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標題: [時事討論] 希臘政局是個爛攤子 陸以正 [打印本頁]

作者: felicity2010    時間: 2011-11-14 08:35 AM     標題: 希臘政局是個爛攤子 陸以正

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-11-14 08:37 AM 編輯 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 G0 E) B2 t( Q, z C1 P/ b- R0 w9 u2 G, s
希臘政局是個爛攤子  陸以正
2 T& d, t& L0 _& q0 j9 S; ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
, q" @5 i/ U' w$ Y0 r; A. n3 t" JTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
5 L: a+ C0 C; X7 A5 b+ vTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。義大利總理貝魯斯柯尼因債務風潮,被歐盟各國逼迫逾月。新聞界更把他個人荒淫貪婪的醜聞,統統抖了出來。繼已經破產的希臘後,貝氏前天終於提出辭職。歐洲經濟衰敗最難恢復的兩個國家,至此均須面臨現實。義大利國會以打群架聞名世界,料想一時難以產生新政府,故本文專談希臘。
公仔箱論壇2 S+ \4 `8 P  y

: P  }: G7 n9 r; l- z& F9 u! O) ?. GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。年長些的人,對於西方文明搖籃的希臘,大多印象良好。從希臘神話裏的眾神之王宙斯(Zeus)、太陽神阿波羅(Apollo)、到美貌的女神雅典娜(Athena)、與掌管地獄的黑底斯(Hades),幼年時聽老師講得多了,大都耳熟能詳。但今日的希臘人,或許正因沒有這些住在奧林匹斯山頂的神明保佑,似乎一代不如一代了。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 H4 H0 m7 B1 e0 s: D$ }! f0 B

4 s! Z3 ]9 u$ \5 WTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。兩年多前,全球經濟風暴吹到歐洲後,沉醉於過去光輝中的希臘人,一覺醒來,才發現寅吃卯糧,總有吃光的一天。歐洲聯盟好不容易拼湊出一副解救眼前難關的藥方,但雅典當政的「泛希臘社會主義運動黨(
Panhellenic Socialist Movement,簡稱PASOK)」領袖兼內閣總理的巴本德里歐(George A.Papendreou),偏不識相,拋出一個荒唐的「公民投票」風向球,惹得德國鐵娘子梅克爾大怒,威脅將撒手不管。眼看洪水業已淹到頸部,幾將滅頂,雅典的政客們才如夢初醒,趕快謀求彌補。
$ o+ Q; ^6 ~* {+ ^' y4 m9 z

4 |. z4 v, U) q) Z2 Y) Ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb內外交迫下,巴本德里歐終於宣布,他將向僅有虛銜而無實權的總統巴波里阿斯(
Karolos Papoulias)提出辭呈。回首當年,若就家世、學識、聲譽而言,巴本德里歐應該是最理想的政府領袖。他的祖父喬治歐(Georgio P.)曾三次擔任希臘總理。父親安德里阿斯(Andreas P.)當年在美國教書,與美籍MargaretChant結婚,生下了他,返國後也做過總理。巴本德里歐雖然在美國明尼蘇達州聖保羅(St. Paul,Minnesota)出生,因希臘法律並不歧視出生在海外的僑民,對他長大後從政,亦無不良影響,反有加分作用。
公仔箱論壇0 U9 u, j. O: J4 g- \% g

  b3 V; S* V' P) i公仔箱論壇有這樣顯赫的家世,巴本德里歐受教育都在國外。中學在加拿大畢業,進入美國麻州的長春籐名校
公仔箱論壇, i, X1 g9 K! G) U' C! {

" t  g2 x* w! t0 Q- \0 A! O各大學授給巴本德里歐這些學位,自然是因為他的家世。就學校立場而言,這也是一種積極宣揚校譽的方法,無可厚非。他也不負期望,一九七四年學成歸國,卅六歲就當教育與宗教事務部長,兩任後改做外交部長。二○○四年卸任,創立
PASOK黨。二○○六年當選「社會主義國際(Socialist International)」主席。二○○九年出任內閣總理,到現在恰滿兩年。
2 n4 b' ]3 n$ N% ~

