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作者: felicity2010    時間: 2011-2-26 06:28 AM     標題: 卡達菲隨時步壽西斯古後塵 盧峯

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-2-26 06:29 AM 編輯 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 D& h. S) U+ y4 x8 I: E

: i, M. l2 W1 j0 d卡達菲隨時步壽西斯古後塵  盧峯
7 N$ s, Z6 ]  [/ o0 ]+ f公仔箱論壇
5 f, z% O# k) R[attach]1289890[/attach]
/ M, L: S3 x2 |. R9 ]公仔箱論壇7 G6 d% I% n- o+ A
,支援全世界人民對抗反動政權暴政,推翻反動政權曾經是蘇共、中共兩個共產主義大哥的使命,兩位大哥並為了奪取領導權而針鋒相對,爭風喝醋,鬧翻了三十年,到八九年戈爾巴喬夫訪華才總算讓中、蘇共回復正常關係。從歷史經驗來看,中共輸出革命 的能耐及不上蘇共,但是仍有不少拉丁美洲、非洲的革命黨、革命分子拿中共當導師,封毛澤東為偶像。採用毛澤東的軍事政治思想改革社會,甚至想學毛澤東那樣 搞起「文化大革命」來。當中最著名的毛派組織要數又名「金光大道」(shining path)的秘魯共產黨。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ T+ a7 h  X+ M

' m" L7 R1 w; @* y0 a6 z5.39.217.76到今天,「金光大道」已黯淡無 光,誰也不再搞甚麼輸出革命或支持全世界人民站起來。更諷刺的是,今天的中共已站到世界人民的對立面,已成了獨裁者、暴君的學習對象,她輸出的是冷血、暴 力的鎮壓。最近一個星期以來用導彈、戰機、坦克、重機槍殘殺數以千計平民的利比亞狂人卡達菲就坦白向全世界承認,是以中共為師,是以鎮壓六四為楷模,並肆 無忌憚的說中共的成功證明鎮壓有理!不知道中共第四代領導人胡錦濤知道後有何感想,但相信已退休的前總理李鵬聽到卡達菲的言論會感到高興,覺得終於有知音 人、同路人!
- ^( i( x1 S0 K* j. \0 y5.39.217.76/ P5 \1 x4 I4 F$ g6 I: D3 i3 ^, @
那卡達菲能否像中共那樣鎮壓人民、保住政權呢?從過去幾天利比亞的情況來看,狂人的算盤顯然打不響,而且翻身的機會越來越渺茫。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。0 n1 @1 s) Y! L; i! K' m, _8 j9 g' l+ B6 ?
專制政權鎮壓與人民力量是一種博弈的處境,有一種此消彼長的關係。專權者要成功,關鍵是以龐大的軍力、火力短時間內驅散膽敢挑戰政權的人民,然後厲行白色恐 怖,不問情由大舉拘捕、殺害領頭人或任何積極分子,使社會湧出人人自危的心態,從而瓦解人民抵抗的勇氣及決心。而要做到這一點,軍隊特別是高級軍官的全力 配合及支持是非常關鍵的,任何三心兩意的人都要立時革職除掉,否則不但鎮壓會功虧一簣,更可能觸發內戰。4 e. ?6 S* i$ `

