The crux of the Israeli-Palestinian problem is on UN resolution 242 and 338. Palestinians encountered a series of mishap resulting in their present condition. Early on King Abdullah of Transjordan asserted himself as the sole representative of them in all negotiations whereas his true reason was territorial gain. The incumbent Likud party, founded by Begin, continues an approach to build settlements not only in strategically important areas but across the entire length and breadth of the West Bank in order to foreclose the option of territorial compromise. They refuse to recognize the Palestine as a state and to trade land for peace. This is most vividly demonstrated by Yitzhak Shamir, one of the most intransigent Israeli leader, who put up so many barricades (publicly blaming the Palestinians for the failure) aiming solely to break down negotiations. The only hope though fleetingly, was Oslo Accords in 1993 hammered out by Yitzak Rabin and Arafat. The real Netanyahu was shown clearly in the funeral of Rabin after his assassination in 1995. Mrs. Rabin shook hands with Arafat in the funeral but refused to do the same with Netanyahu. She was certain the assassin was incited by his inflammatory attacks on her husband. In fact, he practically dismantled the Oslo Accords and stalled any further negotiation, but continue to build settlement. I believe this policy would continue. I am a pessimist and see no light at the end of the tunnel. Given the powerful Jewish clout in political, financial and intellectual circle in the US, there would not be any major change or breakthrough in policy (Of course I hope I am wrong).作者: hippy_123 時間: 2010-7-7 11:18 AM