澳洲人傷透腦筋,因為這些蟾蜍不僅繁殖能力強,還帶有毒性,已經為當地生態帶來極大威脅。作者: lkfight 時間: 2010-6-28 09:57 AM
没有照片....都不知道是什么东西。作者: norman.ho 時間: 2010-6-28 10:49 AM
本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2010-6-28 10:52 AM 編輯
My little contribution, 甘蔗蟾蜍 or Cane toad:
And no kidding: 作者: so7 時間: 2010-6-28 11:31 AM
I cannot imagine how does the 人魚 looks like because there is no picture.
But the toad that was holding by the little boy was really big.作者: werteen 時間: 2010-6-30 10:21 PM
omg..d toad is fricking big...so scary..
n if got photo for d human fish..it will much better.. ^^作者: power87 時間: 2010-7-2 08:31 PM