* ?9 X& e) v9 Q2 |tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb偏偏過去幾天卡達菲及他的兒子雖然擺出一 副戰鬥到底的姿態,但實際上軍隊鎮壓的行動卻毫無章法及效率,反而變成一種拉鋸狀態。軍隊沒法一舉擊倒人民力量,也沒法營造人人自危的恐怖氣氛,反而讓起 義民眾一再捲土重來,兼且搶奪武器直接跟卡達菲的軍隊、僱傭兵對抗。再拖延下去,敢於站出來的人,充滿懷恨的人將越來越多,狂人政府內部倒戈的情況將會越來越嚴重。在這樣的情況下,卡達菲要調集更強大的兵力鎮壓變得非常困難,倒是人民力量將以幾何級數上升,他要像中共那樣成功鎮壓,保住權位不是有點癡人說 夢嗎?
5 g8 q/ w" x5 H5 {+ b* H& A/ L) m更可能的結局是狂人被身邊的親信出賣,又或像羅馬尼亞暴君壽西斯古般被軍隊拘捕,迅速就地正法,讓國家盡快回復平靜。事實上卡達菲強權全繫 於他一個人身上,狠下心動手清除他的軍官既可立時成為國家英雄,又有機會接掌權力,管治利比亞。算來算去,這都比拚死維護狂人家族有利得多。剩下的問題是 誰會動手,甚麼時候有機會動手而已!8 `' }( c" t4 \) c
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ A3 x8 i* d: m( e0 L

作者: felicity2010    時間: 2011-2-26 06:30 AM

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-2-26 06:41 AM 編輯 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。- D0 X; b; c4 K
1 h- Q! y& |+ z2 t4 z  c4 R" a9 i. ?
Is international intervention in Libya imminent and/or justified?- S0 B& O* l) Z5 f' ^) B

5 S' T4 A! h8 e$ ~' G公仔箱論壇
Hussein Ibish
1 [( Z5 }! d6 T: y% Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
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/ y& J6 {0 n4 u公仔箱論壇( [$ Y) A4 c6 Q5 h. X: {* j$ j

5 n2 F$ V( l5 a0 K1 D" x8 r' `) L2 fTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Col.Qaddafii's speech on Libyan state TV this evening set a new low not only for him and other beleaguered Arab leaders, but internationally and historically as well. It was one for the ages. Qaddafi rambled and howled, cooed and bellowed,pleaded and, above all, threatened. Surely the most apt adjective to describe the speech is bloodcurdling. Qaddafi essentially threatened to unleash entirely new waves and levels of violence against his own people, suggesting that he has not yet even given the order to fire, but making it clear that he is willing to stop at nothing to keep hold of power if it comes to that. To justify his shameless ruthlessness, he approvingly cited other uses of force by states around the world, particularly permanent members of the Security Council,including US actions in Waco and Falluja, among others, Russian actions against the rebellious Duma, the Chinese military assaults on protesters in Tiananmen Square and so forth. The main point of his address seemed to be to strike fear in the hearts of any Libyan who happened to be listening to him and imply that the blood hasn't yet begun to flow in earnest. D1 d$ O8 }7 R4 X
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" n; t/ v. L* m; ?
Of course the speech was not only ruthless, but utterly deranged. We're used to that from Qaddafi, but this latest performance took his mania to a whole new level. He appeared unusually disoriented and rambling, at one point pausing to read out “transgressions” worthy of the death penalty under Libyan law. These seem to cover virtually everything other than obsequious fawning before him. At the same time, he produced familiar rhetoric about being a humble man with virtually no possessions and no real ambitions: a simple servant of the nation.In the same breath, he was as megalomaniacal as possible, claiming to be the soul of the nation and “not a normal person” (hardly a revelation, although I doubt most listeners took it in the way he meant.) Moments later, he accused the demonstrators of being both hardened, ultra religious, fundamentalist"followers of bin Laden and Zawahiri" and of also being shiftless teenage drug addicts. Neither are true, but please, pick one. He repeatedly implied that because of the protests Libya was about to be simultaneously attacked by Al Qaeda AND the United States (as if they work hand in glove), and went so far as to dig up the name of Zarqawi, a menacing figure no one has mentioned for many, many years. It was all part of an incoherent and kitchen-sink parade of horribles and monsters designed to strike terror into the hearts of the listeners. Underneath it all it was clear that the biggest monster in this imaginary evil pantheon is Qaddafi himself, and he made no bones about his willingness to spill blood and burn down his own society.公仔箱論壇! \2 @5 w8 p* c" y# d/ R9 M0 Z1 R
& z9 r3 Q( s9 W
In terms of Libyan domestic politics, other than promising a bloodbath if the rebellion continues, Qaddafi appealed to tribal leaders in the most paternalistic terms, insisting that he has done a tremendous amount for them and demanding their continued support. Other than those elements of the regime and the military which remain loyal to him for whatever reason, and of course the foreign mercenaries he pays, his only bet is that some kind of deep, local,tribal politics will somehow provide him with a constituency that survives the uprising and his own outrageous conduct. This seems unlikely, but few observers outside of Libya are well informed enough about these deep local politics to be certain. As I've been saying since Saturday morning, it seems to be only a matter of time before the Gaddafi regime falls, and the main question is how many people will be killed in the process and what the endgame will throw up in its place.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) S  `! j$ A) U) Y
Obviously the first impulse of any reasonable person under such circumstances is to ask how this dreadful situation can be most quickly resolved and with the minimum of bloodshed. My initial reaction to calls for foreign intervention, including a no-fly zone, was at least ambivalent and skeptical. Following his speech today, which was mainly a litany of overt threats against the population at large, both the international community and sober observers will have to think twice about maintaining any kind of hands-off attitude and simply leaving it up to the Libyans themselves (which obviously is a preferable scenario, all things being equal.) Clearly there is a strong case to be made for freezing regime assets, wide-ranging economic sanctions and even no-fly zones. A robust international response to not only the violence of the past few days but also the threat of much wider violence from Gaddafi is undoubtedly called for., ]. Q8 G% z1 P2 ^

