
Basic ...
teafume 發表於 2012-7-11 04:51 PM
Well, my goal was to pass JLPT Level 1 at the time, so my best bet would be studying in Japan for 6 months before I take the test.  Since that couldn't be done, my 2nd choice was to find a private tutor.  It wasn't cheap at all to hire my own teacher, but unfortunately there was no school in my city which offered the education to prepare for the test, so I had to bite the bullet.
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-15 08:34 AM

Yeah, it's not necessary for me to study in Japan anymore.  It's more like an achievement rather than a necessity.  Besides, you really can't find anything in IT field which requires flying over to J ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-11 09:44 AM
Travel by yourself is better that on business trip. You can go anywhere you want.
So, please enjoy your travel in Japan. Japan has too many beauty places to visit.
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-15 08:37 AM

咩掟雞蛋啊 fuking east之類我聽得多了
不過好 ...
vodafone903 發表於 2012-7-11 02:22 PM
呢度都幾多人移民去澳洲, 我個人就唔太鍾意澳洲啦, 我上次去左20日我都覺得唔掂, 唔好話長住
不過呢D都好睇個人嘅, 好似我鍾意住係日本, 但未必個個人都鍾意
講返留學, 點解你會話你已經冇機會??

vodafone9032012-7-15 08:37 AMTVB 120000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-15 08:40 AM

wow, my situation is exactly that of bokeh's:  a job in IT and filial duty to fullfil, except that I haven't yet travel to Japan even once and I haven't had a private tutor to teach me Japanese.
Basic ...
teafume 發表於 2012-7-11 04:51 PM
Coz you're in IT field. IT field dosen't need any foreign language to help. You only need to understand those "alien" languages. XD

teafume2012-7-15 08:39 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-15 08:42 AM

gugubaby 發表於 2012-7-11 11:57 PM
日本排外與否我在上面也說了很多遍, 不想再說了, 如果有機會, 何不親身來日本感受一下?

gugubaby2012-7-15 08:42 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-15 08:43 AM

Well, my goal was to pass JLPT Level 1 at the time, so my best bet would be studying in Japan for 6 months before I take the test.  Since that couldn't be done, my 2nd choice was to find a private tu ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-12 01:14 PM
Which city are you living?
作者: vodafone903    時間: 2012-7-15 12:15 PM

75# blacker14tt

生命冇take 2
諗到乜就去做 唔好老咗先覺得遺憾
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-15 12:52 PM

75# blacker14tt

生命冇take 2
諗到乜就去做 唔好老咗先覺得遺憾
vodafone903 發表於 2012-7-15 12:15 PM
我間學校都有唔少30歲以上嘅學生, 大部分都係因為以前冇好好搞好學業, 然後做工後發覺唔得, 所以想重新讀書
有D就係因為太愛日本文化, 做工後努力賺錢然後過嚟留學, 呢一類反而好清楚自己想要D乜
反而剛剛高中畢業果D學生就未知道自己想要乜, 有機會留學都唔好好珍惜
作者: dorishs    時間: 2012-7-16 07:40 AM


作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-16 11:09 AM

本帖最後由 bokeh 於 2012-7-16 11:12 AM 編輯
Which city are you living?
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-15 08:43 AM
I live in Toronto.  Unfortunately there is no Japanese school in here which can prep me for the test.  Lucky I've met sensei.
作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-16 11:16 AM

Travel by yourself is better that on business trip. You can go anywhere you want.
So, please enjoy your travel in Japan. Japan has too many beauty places to visit.
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-15 08:34 AM
Yes, I totally agree with you.  Travelling by myself is the best!  I really enjoy the freedom.  As a matter of fact, I'm planning my next trip right now!
作者: 小玥玥玥    時間: 2012-7-16 12:39 PM

作者: marl123    時間: 2012-7-16 03:07 PM

I wouldn't go to Japan, the life there is too tension

I would prefer to go to other better country... say Canada !! very nice environment, and people over there are nice and warm
作者: 小東記    時間: 2012-7-18 02:12 PM

日本, 除左學日文外, 沒有特別優勢.

