唔會, 通常呢類人都係所謂愛大自然愛環保既瘋癲人仕, 佢地痾完會用好多好多紙巾包好放番入背包度繼續爬上去....., 玩完拿回家沖落廁所或花園用....., 有 d 重會將痾出黎尿用過濾器過濾後再飲, 刷牙係做 show 姐, 一般都唔會刷牙沖涼, 爬到上頂遇到有山澗水就成班一齊天體洗白白羅....., 好開放健康架. 唔係講笑, 我認識咁樣既人. 平時個個星期五就成班人約埋去荒山野領去星期日先番屋企, 年年都最少個幾月唔返工約埋成班去癲成個月多, 個個番到屋企都瘦左成個碼跟著日日訓十幾個鐘休息兩個星期先返工.作者: ckd08 時間: 2012-2-7 05:51 AM
To daball -- what kind of work they are in that can allow them to walk away for couple of months ? I have a theory myself, if a company can afford to let you take couple of months holiday, this means that you are not that important anyway to the company. The next task for them might start to look for a new job ?!作者: blitzk 時間: 2012-2-7 09:59 AM