卡萨湖位于川西炉霍县充古乡境内,在川藏北线317国道旁,距县城西北部57公里处,南邻卡萨村,东靠马日贡山,湖面海拨3510米。 , J+ ?4 C2 c+ O9 Ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvb这里四周雪山环抱,喇嘛庙建在湖边,开阔的山坡草地上牛羊成群,骏马奔跑,湖中有野鸭、飞鸟戏水,湖边鲜花盛开,芳草连天;远处的雪山云雾缥缈,近处的湖水色彩斑斓,宛若一片远离红尘的人间仙境。 ' _5 L0 x% q8 P' A' x% c U* t公仔箱論壇卡萨湖的雪山之水清澈、纯净、梦幻,一切都显得那么的自然。这里的湖水有一种韵味,迷离之中带着惊艳;变幻之中显得空灵,美的令人窒息!仿佛让人乘着一叶心灵的方舟,穿越万丈红尘,找到了一个宁静的港湾,一座美丽的天堂。 ! Q- Z6 h7 U$ @, K, h9 L, l& R8 j5.39.217.76 0 b. U, q. F0 A, b( p公仔箱論壇[attach]1071683[/attach][attach]1071684[/attach][attach]1071685[/attach][attach]1071686[/attach][attach]1071687[/attach][attach]1071688[/attach][attach]1071689[/attach][attach]1071690[/attach][attach]1071691[/attach][attach]1071682[/attach]& d* F; g+ @! O! z/ B8 \" r A 作者: norman.ho 時間: 2010-7-25 06:43 PM
Beautiful landscapes, the big flat basin must be great farmland both for agriculture and raising cattle. When I was looking at the first few pictures, I was thinking it must be quite an effort to hike up to the mountain to take these shots; then when I come to the last photo, I realized there was some cheating done here, all was achieved in modern comfort.作者: orchids 時間: 2010-7-27 07:43 PM
norman.ho there is no cheating at all, it is a car advertisement.