7 ^' x* k- l ~ ~由於建議變相剝奪希臘的財政預算自主權,希臘政府堅決反對。 ( Z$ }( p1 P6 ~3 X/ R+ [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb ! V$ }$ U2 k h, H* R德國財長朔伊布勒在峰會舉行前夕接受美國媒體的訪問時,高調警告希臘必須令歐洲確信它可以徹底改變現狀並改革經濟,否則歐元區將否決對希臘的第2輪財政援助,涉款超過1300億歐元。 作者: ckd08 時間: 2012-2-2 12:26 AM
Well, Greece is like a spoiled child with unlimited financial support. Now the parents are running out of resources. The good parents will intervene and tried to teach and monitor the the child how to get out of hot water. The irresponsible parent will keep letting them do whatever they want and hope that they will be all right ! What is your choice ?!