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標題: 多螢幕系統 [打印本頁]

作者: julianneteng    時間: 2007-7-29 08:24 PM     標題: 多螢幕系統

CPU:控肉 E6700
主機板技嘉DQ6 P35
記憶體:黑金鋼 D9GMH DDR2 800X2
硬碟:WD 小暴龍37GX1 +WD 企業版 250GX1
電源供應器:振華 模組 500瓦
光碟機先鋒A212 SATA介面X2 (E-SATA外接)
顯示卡:青雲 7900GX2 + SAMSUNG 205BW 主螢幕
           微星 7900GTX + BenQ 19吋X2

作者: 大灰鴻    時間: 2007-7-29 08:45 PM

作者: 天一    時間: 2007-7-29 09:11 PM

作者: spawn_81    時間: 2007-7-29 10:15 PM

i very like u pc..... cool, very ver cool...~~~~

how can u do that, 1 pc 3 os system?????
can u tech me??????
作者: julianneteng    時間: 2007-7-29 10:29 PM

??? 天一 ? 2007-7-29 09:11 PM ???
HAHA..Thats not my PC,
作者: asus_p2_vb    時間: 2007-7-29 11:16 PM

how can it be ?? that's cool man, im thought those monitor must be in same branded than can  combine together .
and now u show us is different monitors combine together, actually u know how to do it ??
bcause last time im work part-time (fix comp.), have a customer want to use 2 monitors (acer monitors) to combine it as a 多螢幕系統 it succeed but combine with different monitors is not succeed.
作者: asus_p2_vb    時間: 2007-7-29 11:28 PM

oh yeah finally, had already  produce some of the product like this:

[ ????? asus_p2_vb ? 2007-7-29 11:30 PM ?? ]
作者: coelacanth5    時間: 2007-7-30 10:24 AM

its simple, everybody can do that if yr pc has enough graphic card or output .
max monitor for xp is 9, but vista dont know
作者: asus_p2_vb    時間: 2007-7-30 11:41 AM

原帖由 coelacanth5 於 2007-7-30 10:24 AM 發表。
its simple, everybody can do that if yr pc has enough graphic card or output .
max monitor for xp is 9, but vista dont know
what u mean have enough graphic card?? r u mean that need to have 2 or 3 graphic card or something else??
so if im using laptop that have 2 output (1 is something like connect to projector and another 1 is something like connect to TV), is it possible to setting up 3 or more than 3 monitors as a "multiple monitor system"??
if yes, can u post the guide for setting up the "multiple monitor system" in win xp sp 2??
作者: coelacanth5    時間: 2007-7-30 01:48 PM     標題: 回復第 9 帖由 asus_p2_vb 所發的帖子

e.g.  dual monitor for win xp sp2 or any os :

assume u have some basic pc knowledges,

if yr graphic card has  dvi and D output then u already can set up 2 mons, if add another deiplay card then 3-4 mon.............

Plug in your 2 mons,  win will auto read the connections.

Go to win display properties  -  settings , and u see  2 mons on screen,  1 & 2
u can choose which mon to be yr primary and second [of course the better shld be primary]
u can have different resolution for each mon,

Select 1 as primary
click 2  the seconary and check the box extend my win desktop to this mon
setup the resolution for both resp.  test yr mons by clicking 1 or 2 showing correctly.

Now u can try open explorer, drag exp win from mon 1 to 2 [max win cannot be dragged]
after moving u can maxi the win.

this is the simpliest setup method.

Furthermore, u need a software to setup different wallpapers, or dual wallpaoers on all mons
once u get to the above, let me know post again.  
作者: asus_p2_vb    時間: 2007-7-30 04:04 PM

maybe im get the point, anyway thx for your guide ^^
作者: julianneteng    時間: 2007-7-30 10:07 PM     標題: 回復第 10 帖由 coelacanth5 所發的帖子

As you said
顯示卡:青雲 7900GX2 + SAMSUNG 205BW 主螢幕
顯示卡:微星 7900GTX + BenQ 19吋X2
3 cards + 3 LCD monitors

[ 本帖最後由 julianneteng 於 2007-7-30 10:12 PM 編輯 ]
作者: kkboy2006    時間: 2007-8-10 11:32 AM

但有無可能3個display都係行digital 呢?
街度賣的display 都係1個analog, 1個digital 出...
作者: SmartP    時間: 2007-8-11 07:56 AM

只要有足夠嘅接口就得,我試過系一部 2M onboard + 1張8M PCI照玩雙顯, 當然相應嘅 resolution 同特效須要對應嘅最低顯存


作者: stephenhor    時間: 2007-9-6 07:19 AM

作者: qq2535    時間: 2008-1-13 02:20 PM

作者: jluk888    時間: 2008-1-21 12:21 AM     標題: MIDI.MMF播放.切割軟體PsmPlayerV5.0h(免安裝)~可用於手機鈴聲編輯


【下載空間】 (= 心享社 =)
作者: swimmerebbs    時間: 2008-2-14 06:35 AM

jullia your system is very smart!

anyone can tell me what is "water cool" (水冷)
作者: jamlai    時間: 2008-3-18 11:39 AM

Thank you

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