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標題: 是日車聞摘要:2007-08-29 [打印本頁]

作者: cchinfatt    時間: 2007-8-29 10:23 PM     標題: 是日車聞摘要:2007-08-29

想不到摩連奴宣布停止收購球員後,傳聞仍不絕於耳。兩、三天前起傳出艾巴莫域將動用 £50M 收購朗拿甸奴,並準備開出 £200,000 周薪的超級合約。消息並指該巴西球星的經理人兼兄長已與車路士高層兩度會面,而明晚的歐冠盃分組賽抽籤時兩家球會更將進行閉門會議商討此事。  本是傳聞的消息,更想不到的是車路士隊長泰利竟作出回應,指全隊上下對此傳聞感到興奮。《太陽報》引述他在一項公益活動中的發言:「能獲得一名有如此能耐的球員將會是一大收購。這令人興奮。他會給我們更多可能性而對英超聯也很好。」
  另外兩宗令人疑惑的轉會傳聞亦由《太陽報》傳出。第一則是熱刺欲以前鋒迪科爾交換胡禮‧菲臘斯,但車路士需支付約 £4M 的轉會費差價。車路士則不願付轉會費,但亦有意直接交換。更複雜的是舒夫真高再次被傳將回歸 AC 米蘭,而迪科爾的加盟正是為填補其空缺而作出的舉動云云。
作者: cchinfatt    時間: 2007-8-29 10:25 PM     標題: 大家點睇呢??

G2走都唔係壞事, 反正佢封唔到位, 甩漏情況都幾嚴重. 不過A33唔知ok唔ok喇...上次都p'mouth就得o個廿零分鐘...

至於SWP24走唔走都冇咩作用, 我諗住車仔會誓死挽留R16架嘛......咁家下R16都走左, 如果同熱刺交換迪科爾都可以諗諗佢...S7點都唔能夠好快咁融入英超架喇!!

至於朗拿甸奴黎喇喎...有o的好似發緊夢咁, 大家都夢寐以求想佢踢英超, 不過踢慣西/意甲o個o的人, 會唔會唔慣咁快上快落o既節拍, 情況就好似S7咁咋!!!!!如果真係買倒佢, 我地又會俾人話搵錢撻人o既富豪球會, 其他人就唔會留意我們想轉做進攻型架喇!!!

作者: leanming    時間: 2007-8-30 02:44 PM

wauuu, the news shock me...
1) If sell/trade SWP, then who will be the substitute for the winger? Especially now SWP is first 11 since start of this season. Now Chelsea only have Malouda, Joe Cole and SWP in winger position. (Unless Ronaldinho really come to Chelsea; but without SWP, right winger will only depend on Joe Cole. Add in new player need to take time for them to integrate with new club/team)
2) Buy Ronaldinho.. pro and con will be there. I believe can help in attacking tactic and also correct time to support the team when lose some player to African Cup. But this will be big impact due to challenging for fight a place in midfield when no injury/African Cup, it might cause some player will try to request to trade due to less playing time.
3) I believe and hope Shev will play better this season; he still unavailable since start of this season due to injury.

Actually I am satisfied on current Chelsea squad/players. If add in player is needed, then I think defensive midfield and forward will be the priority; now we only have Essien, Diarra and Makelele, but during African Cup Essien will be away, Diarra not that strong and do you think Makelele can continuously play 90 minutes in every match? Without Drogba and Kalou, our hope will go to Shev and Pizzaro and both must not injure.

During African Cup, Chelsea might have 4 Premier League matches, 1 or 2 Champions League matches, FA Cup match and Carling Cup match.
作者: wkw8617    時間: 2007-8-31 09:24 AM

most of the latin player is  unsuitable for play in EPL match lah!!i:onion31: f this deal is confirm ,its just a waste money deal!!! :onion03:

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