雌性幾維鳥比雄性體型更大,而雄性褐色幾維鳥承擔大部分孵化鳥蛋的工作。經過70到85天的孵化,全身長滿羽毛的雛鳥就會破殼而出,而且幾周后它們就會離開父母,獨立生活。幾維鳥是一種浪漫忠貞的鳥,雄鳥和雌鳥一旦結合,就會廝守終身。這種鳥的壽命一般較長,有些能活50歲。生活在南部島嶼的一種幾維鳥甚至能活100歲。作者: ckd08 時間: 2012-1-4 03:32 AM
The beak and the legs are different color than the ordinary Kiwi too. I believe this is exceptional case of genetic alteration. The reason to be black or dark color is that they are the night animals and therefore they can escape from the predators. This one has no chance whatsoever and will have to live in the care of human !作者: daball 時間: 2012-1-4 04:09 AM