祝大家新年快樂﹐新一年有新的理想達成!個人對 COSPLAY 佩服﹐敢於或喜歡扮演給別人面前是不易
所以我地都要尊重﹐給予讚賞作者: hellson1969 時間: 2011-1-2 04:00 AM
aira 又索又性感!!正
祝願大家新年快樂!身体健康,心想事成,财源广进,理想達成!!作者: beckyken 時間: 2011-1-2 11:31 AM
Try not to look at the area, but the "double zero" looks really attractive while the logo is marked in front of the body. She looks pretty too. Red is good color during the new year.作者: ttt2 時間: 2011-1-2 04:53 PM