My ex break with me, she said that she cant live without me .... but 1 week later she date with my fren !! tats great ~作者: tazkwan 時間: 2011-1-3 05:07 PM
不會阿,我覺得只要不是重疊,且分得乾乾淨淨,都不叫花心阿~合則來~不合則去而已!最討厭要分不分,再那藕斷絲連的!作者: loneli 時間: 2011-1-22 05:23 AM
當兩人已經分手, 大家都有自由再去選擇其他人, 不管時間的長短,正正是已經分了手,那就是已經完了 緣了, 那又何來的花心與否...作者: nicolelowcy 時間: 2011-1-23 11:46 AM
hm... u can't do anything with fate5.39.217.76* n/ q5 C% r- k- T
if, he or she really meets someone nice, why not公仔箱論壇! u" k: f% F7 g, l
no point to hold on to the past作者: 棄天 時間: 2012-8-15 05:22 PM