8 U& `$ l4 X) E0 o公仔箱論壇若在太平時代,巴本德里歐做希臘總理,繼承父祖職位,堪稱佳話。他也並非全無政績,最為人稱道的,是他因為留美時親身經歷黑人民權運動,因而在外長任內與伊斯蘭國家包括土耳其和阿爾巴尼亞在內,致力減少彼此間的敵對意識,對人權亦有貢獻。問題在希臘人過慣了享福的日子,內政腐敗,貪汙橫行,貧富懸殊,給反對黨可乘之機。 U! x# q+ p( Y, n) H+ Y
" [7 e* K: k- x2 z
巴本德里歐宣布辭職後,希臘政府等於停擺,等待下屆總理出線。他還夢想繼續留任,拋出「全民公投」的餿主意。歐盟看破了那是他留戀職位的招數,告訴他說:如果不肯下台,休想拿到一塊歐元解決外債問題,他才俯首認輸。其間國際貨幣基金女執行長拉嘉德(Christine Lagarde)還從北京發言,呼籲希臘政府應該使「政治明朗(political clarity)化」。雖是外交辭令,意思已經非常清楚了。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 c/ V( F9 ~7 d

; C+ C  Z3 M' l4 l6 e, P拖了幾個星期,終究無法再行拖延。到台北時間上周五,希臘終於改朝換代,由曾任歐洲中央銀行副總裁的巴珀德莫斯(
Lucas Papademos)暫代總理職務。《法新社》報導說,巴珀德莫斯曾任哈佛大學經濟學教授,做事以明快爽朗著稱。他在接受任命前,開出過若干條件。 B( J- [  ]6 |& A

9 \# W9 x4 ?: q公仔箱論壇最麻煩的一條,是政府雖須履行承諾,在明年二月十九日前舉辦全國大選,他的總理任期不應同時告終。理由很簡單,他不願做只有三個月時間的「短命內閣」首相。與其無法施展抱負,不如仍享受在德國法蘭克福(
Frankfurt am-Main)歐洲銀行副總裁悠哉游哉的生活。
作者: felicity2010    時間: 2011-11-14 08:37 AM

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-11-14 08:45 AM 編輯
) m" z6 i) F: F% I. C5.39.217.76! S: D& C) e4 m; k9 h& u
Are we done with democracy?  Gulf Stream Blues
: Q4 \, k- R/ \* g- P0 [: qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbFriday, 11 November 2011
. W* d1 C+ ]' e8 h* b( L6 F2 m/ \' e, J( a9 E! |: H- w
It has been a dramatic week for
Southern Europe, with the elected leaders of both Greece and Italy falling as a result of pressure from the markets. Both are to be replaced by unelected technocrat governments, with former EU economists being appointed to replace them. It would appear that the democratic political systems in both countries were incapable of delivering a solution to the debt crisis. The unprecedented situation has prompted uncomfortable questions. Given the North Atlantic crisis the West has found itself in and seems to be incapable of extracting itself from, is democracy failing?

