本帖最後由 k23bb 於 2010-6-5 08:23 PM 編輯
5 q& t6 B/ ?$ m! H; k0 S2 Ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 V2 X; R- v( t J8 }
, C4 H: i( V; {: y# L2 G公仔箱論壇LAKE TAHOE CALIFORNIA NEVADA USA公仔箱論壇* M8 O5 e7 v [+ D6 `0 D" q6 d* A ~$ w- F: y6 s, ~
·tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 r: @" h# E0 m7 [& | X4 S0 I
Lake Tahoe is the highest lake of its size inthe United States and thelargest alpine lake in North America. 公仔箱論壇* `* E4 n+ X5 ]' p
8 T* x6 G/ h" b! L3 S8 R0 {公仔箱論壇Lake Tahoe is as long as the English Channelis wide with the width of Tahoe being half again as wide as San Francisco Bay.公仔箱論壇4 }2 u4 X- d9 f3 g
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With one dispersion of Lake Tahoe's water,the State of Californiawould be completely covered to a depth of 14.5 inches. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( }# M# d% |- K+ i: v. N
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The Panama Canal (700 feet in width and 50feet in depth) could be filled by Lake Tahoe's water and extend completelyaround the earth at the equator, with enough remaining in the lake to fillanother channel of the same width and depth running from San Francisco to NewYork.
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An average 1,400,000 tons of water evaporatesfrom the surface of Lake Tahoe every 24 hours,yet this drops the lake level only one-tenth of an inch.
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, u* \6 k% s0 Z4 O g$ U3 atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbIf the water that evaporates from the lakeevery 24 hours could be recovered, it would supply the daily requirements of apopulation of 3,500,000 people.
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Lake Tahoe'swater is 99.9% pure. The water is so clear that a 10 inch white dinner platewould be visible at 75 feet below the surface.
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. Y# O0 }! }, k! Z. s3 U! h# Y% M9 CThere are 63 tributaries draining into LakeTahoe with only one outlet at the Truckee River.
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Maximum Elevation: 6,229 feet Length: 22 miles Width: 12miles Maximum Depth: 1,645 feet Average Depth: 989 feet Shoreline: 72 milesSurface Area: 193 sq. mi. or 122,200 acres Volume: 39 trillion gallons or 122million acre feet of water Surface Water Temp: Maximum - 68 degrees F, Minimum- 41 degrees F Temperatures at 200 feet: Maximum - 47 degrees F, Minimum - 41degrees F
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Lake Tahoe is the home of
2 D1 R7 m+ n% v' P8 D24hr high energy fun loving mountaindestination and a magnificent sierra with day time outdoor recreation from 39trillion gallons of crystal clear blue water, reigned by pine covered peakrising about 10,000 ft. Spring, Summer and fall are all prime time for alloutdoor activities, which can be as tranquil or exhilarating as individualtaste dictated. Lake Tahoe provides some ofthe world class winter sports in the winter seasons
0 y. C. ?; A6 e: E. {% Itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe south shore doesn’t stopped buzzing when the sun goesdown, night time crackles with energy spanning the Nevada Stateline of Casinos, Restaurants. Bars and evening entertainment.
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