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標題: T-AMP [打印本頁]

作者: alexk2020    時間: 2011-9-22 10:40 PM     標題: T-AMP

Anyone used T-AMP?  The one from China is very cheap and I heard that the quality is not bad...
作者: 博洛龐    時間: 2011-9-22 11:18 PM

要求不高的話,t amp是很不錯的,省電省位省錢.
作者: redpig681    時間: 2011-9-22 11:50 PM

用緊topping TP21 (TA2021) 以$360的價錢來說是物有所值。據說使用TA2024的效果更佳. T-amp線路簡單但易做難精. 用料不同得出的效果會相差很遠, 電源亦有很大的影響.  大陸牌子中可考慮 "拓品 (Topping)" 或者 "聲韻" 的產品, 口碑不錯, 若配搭環形變壓器效果會更好。要注意T-amp 的功率不大, 配合小型書架喇叭較合適
作者: alexk2020    時間: 2011-9-23 11:00 AM

I saw this topping tp60, around 1K, has 2 環牛.  Thinking about this one.
作者: redpig681    時間: 2011-9-23 04:29 PM

4# alexk2020
TP60 勝在雙環牛及功率大, 但據說(沒有親身體驗) TA2024 聲底較暖。所以如果可以的話還是試聽一下TP60 vs TP10 mark 4 再選自己喜歡的
作者: alexk2020    時間: 2011-9-24 03:21 AM

Listened 3 t-amp.  topping amp with a built-in dac.  Muse M50 and SMSL.

M50 has 50w power, very loud but sounded "hard", and I think I heard some distortion.

Topping is quite nice but a bit soft in bass.

SMSL using 2021B chip and is the most balanced one.  Bought it for less $400.  Using it to push Tannoy V1 (86db), still working OK.

Also bought SMSL DAC for around $600, not much improvement to sound...
作者: holly333    時間: 2011-10-2 06:49 PM

作者: hero3    時間: 2012-1-14 10:44 PM

what about TA3020? which generates output of 300W
作者: ee21hk    時間: 2012-2-17 12:36 AM

音場比以前部 漫步者+底板 sound card 闊咗好多,比以前立體同有動感,但聲底始終是 Tamp 特性,會偏冷一點,總括嚟講,幾佰蚊有咁大提升,真係值回票價!

作者: hyde0617    時間: 2012-3-27 12:12 AM

作者: baulim33    時間: 2012-4-8 10:12 AM

i go to taobao to check to see if there are any good t-amp.

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