19世紀流行 或致細菌感染
鹹豬肉治鼻血曾在19世紀時流行一時,普遍認為重鹽分能令鼻腔組織腫脹,停止流血,豬肉的用途則不得而知。隨着醫學進步,藥物和醫學海綿被認為是更有效的止血法。在一般情况下,醫生並不建議使用鹹豬肉止血,以免感染細菌。 作者: ckd08 時間: 2012-1-31 05:02 AM
I believe the old folk cure is using beacon. The University of Minnesota Medical Center speculated that the meat may have certain tissue factors that help the body stop bleeding. It could also be the cold and salt work to constrict blood vessels and the fat stimulates the clotting system. This actually recorded in medical journal ! Well, this is a pretty delicious way to stop nose bleed !作者: daball 時間: 2012-1-31 11:26 AM
呢位醫生真係夠謄夾好人.... 如果個細佬塞左舊咸豬肉重止唔到血死左, 細佬 d 家人實告個醫生話佢整死左個細佬. 美國佬好多都姓賴最鐘意屈人, 咁樣醫死左實告到你褲甩.