; z9 {6 t6 i  U$ Y, K& M# l( }/ itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe problem is that economic measures will take a good deal of time to have any real effect, let alone lead to regime change, while the crisis is urgent and,if it is taken seriously as a moral and political (and maybe even strategic)crisis, really cannot wait for the grinding attrition which such measures can actually inflict. No-fly zones can, and probably should, be quickly imposed,and it would probably fall to NATO to do that, presumably with UN Security Council backing. However, as with economic sanctions, no-fly zones will only attenuate the degree of violence that the regime can visit upon its people. In few instances have governments needed to resort to air power in order to conduct atrocities and massacres, especially if it is a matter of armed forces confronting unarmed or lightly armed populations. So in the end these measures may well not be sufficient, which is probably one of the main reasons it is taking the international community so long to decide whether they want to undertake them or not. No-fly zones, it should be added, carry with them the prospect of dividing countries into irreconcilable or ungovernable antonymous or even independent zones, and setting the stage for future conflicts on that basis as well, by allowing regional forces to establish the prerogatives of governance for an extended time in a given area that may be difficult to reverse.
7 a, ~+ S  m1 x6 i8 E. r4 k+ vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
1 H( @1 P- Y$ \9 U5.39.217.76Once international intervention to protect the Libyan people from the regime is embraced as a principle and a strategy by the international community, there is every reason to suspect it won't and can't end with no fly zones. If world powers, particularly the West, NATO and the United  States, make a point of intervening on behalf of the Libyan people and economic sanctions prove effectively meaningless and no-fly zones only slightly curb the violence, and especially if greater atrocities and massacres become widespread, a direct intervention by ground forces will become increasingly hard to avoid. The point is that in a case like this largely symbolic measures like economic sanctions and no-fly zones ultimately won't cut it if the regime does not fall under the weight of its own contradictions and if it continues to increase the use of brute force against essentially unarmed civilian populations.
9 x' m% i' d8 a; n7 e  R* a- `' l6 KThe United States government has been very cautious in its approach to the crisis in Libya,disappointing a great many people in the process. President Barack Obama has been virtually silent on the issue, and both he and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have spoken of Libya mostly in the same breath with other Arab states subjected to protest movements. One reason is that the United States does not have much leverage with or in Libya,and presumably does not have particularly good or reliable information either.Another is the fear that strong support from the United  States for the protesters might serve to discredit the opposition in the eyes of some Libyans and other Arabs who are used to thinking of the Americans as the enemy. In addition, there are American and other Western economic interests at stake. And finally, I do think there is a reticence to be sucked into an interventionist stance in Libya given that the logic of such a policy might not allow itself to be restricted to ineffective economic measures and no-fly zones. Such concerns certainly explain the Obama administration's caution on the subject thus far.
+ M/ i* h$ a. F4 p( w/ E' ]* U5.39.217.76
$ W: S( g! x: D% s& C) ]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。But the United States risks being perceived as disinterested in Libya,hypocritical or too attached to the deal that was struck by the Bush administration with the Qaddafi regime over its special weapons program in exchange for international rehabilitation. I don't think this is an accurate reflection of Obama administration attitudes, but such accusations have already surfaced and are likely to gain momentum over time. The UN Security Council meeting this afternoon will reveal much about how far the international community is willing to go. The United States,whatever it wants to do at this stage, will also perforce have to take into consideration attitudes of states like Russia and China that may have very serious reservations about external intervention in Libyan affairs. The Obama administration so far hasn't given any indication of being interested in unilaterally imposing sanctions or no-fly zones without this kind of international backing, assuming it's willing to consider these steps at all.If the US does opt for intervention, it will almost certainly have to be with the backing of a strong international coalition and it is extremely unlikely to act alone or in the face of strong Chinese, Russian or other opposition.公仔箱論壇0 h3 S8 L8 W0 ?) F