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-18 03:40 PM


生活費的話,努力申請獎助學金便是,國內的、 ...
dorishs 發表於 2012-7-16 07:40 AM

dorishs2012-7-18 03:39 PMTVB 150000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-18 03:46 PM

I live in Toronto.  Unfortunately there is no Japanese school in here which can prep me for the test.  Lucky I've met sensei.
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-16 11:09 AM
I can found some Japanese language school in Toronto from internet but I don't know are them good or not.
However, you're have a good sensei, so I don't think you still need a Japanese language class.
But I'm curious that, what language is your sensei using when he teach you Japanese language??
Because I found that many students who had a private teacher before, their conversation skills in Japanese not really good.
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-18 03:46 PM

Yes, I totally agree with you.  Travelling by myself is the best!  I really enjoy the freedom.  As a matter of fact, I'm planning my next trip right now!
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-16 11:16 AM
Oh, that's good. Which city are you going to visit?? & when??
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-18 03:48 PM

小玥玥玥 發表於 2012-7-16 12:39 PM
其實地震的對於非災區居民來說, 不是有很大的影響, 只要你不去災區就可以了, 日本還有很多好地方等你

小玥玥玥2012-7-18 03:48 PMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-18 03:50 PM

I wouldn't go to Japan, the life there is too tension

I would prefer to go to other better country... say Canada !! very nice environment, and people over there are nice and warm
marl123 發表於 2012-7-16 03:07 PM
Japan's life not that tension as what you thought. However, everybody got their own choice.

marl1232012-7-18 03:49 PMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-18 03:52 PM

日本, 除左學日文外, 沒有特別優勢.

小東記 發表於 2012-7-18 02:12 PM
日本有很多出名的領域如漫畫, 動畫, 電影等等, 並非除了日語之外沒有東西可以學習

小東記2012-7-18 03:51 PMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: genki23    時間: 2012-7-18 04:36 PM

會, 但只想短期遊學
毕竟,日本物價太高了不太適合長期留學(unless work part time)
作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-19 01:16 PM

But I'm curious that, what language is your sensei using when he teach you Japanese language??
Because I found that many students who had a private teacher before, their conversation skills in Japanese not really good.
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-18 03:46 PM
My sensei taught me in Japanese.  All of our conversations were also in pure Japanese.  Basically I told him what I wanted to learn and what I wanted to achieve and he walked me to my goal.  And believe me when I say there's no school in Toronto for me, there's really none.  In fact, it was the councillor in my uni who has suggested me to find a private tutor.  She said it's cheaper than taking one-on-one Japanese class in uni to prep me for the test.  Having one-on-one in uni is very expensive.  Basically I have to pay for the cost of hiring my own prof.  
作者: bokeh    時間: 2012-7-19 01:27 PM

Oh, that's good. Which city are you going to visit?? & when??
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-18 03:46 PM
Still in the planning stage.  Tokyo, Hakone (highly possible) and Nagoya.  Still considering between Hokkaido and Okinawa.  Got any recommendations for me?  BTW, I've already been to Aizu Wakamatsu, Nikko, Tokyo, Yokohama, Kamakura,
Mt Fuji, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Hiroshima and Kagoshima.
作者: vincewoo    時間: 2012-7-20 05:07 AM

如果有個咁gar機會碑我,我會choose去lor,because黎個系個好機會去瞭解下日本文化同埋可以簡單學習下日本gar語言。不過我只會選擇short period lor。長時間就吾應該去日本,最好去U.S.A or Europe滴地區lor,Canada都okay,不過我響度讀左咁耐,我覺得美國比canada好,藝術類學生應該去Europe
作者: blackaifor    時間: 2012-7-22 01:20 AM

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-22 09:03 AM

會, 但只想短期遊學
毕竟,日本物價太高了不太適合長期留學(unless work part time)
genki23 發表於 2012-7-18 04:36 PM
長期留學能夠打工, 但如果經濟狀況不許可, 短期留學也能獲益良多

genki232012-7-22 09:03 AMTVB 100000 元積分轉出

作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-22 09:05 AM

My sensei taught me in Japanese.  All of our conversations were also in pure Japanese.  Basically I told him what I wanted to learn and what I wanted to achieve and he walked me to my goal.  And beli ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-19 01:16 PM
OIC, then that's great! Practice will make your Japanese better, better & better.
I wish you will pass the JLPT N1 soon.
作者: blacker14tt    時間: 2012-7-22 09:19 AM

Still in the planning stage.  Tokyo, Hakone (highly possible) and Nagoya.  Still considering between Hokkaido and Okinawa.  Got any recommendations for me?  BTW, I've already been to Aizu Wakamatsu,  ...
bokeh 發表於 2012-7-19 01:27 PM
Wow, you did visit many places of Japan.
Hakone is great. I have been there before. You can see Mt. Fuji very clearly if you go in winter. & hot spring there also very nice.
But seem you only visited southern part of Japan, maybe you should visit northern part of Japan, so maybe Hakkaido is a good choice. Summer is great for Hokkaido.
If you are coming in winter, maybe Takayama, Gifu is good. There got a UNESCO spot point called Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō. I have been there few years ago.
But transport there not that convenience as big city, you might spend more time for that if you're going. Here I attach a piece of photo I took before for you.

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