2 [4 @8 u n! @ e0 o* c1 j公仔箱論壇示威者告訴記者,今年6月,23歲的印尼勞工蘇蜜雅蒂赴沙地阿拉伯工作,遭雇主殘酷淩虐,手指被折斷、腿也被打斷、被熨斗燙傷,甚至被剪去嘴唇。新加坡一名刻薄的雇主要求印尼女傭工作到三更半夜,淩晨5時才准她上床睡覺,每天只能睡4小時。作者: ckd08 時間: 2011-12-20 03:57 AM
These are the extreme stories of oversea workers. But can you imagine how these oversea workers have to bear when they have to leave their poor country to make a better living for their families but at the same time, they were unfairly treated. I did not even want to mention about physical abuse. I do admire these workers and may all of the employers treat them fairly !