朝鲜士兵太失职了,那老美婆娘来板门店明摆的就是向朝鲜挑衅的,当她短暂踏上北朝鲜的土地,朝鲜士兵就该一枪嘣了她。南朝鲜想勾结外人欺负自己同胞,那么好吧,你们朝鲜人就搬出生产出来的,或者还没完成的核武器和南朝鲜一起玩完吧!金正日该告诫美国老儿和南朝鲜,不要欺人太甚,狗急了也会跳墙,何况你们朝鲜还是个顶天立地的人儿。作者: felicity2010 時間: 2010-7-23 12:35 AM
North Korea is one of major factors for the instability in the region. The Kim Jong-il's regime is an autocratic government which survives at the expense of the North Korean public. It is sad to learn, amid occasional reports, that the people in North Korea are living in miserable condition and abject poverty. In a nutshell, it is a "thug" state, causing crises after crises solely for extorting money. China was embarrassed in several occasions due to the erratic actions of Kim. It brings into question of how much influence China has on the regime. The series of military drill certainly have political and military motives , serving to strengthen the American role in the region which seems fading in the last decade.