勞倫斯教授1985年在她13歲時成為牛津大學歷來最年輕的數學系畢業生。 過去一直由父親教導的她如今雖然貴為以色列一位數學教授、已婚並育有兩名孩子,但她已表明不會讓她的兒子步她後塵。 作者: Gambit_Kit 時間: 2010-9-6 09:26 AM
she became a hooker was it because the need for money???
I think is pretty much depending of her family as she said 父母令她的生活過得很苦, may be if her parent did not push her so hard so might not went for the wrong direction.作者: hippy_123 時間: 2010-9-6 11:50 AM