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標題: [疑難求助] Need help...girlfriend chat with guy closely [打印本頁]

作者: KENNY8    時間: 2012-6-14 01:56 AM     標題: Need help...girlfriend chat with guy closely

Recently my girlfriend did texting with a guy that she just met very frequently even like reporting n telling him where she Is n what she do almost everyday. N they did talk through phone almost everyday while I am not beside her. Although the content Is like normal chatting in message but Is it anything wrong? Why need to report everything to a guy n yet he Is not her boyfriend? Is it correct that girl can chat n text with a guy in that way? Should I let her know n ask her Why she did that? If yes how should I ask her about this issue? Please advice n help me. I am really struggle in this issue badly. Thanks.
作者: 菠萝包    時間: 2012-6-28 07:58 PM

当然大家有自己社交圈子,自己朋友好正常,但你所讲你女友做既野已经超出朋友范围,因为佢做紧既野通常都只会对自己honey做。最好同佢好好倾倾,不过唔好用质问既语气,平心静气既问,唔好一个问题未解决就产生另外一个问题。最好系一个轻松环境,令佢放松既状态吓,扮作漫不经心咁问:“你好似同佢好好倾窝,边个来架?不如介绍埋我识。”如果佢好自然咁答到你,应该之间就冇咩野,如果佢用任何理由来拒绝,你可以话:” 冇,因为我见到你成日同佢倾,好似向上司汇报咁详细,连我都冇呢种待遇,所以好奇者。但honey,其实呢样野已经对我造成困扰,我紧张你,都希望你会顾及吓我感受,好嘛?“ PS: 记住语气一定要平和同自然,以上言论纯属个人意见,只供参考,本人英文不好要是你看不懂中文,too bad.

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