- |; B0 f) W6 k議員高薪惹不滿公仔箱論壇1 E0 ~1 ^. V) h( u* ~2 h. t
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蒙蒂上任以來致力改善經濟,但遭遇強烈阻力。意國政客薪酬高企,更令民眾大為不滿。政府週二發表的一項調查發現,意國630 名國會下議院議員的基本月薪冠絕歐洲,達1萬1283 歐元(約4萬6700令吉),比全歐平均金額高逾六成,議員可享免費乘坐火車、飛機、航海和免繳高速公路費,每月還可額外獲得交通津貼。 ! Q& O$ S9 E& H% u- R6 G, f ) [" E: d7 v: o) ~3 h; `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb義大利人對此深表不滿,要求削減議員待遇。作者: ckd08 時間: 2012-1-6 03:26 AM
Well I think if Europe wants to get out of the deep water they are in now, they have to face the challenge and get rid of their usual easy life style. People have to work hard to get paid and it is useless to deny the wheel of economy and still try to live easy with aids !