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標題: 內憂未除又生外患 [打印本頁]

作者: jjwah    時間: 2011-2-20 01:25 PM     標題: 內憂未除又生外患

6 Z: y. M/ Y5 X3 _tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb先不說上海一次過推出的十幾個重點旅遊項目規模之大、投資之巨,單比較滬港兩地都有的迪士尼樂園,已經讓港人汗顏。上海迪士尼日後面積數倍於香港的姐妹樂園,預計每年吸引遊客過千萬人次,而香港迪士尼去年「破紀錄」的數字,也不過五百二十萬人次。更何況,香港迪士尼被形容為「孤島」,而上海迪士尼卻能輻射整個長三角地區,是帶動周邊旅遊業發展的龍頭,潛力無可限量。
( F9 b, P' I# S, O* C& q; [" N. r公仔箱論壇硬件差異並非旅遊業及兩地經濟前景的決定性因素,最令人擔憂的,是政府施政取態的差異。上海當局雄心勃勃,藉建立國際金融中心和航運中心的機遇推動旅遊業發展,進一步確立國際都市形象。反觀港府,競爭對手咄咄逼人,四面楚歌,依然老神在在等運到。
$ i  p2 H3 j% Z3 j& @公仔箱論壇煲呔曾前幾天仍舊調重彈,說兩地定位不同,金融發展範圍大,不擔心有惡性競爭。此時此刻說這樣的廢話,不是自我安慰,就是白癡。話音未落,市場便傳出上海證券交易所棄港交所,欲與巴西交易所「聯姻」的消息,果然人算不如天算。
! u; k$ M5 f+ S6 [% e* o' @全國人大常委會副秘書長喬曉陽日前針對香港金融中心地位不保的憂慮派定心丸,稱「香港五十年不變,五十年之後也不須要變」。喬老爺此言差矣,繼續讓庸官治港,恐怕五十年大限未到,香港已淪為中國的二、三流城市了。

作者: aa00    時間: 2011-2-20 02:31 PM

《紐約時報》著名記者湯馬斯•佛思曼(Thomas L. Friedman),其著作《世界是平的──把握這個趨勢,在二十一世紀才有競爭力》,曾說::「世界就像一場足球賽,如果你不夠強,那你就只能坐在場外觀看比賽。」公仔箱論壇& ], L7 H* r6 Z, I+ v9 n) c8 G% p
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ ^% v/ f- Q7 c6 A
作者: Gambit_Kit    時間: 2011-2-20 11:06 PM

香港所有地位不保 if they dont improve
作者: felicity2010    時間: 2011-2-21 07:56 AM

With less than two years remaining in office, we cannot expect much from 曾蔭權. He and the officials treat their positions as jobs, that exemplifies through their lack of visions and the tenacity in upholding policies for the good of Hong Kong. Although 中央政府 has a blueprint for the roles of different cities, Hong Kong still can assert her own part to her best advantage. It is really sad that we see no distinguished personality among the candidates for the Chief Executive race.  The level playing field advocated by Thomas  Friedman never exists and the US had policies to protect their own budding industries through various means such as high tariff and banning  import. Only when these industries can compete internationally then these trade barriers would be removed. The rosy pictures portrayed by Friedman of globalization now project irony, more of exploitation than  benefiting to the developing countries.  Free trade and the removal of trade barriers only serve the developed countries' interests. This is kind of crystal clear in countries that are in the IMF or World Bank salvage list. Part of the reason why China emerging from the financial crisis relatively unscathed is her tight fiscal policy. Hong Kong should be more bold in implementing plans that would cast the future role of the city. Unfortunately, this requires vision and fortitude that are absent in the ruling elites.
作者: aa00    時間: 2011-2-21 09:30 PM

Thomas L. Friedman的另一句話「小時候我常聽爸媽說:『兒子啊,乖乖把飯吃完,因為中國跟印度的小孩沒飯吃。』現在我則說:『女兒啊,乖乖把書唸完,因為中國跟印度的小孩正等著搶你的飯碗。」
8 i5 m% q9 s8 _5 [' j$ Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
6 ~: G3 H3 U( w: v6 X- Y一位記者都懂的道理,卻為何在位者不思、不聞、不覺?, L4 c  K/ V* I$ \. O" s8 [& {
! u9 O0 |6 X" P  d5 g* I
是看不見嗎?能有所不及嗎?           還只是『天下莫不知,天下莫能行』罷了!

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