$ y) X; Y9 P/ y. Z7 U公仔箱論壇薩爾科齊在採訪中表示,法國正經歷著歷史上最嚴重的經濟危機。雖然目前情況有所改善,歐洲正在走出危機漩渦,但法國必須進行改革,在削減債務的同時採取有效措施,增強“法國製造”的競爭力,重振法國經濟。 z; n6 C) w6 ^1 z# M R) M$ G" z
8 Q5 F' ]& E. {2 }' R3 T m. f. ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb他宣佈的改革措施包括從今年10月1日起法國將銷售增值稅上調1.6%,由現行的19.6%調整為21.2%,增收部分將用於原本由企業負擔的社會保障費用等。 * p, S1 R/ l1 C \5 Q# J8 Wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 J4 X2 d6 d3 N# O+ i: j3 V
此外,他還決定,法國將從8月起率先徵收金融交易稅,稅率為0.1%,預計每年可增加政府財政收入10億歐元。& Y4 K9 ?& S( Y7 }* H3 ?
François Fillon was appointed by President Nicolas Sarkozy on 17 May 2007. He has been in Prime Minister position for 4 years now. Although I do not really follow much about France economy, I do know that the controversial 35 hours working determination and his suggestion to increase sales tax from 19.6% - 21.2% will not be a good idea. This is just like to squeeze the last drop of blood from the bleeding population. I think what he should focus on is how to create jobs so that the civilians are able to spend and then raise all the tax you want if you wish.