When it comes to Andrew Bynum's fineeffort, caution is advised
Lakers center plays extremely well in hisseason debut, but one solid game doesn't make up for his checkered body ofwork.
This game being played on New Year's Eve, one could easily assume that Andrew Bynum was the confetti.
He dropped down from the Staples Center sky and scattered himselfeverywhere, blanketing fears and distractions and the Denver Nuggets.
One could also assume that Andrew Bynum wasthe champagne.
He popped, bubbled, and sprayed for 29 points and 13 rebounds, leaving Lakers fans tipsy with surprise after athrilling 92-89 victory.
Then again, sigh, if you've followed Bynum's career, you would have no choicebut to say the dude was the party horn.
For one moment Saturday afternoon, he resonated with the perfect noise. But thematerial is flimsy, and the sound is fleeting and you have to wonder, how longcan it last?
In other words, the Lakers would be wise not to let old acquaintance be forgot.
They can cherish the way Bynum dominated the court after his eight-monthlayoff, but they must remember how his brittle knees have forced him to sit outan average of 31 games in each of the last four seasons. They can enjoy the wayhe stormed through the Nuggets defense, but they must remember how he stormedoff the court after tearing off his shirt and stripping the Lakers of theirdignity in last spring's playoffs in Dallas.
Perhaps the best that can be said about Bynum's performance Saturday is that itwas good enough for praise, good enough for hope, but also good enough for the Orlando Magic to sneak a peek in case this whole Dwight Howard thing is still alive
"If Andrew can stay healthy and do that on a consistent basis, I'm tellingyou, we'd have a nice little three-headed monster,"Kobe Bryant said as he walked out of the Staples Center locker room.
He didn't say it definitively. He said it longingly. He said it while shakinghis head as if saying a new year's prayer. He knows. They all know.
Bynum's energetic performance was strong enough to make a casual fan dream of achampionship — he only missed five of 18 shots, he had two blocks and one stealand several hustle dunks — but longtime observers surely understand the risksof such giddiness, and the Lakers weren't falling for it yet.
Mike Brown was so appropriately intenton crediting memorable hustle plays by Derek Fisher andSteve Blake that he didn't even mention Bynum inhis post game opening remarks.
"I am fine with Andrew, I expect him to play well, but that's not why wewon the game," Brown said after his conference. "I want everyone toknow that our defense and hustle is how we will win games."
When Fisher was asked about Bynum's performance, he joked about Sunday night'sgame in Denver.
"We're going to get him the ball 20 times in a row in Denver, and thatMile High is going to climb on his back real quick, and we're all going towatch him suffer," Fisher said with a grin.
Only Pau Gasol seemed willing to place a definitive labelon something so volatile.
"He was spectacular, outstanding, the energy he played with was veryimpressive," Gasol said. "I expected a solid game, but I didn'texpect this kind of performance."
Who did? Bynum took the court not only battling endurance after sitting out theseason's first four games because of suspension, but he was also being trailedby a string of off-season, off-court incidents that include handicapped parkingviolations, traffic tickets and, most recently, an alleged incident where hedrove his car on the wrong side of the street in an effort to pass a slowervehicle.
"I don't have any distractions, I don't read the press, none of thatbothers me," Bynum said Saturday.
He certainly played like it, from the start, his second touch resulting in twofree throws, his third touch resulting in a layup, and his fourth touch turninginto a hook. By the time his season was four minutes old, he already had sixpoints, an outburst that was matched only by his 11 points on five-for-fiveshooting in the fourth quarter.
From start to finish he showed up huge, even though he was so exhausted, hesaid he didn't breathe in the first few minutes.
"I just made myself big down low, they got me the ball, that's all I canask for," Bynum said.
In between his inspiring start and finish, nobody swarmed Bynum more than hisown coach, as Brown was constantly tutoring him on the sidelines, sometimeseven turning his back to the game to continue the conversation.
"This was his first game, he was a little behind on the plays, it makes ittough for everybody," Brown said. "I also had to keep reminding himto run, run, run, run."
The Lakers are indeed monstrous when Bynum is working well with Gasol andBryant, but if somebody suggests they anoint Bynum as the future of thefranchise after this one game, they need their own bit of Brown-style coaching.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
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