8 \/ y9 m4 o" K% C+ B官媒說,山岩上金正日的題字:“長白山,神聖的革命之山。金正日”閃閃發光,一直閃耀到20日晚上。平壤當局宣佈金正日死訊的19日當天,長白山群峰中的“正日峰”峰頂出現異光,持續半個小時。 + U$ E/ x/ M7 j6 H4 Y$ ~$ l6 W% d0 L: s+ ~( X" V! a7 o' a6 X
丹頂鶴飛繞塑像5.39.217.767 e" \, q h! E* ]0 w2 M6 p! c H. ^! I! D4 Y* w
朝中社描述,在東北咸興市的東興山,“20日晚間9 時20分左右,一隻丹頂鶴飛繞金正日雕像3 次,才棲上枝頭”。 ~- V2 Y. a4 Y, V9 t3 s6 o
% u: m1 m/ i6 o( c
“丹頂鶴在那裡垂首佇足良久,最後朝著平壤的方向飛去。” 2 u6 Q) z& L" @3 `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 e" e# D$ a" E$ @. S
“目睹此情此景,咸興市革命舊址管理處主任和其他人都異口同聲地說,就連丹頂鶴似乎都在哀悼金正日駕鶴西歸,才會在如此寒徹骨的夜晚飛來此地。”作者: ckd08 時間: 2011-12-23 03:54 AM
Well, this Kim chung-Il thing is getting out of hand now. He died on the 17th and North Korean government has been showing the news clips of people crying, news stating the strange natural phenomenon. I did not have anything against Chung-Il but I am really getting tired of listening to the government to make up stories now. I can imagine how it was when Kim Chung-Il was alive................作者: hamtu5168 時間: 2011-12-24 03:04 AM