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標題: 阿拉伯女人這樣吃面 [打印本頁]

作者: Shadowkail    時間: 2010-10-30 11:38 AM     標題: 阿拉伯女人這樣吃面

作者: cheong3033    時間: 2010-10-30 11:58 AM

yes, due to their islamic rules, for lady need to close the face.! `6 F6 F; X; L0 D
Only can let their husband see their face only.
# ~- }  a/ }9 P# _/ \6 {) H9 ~whatever eating, how hot, if outside the house, must close all.4 ?2 J  E3 c  ~5 A) j' `6 ?
Hehe, thats why, thnx 
作者: 龙王    時間: 2010-10-30 11:10 PM

作者: edisonfsf    時間: 2010-10-30 11:52 PM

Muslim are like this, No matter where they are,
/ c0 t0 I/ d4 l* a7 H2 Qthey have to cover from head to toe, only can allow the eyes公仔箱論壇# a: t% t7 u) R( \5 f
to be show to others. But is really unfair, the guys do not have to
4 ^7 n; ]8 B9 \  k" E, g& X0 c4 }cover their faces and all, but only make the woman do it.
作者: wow999    時間: 2010-10-31 02:30 AM

tell them if they have to follow that rule don't eat at outside..go buy take out order ...don't want see people eating like thatthank you
作者: 路飞0323    時間: 2010-10-31 10:08 AM

作者: kenji_2046    時間: 2010-10-31 11:07 AM

我知道這是他們的回教法,$ s: Q- w& v) d
縂覺得女人是受委屈的,爲了不讓男人犯錯,就要女人把自己包得像忍者一樣,爲何當時設教規的長老不向男人下手呢?可見當時舊社會的回教是有一點重男輕女的。只要女人不要穿得太暴露可以了,如果他們回教的教導是很好的話,跟隨它的教徒就不會心術不正的,眼前是多麽誘惑都好,他們也是會規規矩矩的。若是要人規規矩矩,爲何還要爲難當下的女人呢?這只不過是他們的宗教始終對他們的男教徒沒信心才設下這教規作爲藉口.... 我看他們吃一碗面需要一小時多才行的話,不如乾脆打包回家一個人吃好了...
作者: hh1955kk    時間: 2010-10-31 04:07 PM

Thanks for sharing, it is difficult to understand 回教 expecially the rules to women.
作者: Shadowkail    時間: 2010-10-31 04:37 PM

作者: 1orisun    時間: 2010-10-31 06:04 PM

you only can see there eyes, but it is very hard to know who is man or woman.
作者: Vivatile    時間: 2010-10-31 06:24 PM

Rules make life difficult........but we should respect them ,bcoz this is their belief, what can says is their not dare to fight for their rights.
作者: Vivatile    時間: 2010-10-31 06:30 PM

To rectify,...No all muslim is like that (like malaysia), the malay here don't have to cover their face.
作者: paparaaapa    時間: 2010-10-31 06:39 PM


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