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標題: [新聞] "Dramatic" Elephant Rescue in Zambia [打印本頁]

作者: netaccess    時間: 2011-11-16 09:06 AM     標題: "Dramatic" Elephant Rescue in Zambia


Trapped in Mud
A mother African elephant and her baby lie mired in mud as family members look on in Zambia's Luangwa Valley (map) on November 1.

The  pair were rescued by wildlife officials and conservationists after a  two-hour battle against heat, dehydration, and rapidly drying mud.

The  Kapani lagoon, where the elephants got strapped, is nearly dry and very  sticky at this time of year—making it easy for an animal to become  ensnared, said Mindy Roberts, sales director for Norman Carr Safaris,  whose Kapani Lodge overlooks the lagoon.

On  this particular occasion the baby became trapped first. "One of her  feet could have become stuck, and then as she thrashed around, her whole  body got stuck," Roberts said.

When  the mother elephant came to help the baby, she sank into the mud as  well. Other members of the herd quickly retreated when the rescuers  arrived.


Baby in Trouble
A  Norman Carr Safari staff member first heard the baby elephant  (pictured) screaming, and watched as the mother became stuck, too.  Safari officials then called Rachel McRobb at the South Luangwa Conservation Society to ask what to do.

The conservation society typically rescues animals that have been trapped in snares—not mud, McRobb said.
"There's  always a debate about whether, if something is a natural occurrence,  you should just leave it," she said, "but obviously elephants tend to  pull everyone's heartstrings."

Staff with the conservation society and the Zambian Wildlife Authority arrived at the lagoon within 20 minutes with ropes and a tractor.


Nearly Free
Rescuers  fit a rope underneath the young elephant—estimated to be about two and a  half years old—and began pulling, Norman Carr Safari's Roberts said.

The mother, despite being overheated and dehydrated, still had enough energy to threaten the rescuers with her thrashing trunk.
Without a rescue attempt, the prospects for the elephants were grim, South Luangwa Conservation Society's McRobb noted.

"If  hyenas and lions didn't come and eat them alive, they would have slowly  just dehydrated" to death over a period of five or six days, McRobb  said.

"It's an awful thing to leave an elephant drying out in the mud."


Rescue in Progress
The rescue team unwraps the ropes from the young elephant, whose gender is unknown.
To  compound the difficulties, every time the team freed the young  elephant, "he'd run directly back to his mum, the poor thing," McRobb  said—requiring the team to start all over again.

It's  a lucky thing the elephants were noticed so quickly, McRobb added.  Elephants that have been stuck for longer and then rescued generally  don't fare well in the long-term.


Running to Safety
On  the third try, a herd cousin calls for the young elephant to come to  safety, and it runs, still caked in mud, to rejoin the herd.
It probably helped that the rescuers "literally chased him off," McRobb said.

"There were a couple of us actually chasing him to get him to just go back to his herd."


Rescuing Mom
Rescuing  mom proved to be a little tougher—full-grown female elephants can weigh  between 4,800 and 7,130 pounds (2,160 and 3,232 kilograms).

To  complicate matters, in an attempt to free herself, Roberts said, the  mother elephant wrapped her trunk around the rope tied to the tractor  and started pulling.

Instead  of pulling herself out, "she pulled the tractor, which weighs a couple  of tons, toward herself for about a meter [three feet]—that's how strong  they are."


Happy Ending
Two hours after she first got stuck, the mother elephant is still strong enough to run back to her herd (pictured).
Wildlife rescues like this one are somewhat common, both McRobb and Roberts said.

Roberts  recalled a baby elephant that had gotten its leg stuck in the V of a  tree. "The mother and aunt wouldn't leave the calf, so they had to be  darted in order to get the calf's leg out of the tree."

McRobb  adds that the morning after this rescue was performed, her conservation  group found and rescued another two elephants stuck a little farther up  the lagoon.

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