3 l: B" i1 g$ ?9 P1 E9 k! h+ fTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。For the past couple of decades in cases such as Somalia,Haiti, Rwanda,Kosovo and elsewhere, the international community and the West in particular have been caught between a new rhetoric of international liberal and humanitarian interventionism on the one hand versus the principle of non-interference and rejecting the legacy of colonialism on the other. The Libyan case is quickly becoming the latest conundrum over whether Western interventions (because it is going to have to be Western, I'm afraid) can legitimately take the form of liberal, humanitarian interventions consistent with an enlightened approach to international law and legitimacy or whether they will also be partly, at heart, or inevitably degenerate into new expressions of old-fashioned colonialism or imperialism.公仔箱論壇, g# s( i& ]4 R& V8 o- \

! ?9 N' s* l, N+ |% JWithout question the Tunisian and Egyptian models, in which popular protests were able to unseat hated dictators and kick off a process of reform that has a very realistic fighting chance of producing reasonably democratic systems, is far preferable to most people in the Middle East and around the world than the Iraq model in which American invasion and occupation, not to mention protracted civil conflict, set the stage for the possible emergence of a stable democracy.The problem is that the Libyan case probably looks a lot more like what Iraqis would have encountered from Saddam Hussein if they had risen up in this manner,and it's very difficult to imagine the Iraqi system under Saddam allowing a"velvet revolution" to succeed or his army throwing him out in a soft coup as happened to Ben Ali and Mubarak. And, of course, direct Western intervention on the ground opens space for various forms of extremists,including Salafist-Jihadists of the Al Qaeda variety, to open new fronts against both Western interests and mainstream Arab societies, as happened in Iraq,and for civil conflict driven by communal or power politics to proceed under the guise of combating foreign occupations.3 P. G" D3 u! U2 U7 T3 ]7 `
; y- W) s! G$ |. ?+ N
So the problem of international intervention is not nearly as simple as some people are making it out to be because the steps that are being proposed may well prove ineffective and require stronger measures requiring a much more serious commitment, and more blowback, internal and external opposition and unintended consequences. On the other hand, following the demonstrated ruthlessness of Qaddafi and, especially, his blatant threats in his speech today of greatly escalated violence, atrocities and massacres and his approving invocation of various dreadful incidents around the world as a model for how to deal with rebellion and insurrection, doing nothing may be even less attractive or defensible than starting to seriously do something on an international basis in spite of the considerable risks.

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