本帖最後由 bchew 於 2010-4-14 08:09 AM 編輯
{5 B% c# J! P0 p公仔箱論壇& C. A& \& d0 C$ A* n
Hailuogou lies in the southeast of Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province,east slope of Mt. Gongga and is a skyscraping mountain in the east of Qinghai-Tibet Platean.Hailuogou Scenic Area is a low altitude modern oceanic glacier ,complete virgin forest as well as integrative scenic area consisting of boiling,hot,and cold springs in Asia,nearest to megapolis and easiest to get.# n" E+ p8 E) v5 W7 {; N3 f
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ U. N* ~8 ?% n* r( |5 G7 ^
Hailuogou glacier is also called No.1 Glacier.It is 14.7 km long and is the longest in the 71 glaciers of Mt. Gongga.It occupies an area of 16 sq.km with highest height of 6750 m and lowest 2850 m.It possesses 3 steps longitudinally:firn basin,the gestation place of glacier;icefall,500 to 1100 meters wide and 1080 high which is the highest and grandest icefall in China and gracier tongue which extends 6 km into the forest,forming strange scene of the coexistence of forest and galcier.The activity of Hailuogou Glacier is very strong.In the movement of glacier,there forms glacier circular arch,ice cavern,glacial staircase,ice gate,ice lake and serac which are as glittering and translucent as jade and crystal.
; p9 P" A5 f5 Wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. y6 v6 K) x5 _% ^1 w1 |5 m
Hailuogou is "A ditch four seasons, different climate without ten Miles" climate characteristics, warm in winter, cool in summer, fewer clouds and more sunshine, the annual rainfall 2000mm. Four Seasons Hailuogou can travel from the landscape and climate conditions, is an ideal tourism, vacation, convalescence, mountain climbing, scientific exploration, adventure holidays.
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. ]4 \3 f: q8 k' Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb海螺沟位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州东南部,贡嘎山东坡,是青藏高原东缘的极高山地。海螺沟位于贡嘎雪峰脚下,以低海拔现代冰川著称于世。晶莹的现代冰川从高峻的山谷铺泻而下。飞起三百万,将寂静的山谷装点成玉洁冰清的琼楼玉宇;巨大的冰洞、险峻的冰桥,使人如入神话中的水晶宫。特别是举世无双的大冰瀑布,高达1000多米,宽约1100米,比著名的黄果树瀑布大出十余倍,瑰丽非凡。晴天月夜,景象万千,令人一见之后,终生不忘。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 x' \4 M Q/ a3 f! Q! r. v
0 g2 z5 P' f6 S0 S) z. ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb【外形】公仔箱論壇0 O/ ]% a& Y. d6 n. c" H
海螺沟风景区是亚洲东部海拔最低;离大城市最近的、最容易进入的低海拔现代海洋性冰川,生态完整的原始森林和高山沸、热、温、冷泉为一体构成的综合型旅游风景区。 海螺沟冰川又称一号冰川,全长14.7公里,是贡嘎山71条冰川中最长的一条,面积16平方公里,最高海拔6750米,最低海拔仅2850米,沿纵向呈三级台阶:粒雪盆,冰川的孕育地;大冰瀑布,宽500—1100米,高1080米,是我国迄今发现的最高大、最壮观的冰川瀑布;冰川舌,伸入原始森林达6公里,形成冰川与森林共存的奇绝景观。海螺沟冰川活动性最强,在冰川的运动中,形成晶莹如翡翠、水晶的冰川弧拱、冰洞、冰阶梯、冰门、冰湖、冰峰。$ K9 g4 t* u' W2 `0 \2 R
4 _: O8 K/ f# W5 cTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。海螺沟有“一沟有四季,十里不同天”的气候特征,冬暖夏凉,云雾多日照少,年降水量2000mm。海螺沟四季可游,不受气候和景观条件的限制,是理想的旅游、度假、疗养、登山、科考、探险的好去处。+ s8 E, l* e* D4 P
海螺沟地形复杂,气候类型特殊,山下长春无夏,植被茂盛,绿荫苍翠,气候宜人,年平均气温在 15℃左右。山顶终年积雪,年平均气温在-9℃左右。 M* c. ` p* J
气候:海螺沟地区因垂直高差大、气候类型特殊,山下长春无夏,植被丰富,气候宜人,年平均温度在15℃左右。山顶则终年积雪,年平均温度为-9℃。游客若要领略海螺沟特有的低海拔现代冰川(海拔2850 米)的风采,宜早作御寒准备。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 ?5 l% G+ w! U" @
贡嘎山地区的气候深受海拔高度的影响,气温随海拔升高而降低,而降水量随海拔升高而增大。据多年观测资料分析,东坡年平均气温直减率为0.67℃/100米,年降水梯度值为67.5毫米/100米,即海拔每升高100米,气温降低0石7℃,降水量增加67.5毫米。海拔3000米以上的降水梯度可能有所波动,但雪线带的年降水量可能达3000毫米,仍呈现增大的趋势。山地气候的这一特点,使海螺沟从沟口起,出现亚热带、暖温带、寒温带、亚寒带、寒带和极地带气候的所谓“十里不同大”的变化。 |