- J; a1 z/ s; S  N; N* r6 Htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇2 c: J( W) \8 C+ y/ U/ |; A4 a
This was the question being asked on the BBC's Newsnight programme Wednesday night.Italian economist Vito Tanzi said during the interview that a government of unelected technocrats can do what elected politicians cannot - tell people the truth and push through unpopular but necessary reforms. "It can do abetter job of informing people what needs to be done. I think that is the problem that the Italians were told for many years that there were no problems,that nothing needed to be done when the situation was progressively getting worse. If you have this kind of government, then sooner or later you get in trouble. The technical people would know better and would tell people what the consequences are of continuing with current policies"
e was of course speaking of his friend Mario Monti, the former EU Competition Commissioner who is set to be appointed new Italian prime minister.公仔箱論壇& R# ~) ?! y; F$ y
2 V7 _9 |; f: f  c. t
Greece, it was announced yesterday that another EU official, former European Central Bank vice president Lucas Papademos, will be appointed prime minister of Greece. Neither of these men has ever been elected to any office in their home countries. But both were appointed by their countries to their EU positions, and both earned praise for their performance in those positions. Greece and Italy are joining the two EU countries which already have provisional unelected governments - Slovakia (whose government collapsed after the parliament refused to back the Greece bail-out) and Belgium.
; n; h; [% e$ _' ?2 W& ?/ V5.39.217.76
# R; g2 U% [! m, g; q7 q. iTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
I was speaking with a Greek friend about this situation last night. He said both he and his family in Greece see the unelected technocrat government as the best alternative to the country holding elections.The political system is broken, he told me, and there is no way an election would yield a government that could tell the people what they don't want to hear and implement the immensely unpopular austerity reforms demanded by Northern Europe in exchange for the bail-out. It is the same in Italy, where the political system has become so dysfunctional it allowed a prime minister to stay in power while he openly flouted the law, had sex with underage prostitutes and called his own nation a "shitty country."
9 s/ H5 E+ E4 F) G4 ~# M公仔箱論壇"It's not like democracy has been working so great for us," an Italian friend told me. "I felt powerless before with Berlusconi in power. At least this way I'll be powerless with a competent government."
! [1 \1 `/ q7 _, }
# f9 m, m' g- [' r9 A公仔箱論壇So has it come to this? Have our political systems in the West failed us so utterly that people are willing to try less democratic approaches? The prospect of unelected technocrat governments has caused alarm in many quarters of
Europe. And the fact that Greece is the birthplace of democracy is an irony lost on no one. Because these technocrat governments are being dictated by the markets, it seems to many like we are witnessing the imposition of a 'marketocracy', where political decisions are no longer made by elected leaders but instead by bankers and financial experts.

* @1 Y5 e! t/ q1 p$ ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. V6 `) j' }& c, U; N
But others are questioning whether we are being too hasty in immediately condemning the scaling back of democracy as a step too far. Perhaps we entering a period where people start to think of new ways of organizing governments and society that stray from the democratic principles we've held as sacrosanct for the past half century.
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. C# Q& P5 C0 {- ^% r! `. F5 \
Looking at this from an American context, one can see how this line of thought might be attractive. The American political system is now universally acknowledged to be broken, and the cause is politics itself. The right feels a primal rage against the system that has manifested itself in the form of the Tea Party. And the left feels disillusioned after they elected a president who promised them change but was then stymied by the constraints of politics and a confused,emotional electorate. I wonder, how would Americans - particularly liberals -feel about the prospect of a technocrat government temporarily coming in to fix the nation's deep problems without being under the constraints of politicking and elections? I honestly don't know.公仔箱論壇! D+ F1 z' B: `: h! v1 ~5 G' `
7 T) D! ?7 S) X; B. \" Q$ @! s, W
These are certainly interesting times in which to be living.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& Z& ]1 n6 i) H
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 n3 z* v* ?5 L, J* o' u  @, s
Are we, as many democracy advocates are now suggesting, entering a slippery slope toward dictatorship? Or are we, as others have suggested, on the cusp of new revolutionary movements that will change the world in a way similar to what took place in 1848? Is this a return to authoritarianism, or the dawn of a new period of creativity in which people develop new, heretofore undeveloped political systems? Are we moving backwards or forwards?
+ X3 ?! `5 W# {- [2 ~$ _5 n

) b3 x* Y0 E, Y% ]( {/ s& ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbLots of questions, few of which I'm qualified to give the definitive answers to. But one thing seems increasingly apparent - things are not going to stay the same.We are on the cusp of great change, but what that change is is anybody's guess.公仔箱論壇! W3 y% N0 p  y$ C& Q& G

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